- "The president of the European Commission, José Manuel Durao
Barroso, he has left clear that in the case of a hypothetical secession on
behalf of the territory of a state member would have to negotiate an agreement
solution with the international legislation so that the citizens of the freed
territory maintain the European citizenship that is complementary but it
doesn't substitute to the national one, according to the Treaty of Operation of
the European" Union -. I imagine that this news this taken out of context to not give
explanations requested by anybody, at the moment.
paragraph is as absurd as the columnist's intention that agreed to publish it I
suppose ennobled by the Spanish national more right-wing part that takes out
tip before catching the pencil against the possible intention of Catalonia of
getting the secession of the group of the current Spain, we will see, in the
supposition that we speak of Catalonia if there is a secession the inhabitants
of Catalonia, they will be Catalan, neither Spaniards by no means “European unionist”,
this last it will follow an annexation process like they are making it
countries like Bulgaria or Rumania etc., but this is another thing. It is so
from common sense that makes frankly bad to the eyes to read opinions like he
said before not requested by anybody.
In the
hypothetical case of a secession of a part of a State member, the solution
would have to be and to be negotiated, inside the legal classification among
the own state, the secessionist part, and the international right, this is the
road if it is a secession requested by peaceful beds, and framed inside the
international legality. The in route to a secession can be as complicated as
the dominant nation he wants to oppose, but today in day before an
international court there is not another solution to the problem, a firm
segregation decision, is practically impossible of hindering, if the part
interested salvo one to one, the bureaucratic and legal impediments that will
impose him from the totalitarian state and the international court.
Before the
firm segregation purpose, today it cannot oppose himself the force, this action
would bear the international intervention, in form of sanctions of
administrative political type, of trade or financial, to the initiator of the
actions of force or both if was this the case, in the democracy of the century
21 cannot put under an obligation to be somebody what is not wanted to be.
thing is the complexity of the physical act of segregation of territories it is
evident that the most difficult point is to value the elements of physical
infrastructures that should be valued to know the paying-off grade that should
be compensated on the part of the territory separatist when becoming the
absolute proprietor of the dependent infrastructures formerly of the central
state, the establishment of people in the new territory before the new
dependence it is not a problem of relevance but if moral and affective,
although that for the same international law people could choose between to
remain in the new country or to return to that of origin, in a same way the
companies and established business would proceed.
Frankly I
was surprised to read yesterday an article in a Spanish newspaper on the
hypothetical calamities and almost impossibilities of a segregation, in a
moment that nobody has requested it in Spain, this is like an invitation to
make it on the part of I don't know very well that Spanish nationalist groups,
I would tell them that they don't worry before time although it is well that
they are informed, and in this case makes it better because the incongruity of
the article, (made without a doubt of manifestations and caught parts in way it
" it copies
and adds"), it was lamentable.