The general secretary of the PP, Maria Dolores
of Cospedal, it has denied the published information’s this Thursday for the
newspaper 'The Country' on the supposed hidden" "accounting of their
party. "The accounting of the PP is only, white, transparent, clean and
subjected to the Tribunal of Bills", it has assured, frankly he could not
make another thing, but what is inconceivable, is the arguments that it has
developed in support of this defense.
The number two of the party have attributed the
diffused data this Thursday to an intent of "harming the PP and their
leaders", for what has manifested the "indignation of the party"
and she has announced that this she will take judicial" "actions
without specifying when, against this in formations and all those that diffuse
them. Interesting attitude keeping in mind that two months ago, neither their
party neither their government, they wanted to make anything against some
presumed false accusations manufactured by the own police of the state and that
they were able to alter some autonomous elections.
She has committed with the press to make public
the internal investigation that, around this matter, it is carrying out in the
PP. In her declarations of the rent of the conservative leaders will be
included and it has confirmed that herself, she has already sworn before the
current treasurer, Carmen Navarrese that has not received quantity some of the
party that doesn't figure in their payroll, with retention for the IRPF and
Social security.
Frankly this gives that to think that or they
are absolutely silly them, or they believe that we are it us, Mrs. Cospedal in
any rent declaration nobody, any person, with two brain fingers, he will
declare money received in envelopes. But it is that to swear before other
presumed collector of the same system and member of the party that is already
of guard's tribunal, but not of the justice, but of an insane hospital that
value has an oath to a friend for god they don't laugh at us.
And it is that for if it was little the now
president of the Senate, Pio García Escudero, has confirmed that, like it
consists in the diffused countable notes this Thursday, he received a credit of
the party that later returned. "He will know if he has requested loan and
they have given" it to him, the general secretary of the PP has responded
that surprisingly he seems to be that she doesn't know if he has returned it,
adding that although she is certain that she doesn't give him truthfulness, in
her opinion, to the papers of 'The Country'. Oh because in that discharge
estimates you have the president of the Senate
Also today Luis Bárcenas has assured, in an
official statement remitted “Efe” that were never made to leaders that were not
picked up in the accounting declared officially, in the years in that it was
manager and treasurer of the PP payments neither registration was taken some of
entrances or exits of funds different to those declared, curious sentence this
last one because not you if he refers to that the envelopes B was not aimed or
that there never were not funds B, I lean to think that he tried to say at the
moment without success that there was not list.
The former treasurer's unexpected reaction takes
place some hours after the PP threw another official statement in which denied
the published informations this Thursday for “The Country” in those that he
makes sure that as much Bárcenas as its predecessor in the position, Álvaro
Lapuerta, they would have maintained a parallel hand written accounting to the
official one during its years to the front of the position (from 1990 up to 2008).
And also some minutes before the general secretary of the PP Appeared in the
press wheel that I have already mentioned to give explanations on the matter.
The informations of the newspaper in those that presumed payments are aimed
high leaders of the party, among them the own President Mariano Rajoy and the
general secretary, they have been denied then by the ex tesorero implied now in
the case Gürtel.
In short, a pure sketch of neighbors' and friends,
is what seems to want to look the PP and the government with this brutal fact
for the dignity and recognition of the politics and the economy of Spain, this
goes to make in fact he has already begun to harm a lot of to the country,
because there is not for where to catch it, there are not clear explanations,
these imprecise and absurd explanations, are not worth to make them before the
fair same accused or wrongly, that will decide it the justice and that is clear
that at the moment, he doesn't have neither the PP neither the government the
but minimum intention of making it, is as it of the economic rescue, if they
enter of it will be investigated it can sink the whole Spanish political