jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


In view of the events that are happened daily in Spain and that in the bottom they are always the same ones although they get dressed with new names of actors or with other variants of the facts, finally one realizes that all are framed inside the same objective to have the power of sending, of governing, of being untouchable, of being important, of imposing your reason without to look neither to worry if to other he harms them, it belongs that to me he "walks hot and laugh people" that which demonstrates that this condition is not new if the old Castilian proverb already coins the sentence. 

And it is very certain, I suppose that this character so Spanish has always existed of feeling the only one, the one that all he knows it, the one that is always right, the one that is convinced that the other ones are in an error, and the worst thing that if they say another thing it is alone to go against its interests, never because they offer a better alternative, now the critical situation in that is Spain and its society in general, believes that it makes worse this fact and mainly in the politico’s world, so much so that it seems that we all want to build a new nation, but it is not in fact an only Spain, but the Spain of each one. 

It is intolerable to see that a government that you go before their eyes like it is diluted their credibility and the well to be of the society, be devoted to worsen the things creating conflicting and useless laws to such an extent for the current situation that reinforces their political power, that it extends it until other powers that should be independent, neuter and free according to the constitution that it falsifies the action of the office of the state to alter judicial processes, to distort the action of the justice when it doesn't favor him that maintains economic and fiscal holes that during their last action as opposition, I plan and he lived off them, causing a damage that is already and it will be irreparable it stops more than a generation of Spaniards, even ending up placing a former member of the ruling party as president of the Constitutional Tribunal to assure so can make what comes him in desire. 

This reality that is hard of for yes, to one they are bristled the hair when seeing that it is consequence of the same culture of all the ruling politicians or not, and I believe that all think the same thing “I go hot and laugh people" said otherwise more direct, The politicians want to convince us that Spain gives it stops more than a he "ALI-BABA" and their forty thousand thieves. And this it is the sad reality, here my gentlemen each one wants their cake of this Spain and their government, and he goes and he catches it when he can and he makes of her their farm, passing above laws, constitutions, and rights, and the one that doesn't want to see it, is that it is one of those that also wants their own cake piece. 

The things have reached this way the conclusion that Spain should go thinking of becoming independent of the national and indivisible unique Spain for the god grace, and the only doubt that I have it is that not you in how many independence should have but we will analyze this phenomenon a little, let us see: A serious one the Spain of the right framed in the center/north, other that of the left more guided to the south, another in Catalan country that is already attempting it, that is to say as minimum they leave me three clear independence, then it would be for the north Navarrese possible Basque, and I personally don't see more, but I allow to the freedom of my readers to think about alternative independent more or less as they are also their preferences. 


A la vista de los acontecimientos que se suceden diariamente en España y que en el fondo son siempre los mismos aunque se vistan con nuevos nombres de actores o con otras variantes de los hechos, al fin uno se da cuenta que todos están enmarcados dentro del mismo objetivo tener el poder de mandar, de gobernar, de ser intocable, de ser importante, de imponer tu razón sin mirar ni preocuparse si a otros les hace daño, es aquello de “ande yo caliente y ríase la gente” lo cual demuestra que esta condicion no es nueva si ya el viejo refranero castellano acuño la frase.

Y es muy cierta, supongo que siempre ha existido este carácter tan español de sentirse el único, el que todo lo sabe, el que siempre tiene razón, el que está convencido que los demás están en un error, y lo peor, que si opinan otra cosa es solo por ir en contra de sus intereses, nunca porque ofrezcan una alternativa mejor, ahora la crítica situación en que se encuentra España y su sociedad en general, creo que agudiza este hecho y sobre todo en el mundo de la política, tanto es así que parece que todos queremos  construir una nueva nación, pero no es precisamente una única España, sino la España de cada cual.

Es intolerable ver que un gobierno, que ante sus ojos ve como se diluye su credibilidad y el bien estar de la sociedad, se dedique a empeorar las cosas creando leyes conflictivas e inútiles para la situación actual, que refuerce su poder político, hasta tal punto, que lo extienda hasta otros poderes que según la constitución deben ser independientes, neutros y libres, que falsee la acción de la fiscalía del estado para alterar procesos judiciales, para distorsionar la acción de la justicia cuando no le favorece, que mantiene agujeros económicos y fiscales, que durante su acción pasada como oposición, planifico y vivió de ellos, ocasionando un daño que ya es y será irreparable para más de una generación de españoles, llegando incluso a colocar un ex miembro del partido gobernante como presidente del Tribunal Constitucional para asegurar así que puede hacer lo que le venga en gana.

Esta realidad que es durísima de por sí, a uno se le erizan los pelos al ver que es consecuencia de la misma cultura de todos los políticos gobernantes o no,  y  creo que todos piensan lo mismo “vaya yo caliente y ríase la gente” dicho de otra manera más directa, Los políticos quieren convencernos que España da para más de un “ALI-BABA” y sus cuarenta mil ladrones. Y esta es la triste realidad, aquí señores míos cada uno quiere su pastel de esta España y su gobierno, y va y lo coge cuando puede y hace de ella su cortijo, pasando por encima de leyes, constituciones, y derechos, y el que no lo quiera ver, es que es uno de los que también quiere su propia trozo de pastel.

Así las cosas he llegado a la conclusión que España debería ir pensando en  independizarse de la España única nacional e indivisible por la gracia de dios, y la única duda que tengo es que no se en cuantas independencias debería de haber pero vamos a analizar un poco este fenómeno, veamos: Una seria la España de la derecha encuadrada en el centro norte, otra la de la izquierda más orientada al sur, otra Catalana que ya lo está intentando, o sea como mínimo me salen tres independencias claras, luego estaría por el norte la posible Vasco Navarra, y yo personalmente no veo más, pero dejo a la libertad de mis lectores plantearse más o menos alternativas independentistas según sean también sus preferencias.


Madrid, autonomy and city, they will lower taxes, Galicia also Extremadura the same thing, today the Secretary of State of Public Administrations, Antonio Beteta, it has guaranteed that the officials (of the central state) they will get paid "entirely" next year the two extraordinary pays that correspond them and it has reiterated the "real" commitment of returning them "presumably in 2015" the pay of Christmas that suppressed them in 2012 and had annotated in declarations to RNE that although some autonomous communities, for budgetary reasons, won't be able to pay their officials the two extras of 2014, "the State yes he will make" it because it is "in financial situation of being able to him to guarantee." 

It is evident the clear allusion to the situation of Catalonia where there are almost no longer pays by no means extras, and the worst thing is still to come because starting from already, the Catalan won't find the medications that we need to continue living more or less healthily, or in the best in the cases, we will buy them with cash and entire those that can be allowed it, those that not, leave to live to Spain where they will give them the medicines, the pays, paid less taxes, etc. Of this comes off an unquestionable truth: for the Spanish government Catalonia is no longer Spain. 

The strategy of total breathlessness to the autonomy of Catalonia is such that already affects directly the citizen, that is to say, the brutal attacks of the government from Spain toward this country, they have surpassed the political game, to pass to even attack using her like weapon and victim at the same time, to the own Catalan civil society. Before this situation and the evidence that the Catalan government cannot make anything, I find unjust and fool to continue acting of expensive and openly against a force, if not bigger, if more willing to play dirty until the last consequences. In front of this, it is necessary to abandon and to surrender for not to suffer more useless damage and to pass to the war of guerrillas, and to convert the illusion of a victory, in the most complete defeat in the winners. 

This would require two actions and strategies: A. - the resignation of the government of the Generalitat, later to the breakup of the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, for the apparent reason that it is untenable and it affects to the constitutional rights of the civil society maintaining it in validity, and B. - the unit of the Catalan civil society the participation of all the civic organizations tunes to the search of the identity national Catalan, those that fight to get the impossible consultation right, how those that go further on and we want to get the complete national independence. 

As consequence of the first part, Catalonia would be wildly and it should be intervened from the central government, which would meet with an economy that him yes it should save immediately, because the civil society should be willing to present all type of demands of late collections, of unpaid services, and to demand the same rights, taxes and conditions that are applied in the rest of Spain then. I would like to know as he would make it Spain of where it would take out the money like it would solve the deficit of the year, and mainly like it would justify before the European Commission this circumstance so peculiar, 

I suppose that the central government would have to outline some autonomous elections quickly in Catalonia, or to dissolve all the other autonomies because the structure of the state would be affected when meeting directly with an important part of him outside of the global régime, and clerk of the central state, and all this fact without violence some, to any politician, they can be imputed that before the vision that I lower its government the citizenship it loses day after day its constitutional rights, be dissolved and suspend its statutes for the impossibility of exercising them, passing those who are and they demonstrate continually and convincingly to be above them, the one that they are taken charge of the situation.   

In the face of the possibility that the central government urges to celebrate autonomous elections, the passive action of the society that feels enters again and he wants a new nation and an own identity, before this situation the society should abstain from exercising any voting, this is of vital importance, this way the winners of those elections if they were carried out they would be the representatives of the central state, but with the artificial insecurity that the percentage of obtained votes was legally capable to give it for enough, to create a government that would not represent to the those that he has to govern. 

In summary the situation would be so vastly serious and of some effects so devastating about the political credibility of Spain, and it stops its economy that its stability would be very affected, so much internally as internationally because to explain a situation would be this way almost impossible, what could cause the exclusion of Spain of the UE, in definitive anything more far from that that what says that he would make the CE with Catalonia, very since same it gets it but that yes, I fear myself that Spain would go together to this part for which is not that it fights to retain it, it is that it fights so that it disappears defeated by its imposition.     


Madrid, autonomía y ciudad, bajarán impuestos, Galicia también Extremadura lo mismo, hoy el secretario de Estado de Administraciones Públicas, Antonio Beteta, ha garantizado que los funcionarios (del estado central) cobrarán el próximo año "íntegramente" las dos pagas extraordinarias que les corresponden y ha reiterado el compromiso "real" de devolverles "presumiblemente en 2015" la paga de Navidad que les suprimió en 2012 y a apostillado en declaraciones a RNE, que aunque algunas comunidades autónomas, por razones presupuestarias, no podrán pagar a sus funcionarios las dos extras de 2014, "el Estado sí lo hará" porque está "en situación financiera de poderlo garantizar".

Es evidente la clara alusión a la situación de Catalunya donde casi ya no hay pagas ni mucho menos extras, y lo peor está todavía por venir porque a partir de ya, los catalanes no encontraremos los medicamentos  que necesitamos para seguir viviendo más o menos saludablemente, o en el mejor de los casos, los habremos de comprar al contado e íntegros los que puedan permitírselo, los que no, pueden irse a vivir a España  donde les darán las medicinas, las pagas, pagaran menos impuestos, etc. De esto se desprende una verdad incuestionable: para el gobierno español Catalunya ya no es España.

La estrategia de ahogo total a la autonomía de Catalunya es tal, que ya afecta directamente al ciudadano, es decir, los ataques brutales del gobierno de España hacia este país, han sobrepasado el juego político, para pasar a atacar incluso utilizándola como arma y víctima a la vez, a la propia sociedad civil catalana. Ante esta situación y la evidencia de que el gobierno catalán no puede hacer nada, me parece injusto y tonto seguir actuando de cara y abiertamente contra una fuerza, si no mayor, si más dispuesta a jugar sucio hasta las últimas consecuencias. Frente a esto, hay que claudicar y rendirse para no sufrir más daño inútil y pasar a la guerra de guerrillas, y convertir la ilusión de una victoria, en la más completa derrota de los vencedores.

Esto requeriría dos acciones y estrategias: A.- la dimisión del gobierno de la Generalitat, posterior a la disolución del Estatut de Autonomía de Catalunya,  por la manifiesta razón de que es insostenible y afecta a los derechos constitucionales de la sociedad civil el mantenerlo en vigencia, y B.- la unidad de la sociedad civil catalana la participación de todas las organizaciones cívicas afines a la búsqueda de la identidad nacional catalana, las que luchan para conseguir el imposible derecho de consulta, cómo las que van más allá y queremos conseguir la completa independencia nacional.

Como consecuencia de la primera parte, Catalunya quedaría sin gobierno y debería ser intervenida desde el gobierno central, el cual se encontraría con una economía que él sí debería de salvar de inmediato, porque la sociedad civil debería estar dispuesta a presentar todo tipo de demandas de cobros atrasados, de servicios impagados, y exigir entonces los mismos derechos, impuestos y condiciones, que se aplican en el resto de España. Me gustaría saber como lo haría España de donde sacaría el dinero como resolvería el déficit del año, y sobre todo como justificaría ante la Comisión Europea esta circunstancia tan peculiar,

Supongo que el gobierno central tendría que plantear unas elecciones autonómicas rápidamente en Catalunya, o disolver todas las demás autonomías porque la estructura del estado quedaría afectada al encontrarse con una importante parte de él  fuera del régimen global, y dependiente directamente del estado central, y todo esto hecho sin violencia alguna, a ningún político, se le pueden imputar que ante la visión de que bajo su gobierno la ciudadanía pierde día tras día sus derechos constitucionales, se disuelva y suspenda sus estatutos por la imposibilidad de ejercerlos, pasando a quienes están y demuestran continuamente y fehacientemente estar por encima de ellos, el que se hagan cargo de la situación.  

Ante la posibilidad de que el gobierno central urgiese a celebrar elecciones autonómicas, vuelve a entrar  la acción pasiva de la sociedad que siente y quiere una nueva nación y una identidad propia, ante esta situación la sociedad debería abstenerse de ejercer ninguna votación, esto es de vital importancia, así los ganadores de esas elecciones si se realizaran serian los representantes del estado central, pero con la inseguridad jurídica de que el porcentaje de votos obtenidos fuese legalmente apto para darlo por suficiente, para crear un gobierno que no representaría a los que tiene que gobernar.

En resumen la situación sería tan enormemente grave y de unos efectos tan devastadores sobre la credibilidad política de España, y para su economía, que su estabilidad quedaría muy afectada, tanto internamente como internacionalmente porque explicar una situación así sería casi imposible, lo que  podría provocar la exclusión de España de la UE, en definitiva nada mas lejos de lo que lo que dice que haría la CE con Catalunya, bien pues igual lo consigue pero eso sí, me temo que España iría unida a esta parte por la que no es que luche por retenerla, es que lucha para que desaparezca derrotada por su imposición.

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013


The minister of Treasury and Public Administrations, Cristóbal Montoro, he has insisted this Wednesday in that the State doesn't have more money to carry out investments in the autonomous communities because he has to assist to the payment of the social benefits, such as pensions and unemployment. He has insisted in this posture before the deputy's of Forum Asturias Enrique Álvarez Sostres that has denounced that the General Budgets of the State (PGE) for 2014 they are "a punishment" for the Principality, with a descent of more than 31 percent in investments regarding those of the last exercise. 

Starting from there, Montoro has underlined that there is not more money for new investments" and the Government works to achieve the economic growth of Spain while he pays the benefits social fundamental point for Asturias and the Asturias as for the rest of territories, "In Asturias, like in the group of Spain, the pensions or the unemployment subsidy, the pay the General Administration of the State. There is not more money for investment because we should assist to the social priorities, like pensions or unemployment" subsidy, he has insisted. 

Finally somebody with the enough authority explains the Spanish national reality. Neither exit of the tunnel, neither green buds, neither earth visible, (unless they refer to throw us sand in the eyes so that we cannot see what we are come above). Spain neither today neither next year neither in 10 years, he will be able to invest in anything, just the opposite disinvest every day more, it will be sold to pieces the whole national patrimony: companies, buildings, banks, until arriving to the selfsame sanity and the public education. 

And I don't say anything new I am not making nothing else that to interpret the economic data of the Spanish state, and who follow me they have already read it to me several times, it “cannot be bigger the subtrahend that the minuend" because in this case the result is always negative, that is to say it is translated in national deficit, either of the central state, of the autonomies, of the city councils, or of the political swindlers and wasteful. And this it is the situation that the government of the hidden PP with white lies, but false he looks at himself for where he looks at himself. 

They tell us that you has left the recession because the GDP of the I finish trimester it went up 0.1% but today it salts the figure that Spain enters in deflation and its non alone prices don't grow but rather they fall, that which means that the productive economy has to lower prices to be able to sell more, but this is very serious because if the companies besides to manufacture and to sell less and less, above they have to lower their prices, he means that they will follow discapitalization, decreasing, closing and saying goodbye to workers. And it is easy to understand for anyone that this effect is translated in an increase of grants of all type, and a discount of revenues absolute, less collection by IVA, IRPF, rates and taxes of societies, benefits, etc. that which they don't doubt it, produces the equation before described "the subtrahend is bigger than the minuend." 

Spain won't be able to maintain its population, neither its state structures, inside little he won't be able to maintain in correct use the highways, the railroads, the airplanes (I marry Iberia), the social security, the public education, etc., this will force her to be sold it informs, wrong will sell all its organisms and public services, because he won't be able to justify its cost in front of its own society that every time is and it will be in penury state but I criticize. 

The solution to this reality in the current circumstances doesn't exist and I don't exaggerate, non alone Spain doesn't have a productive fabric that you can reactivate but rather the little one that he has he already makes its benefits and he stays for its activity outside of the country and what is worse inside Spain reduces activity employment and investment, that is to say they give for lost its internal business to activate it was this it is the reality. 

The question is this way for the enormous disparity of the economic and demographic structures of this country, the governments from Spain during every year of the democracy not to equilibrate this reality already systemic, for not offending anybody, I won't mention regions but the whole Spanish that he thinks or be interested a little about its reality, he knows that the poor regions of Spain now are still more it. And this doesn't have solution because the reality tells us that the rich ones, every time they are it less because it despoils them to him to pay the poor's grants.  

I believe that the only exit is to present the reality to the selfsame UE and to decide if they are taken charge of the real situation or Spain finished sinking the economy of the euro because sooner than it takes it will break first socially and later economically because if the government determines to pay attention to the politics of restrictions of the UE the country he will go becoming poor more an more without being able to reduce the costs of grants and without obtaining bigger revenues, this doesn't doubt it took to the social revolution and here we are 47 millions, but it is that if this spends he will extend to Greece and Portugal. If this is not enough so that the UE takes it seriously and be her the one that equilibrate for ordinance the north and the europa south, then the best thing is that the UE, the euro, explodes and let us begin again. 


El ministro de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas, Cristóbal Montoro, ha insistido este miércoles en que el Estado no cuenta con más dinero para realizar inversiones en las comunidades autónomas porque tiene que atender al pago de las prestaciones sociales, tales como pensiones y desempleo. Ha insistido en esta postura ante las reclamaciones del diputado de Foro Asturias Enrique Álvarez Sostres, que ha denunciado que los Presupuestos Generales del Estado (PGE) para 2014 son "un castigo" para el Principado, con un descenso de más del 31 por ciento en inversiones respecto a los del pasado ejercicio.

A partir de ahí, Montoro ha subrayado que "no hay más dinero para nuevas inversiones" y el Gobierno trabaja para lograr el crecimiento económico de España mientras paga las prestaciones sociales fundamentales tanto para Asturias y los asturianos como para el resto de territorios. "En Asturias, como en el conjunto de España, las pensiones o el subsidio de desempleo, las paga la Administración General del Estado. No hay más dinero para inversión porque debemos atender a las prioridades sociales, como pensiones o subsidio de desempleo", ha insistido.

Por fin alguien con la autoridad suficiente explica la realidad nacional española. Ni salida del túnel, ni brotes verdes, ni tierra a la vista, (salvo que se refieran a tirarnos arena en los ojos para que no podamos ver lo que se nos viene encima). España ni hoy ni el año que viene ni dentro de 10 años, va a poder invertir en nada, todo lo contrario desinvertirá cada día más, deberá venderse a trozos todo el patrimonio nacional: empresas, edificios, bancos, hasta llegar a la mismísima sanidad y la educación pública.

Y no digo nada nuevo no estoy haciendo nada más que interpretar los datos económicos del estado español, y quienes me siguen ya me lo han leído varias veces, “No puede ser mayor el sustraendo que el minuendo” porque en este caso el resultado siempre es negativo, es decir se traduce en déficit nacional, ya sea del estado central, de las autonomías, de los ayuntamientos, o de los políticos estafadores y derrochadores. Y esta es la situación que el gobierno del PP oculta con mentiras piadosas, pero falsas se mire por donde se mire.

Nos dicen que se ha salido de la recesión porque el PIB del ultimo trimestre subió un 0.1% pero hoy sale la cifra de que España entra en deflación y sus precios no solo no crecen sino que decrecen, lo cual significa que la economía productiva tiene que bajar precios para poder vender más, pero esto es muy grave porque si las empresas además de fabricar y vender cada vez menos, encima tienen que bajar sus precios, quiere decir que seguirán descapitalizándose, reduciéndose, cerrando y despidiendo trabajadores. Y es fácil de entender para cualquiera, que este efecto se traduce en un aumento de subvenciones de todo tipo, y una rebaja de ingresos absoluta, menos recaudación por IVA, IRPF, tasas e impuestos de sociedades, beneficios, etc. lo cual no lo duden, produce la ecuación antes descrita “el sustraendo es mayor que el minuendo”.

España no podrá mantener su población, ni sus estructuras de estado, dentro de poco no podrá mantener en correcto uso las carreteras,  los ferrocarriles, los aviones (caso Iberia), la seguridad social, la educación pública, etc., esto la obligará a venderse entera, deberá mal vender todos sus organismos y servicios públicos, porque no podrá justificar su coste frente a su propia sociedad que cada vez está y estará en estado de penuria mas critico.

La solución a esta realidad en las circunstancias actuales no existe y no exagero, España no solo no tiene un tejido productivo que se pueda reactivar sino que el poco que tiene hace ya sus beneficios y se mantiene por su actividad fuera del país y lo que es peor dentro de España reduce actividad empleo e inversión, es decir dan por perdido su negocio interno para activarlo fuera esta es la realidad.

La cuestión es así por la enorme disparidad de las estructuras económicas y demográficas de este país, los gobiernos de España durante todos los años de la democracia no a reequilibrado esta realidad ya sistémica, para no ofender a nadie, no citare regiones pero todo el español que piense o se interese un poco sobre su realidad, sabe que las regiones pobres de España ahora lo son todavía más. Y esto no tiene solución porque la realidad nos dice que las ricas, cada vez lo son menos porque se las expolia para pagar subvenciones de las pobres.

Creo que la única salida es presentar la realidad a la mismísima UE y decidir si se hacen cargo de la situación real o España terminara hundiendo la economía del euro porque más pronto que tarde quebrará primero socialmente y después económicamente porque si el gobierno se empeña en hacer caso a las política de restricciones de la UE el país se irá empobreciendo mas y mas sin conseguir rebajar los costes de subvenciones y sin obtener mayores ingresos, esto no lo duden llevara a la revolución social y aquí somos 47 millones, pero es que si esto pasa se extenderá a Grecia y Portugal. Si esto no es suficiente para que la UE se lo tome en serio y sea ella la que reequilibre por decreto el norte y el sur de europa, entonces lo mejor es que reviente la UE, el euro, y volvamos a empezar.


Don't I believe to be the only one neither to say a novelty when mentioning this existentialist doubt partly, hard and real as few we go Spain to where? I am for sure each one of those that live in Spain, asks ourselves the same question, and before this they happen two circumstances or nobody knows today in day what to answer or the opposite everybody has their opinion of how to structure Spain. 

I will venture making a purpose: We should not already wonder to where we go, what we must make is to go. We have to break up with that settled down it is not worth the configuration of the Spanish state, this is this way bad him in spite of the right and to the national left, Spain has been and it is almost a conjunction of historical accidents that has been good to create two nations of where there were not them, in fact it has been made of a geographical accident, of a peninsula two nations, Spain and Portugal  

Spain like an only nationality doesn't exist, what exists is the Iberian Peninsula and in her, bad them in spite of many, there is as minimum three groups that we could consider nationalities: The Castilian and the Portuguese, and the Catalan. This fact, comes given by the historical evolution of the Iberian Peninsula, a Spain never existed, there were Kingdom, territories, towns, spread by the whole peninsula that in any event some were Iberian and other Celtic ones, the Phoenicians arrived and Carthaginian, I conquer it Rome, and Gothic barbarians, Visigoths, Suevos, (they remember to have him studied),y they were conforming towns customs and cultures, but Spain, lastly the Arab and the Iberian Peninsula arrived, he left in three, the Arab dominated during 7 centuries the whole south and center of the Peninsula and some towns and Kingdom taken down to the north and both ends.  

As consequence of this dominance and of the time that I last, in the center took place an evolution different to that of the ends, they made their culture and their language of popular Latin that the Romans left and they mixed it with Arabic, like it came from the culture of the castles of there their derivation to Castilian. The same thing made in the ends (Portuguese and Galician) on one hand and (Catalan) for the other one, and we can add the most abrupt and isolated areas in the peninsular north that gave space to the Basque and Navarrese towns. 

These differences are that simple, it didn't force them none of the groups they simply took place in a natural way, it was after it happened the reconquest that began to arise from one of the parts, the interest of unifying to the other ones and it got it by means of marriages, annexations, prebends and for the force when it was necessary, except the Atlantic part that it formed their own Kingdom of Portugal after countless wars and treaties with the Kingdom of León, of which you frees in 1143.  

Maybe for those historical facts, the national foundations and I dare to say social and evolutionary they are not the same, and clear it shines this way us the hair, each one throws for their side, we don't understand each other, we don't think in a same way, we don't feel the same values, in definitive we are not a Nation based on some unit feelings. In fact all the modern nations of europa were forged same France more or less Germany Italy they were distributed by small Kingdom or for counties or tribes, until the necessity and the force in many cases were them agglutinating and uniting. 

Now it has been demonstrated that Portugal this almost outside of all possibility of being a Nation able to survive in the Europe of the Euro, Spain tries to sustain it but we are killing ourselves for it, but they already come we determine to disillusion them, an and another time, and to finish it of affirming we have organized the final show, the state of the 27 CCAA a little to image and likeness of the Arab world, with its Kingdom of Taifas. Is the question toward where we go? I believe that the road is in fact returning to Iberia, (not the airlines clearing are) Catalonia is attempting it and it outlines its segregation of Spain openly, I don't know if it will leave well or not but I believe that at the end it will leave. 

If it is the question it would be this way easy to find a position of union among the Iberian nations, you could create an Union of Iberian Nations, each a sovereign but with some common objectives as for having bought economy and position in front of the big of europa France and Germany, I think that these alone solutions can take and to take to term in difficult circumstances as the current ones, this possibility in times of economic peacefulness one is not able to neither to outline, because none of the parts would want to share the peacefulness, but my friend when the things to distribute are hardships, then yes that is better to have supports and to look for synergies, and an Iberian peninsula with face to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean with their importance on all America of the South, and with a market of 57millones of inhabitants it could be somebody, if not now if in some few years. 


No creo ser el único ni decir una novedad al mencionar esta duda existencialista en parte, dura y real como pocas ¿a dónde vamos España? Yo estoy seguro que cada uno de los que vivimos en España, nos hacemos la misma pregunta, y ante esto ocurren dos circunstancias o nadie sabe hoy en día qué contestar o lo contrario todo el mundo tiene su opinión de cómo estructurar España.

Yo me voy a aventurar haciendo un propósito: No debemos preguntarnos ya a donde vamos, lo que hemos de hacer es ir. Tenemos que romper con lo establecido no vale la configuración del estado español, esto es así mal le pese a la derecha y a la izquierda nacional, España ha sido y es casi una conjunción de accidentes históricos que ha servido para crear dos naciones de donde no las había, en realidad se ha hecho de un accidente geográfico, de una península dos naciones, España y Portugal

España como una única nacionalidad no existe, lo que existe es la Península Ibérica y en ella, mal les pese a muchos, hay como mínimo tres grupos que podríamos considerar nacionalidades: La castellana y la portuguesa, y la catalana. Este hecho, viene dado por la evolución histórica de la Península Ibérica, nunca existió una España, había reinos, territorios, pueblos, esparcidos por toda la península que en todo caso unos eran Iberos y otros Celtas, llegaron los Fenicios y Cartagineses, la conquisto Roma, y barbaros Godos, Visigodos, Suevos, (se acuerdan de haberlo estudiado),y fueron conformando pueblos costumbres y culturas, pero España, por último llegaron los Árabes y la Península Ibérica, se partió en tres, los Árabes dominaron durante 7 siglos todo el sur y centro de la Península y algunos pueblos y reinos descolgados al norte y a ambos extremos.

Como consecuencia de esta dominación y del tiempo que duro, en el centro se produjo una evolución distinta a la de los extremos, hicieron su cultura y su idioma del latín popular que dejaron los romanos y lo mezclaron con el árabe, como procedía de la cultura de los castillos de ahí su derivación a castellano. Lo mismo hicieron en los extremos (Portugués y Galaico) por un lado y (Catalán) por el otro, y podemos añadir las zonas más abruptas y aisladas del norte peninsular que dieron cabida a los pueblos Vascos y Navarros.

Estas diferencias son así de sencillas, no las forzó ninguno de los grupos simplemente se produjeron de forma natural, fue después de que ocurriera la reconquista que empezó a surgir desde una de las partes, el interés de unificar a las otras y lo consiguió por medio de casamientos, anexiones, prebendas y por la fuerza cuando fue necesario, excepto la parte atlántica que creó su propio reino de Portugal tras innumerables guerras y tratados con el reino de León, del que se independizo en 1143.

Quizás por esos hechos históricos, los fundamentos nacionales y me atrevo a decir sociales y evolutivos no son los mismos, y claro así nos luce el pelo, cada uno tira por su lado, no nos entendemos, no pensamos de igual manera, no sentimos los mismos valores, en definitiva no somos una Nación en base a unos sentimientos de unidad. De hecho todas las naciones modernas de europa se forjaron más o menos igual Francia Alemania Italia estaban repartidas por pequeños reinos o por condados o tribus, hasta que la necesidad y la fuerza en muchos casos las fue aglutinando y uniendo.

Ahora se ha demostrado que Portugal esta casi fuera de toda posibilidad de ser una Nación capaz de sobrevivir en la Europa del Euro, España la intentamos sostener pero nos estamos matando por ello, pero ya ven nosotros nos empeñamos en desengañarlos, una y otra vez, y para acabarlo de afirmar hemos organizado el espectáculo final, el estado de las 27 CCAA un poco a imagen y semejanza del mundo árabe, con sus reinos de Taifas. La pregunta es ¿hacia dónde vamos? Yo creo que el camino es precisamente el volver a Iberia, (no las líneas aéreas claro está) Catalunya lo está intentando y plantea abiertamente su segregación de España, no sé si saldrá bien o no pero creo que al final saldrá.

Si es así la cuestión sería fácil encontrar un planteamiento de unión entre las naciones ibéricas, se podría crear una Unión de Naciones Ibéricas, cada una soberana pero con unos objetivos comunes en cuanto a mercado economía y posición frente a los grandes de europa Francia y Alemania, pienso que estas soluciones solo se pueden tomar y llevar a término en circunstancias difíciles como las actuales, esta posibilidad en épocas de bonanza económica no se puede ni plantear, porque ninguna de las partes querría compartir la bonanza, pero amigo mío cuando las cosas a repartir son penas, entonces sí que es mejor tener apoyos y buscar sinergias, y una península ibérica con cara al Atlántico y al Mediterráneo con su importancia sobre toda América del Sur, y con un mercado de 57millones de habitantes podría ser alguien, si no ahora si en unos pocos años.

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


Some months ago a lot the one was commenting that our best students have to leave outside it was a loss of brutal" talent resources I don't agree at all, to my I find that it is more serious than they have to leave the young workers, because those possibly many won't return and they left us a country without human resources of quality, that is to say they left us a country of old and mediocrities.    

I believe that it is good that our best students leave. What is not good is that they leave because Spain tosses them, because he doesn't know neither he can assist them, because its economic and labor politics is totally mistaken. They will see it is undeniable that the financial difficulties of our country will condition at least during next 10 years the development of the citizenship toward more social achievements, of well to be, of wealth, in definitive of everything.     

And it is evident also that the only thing that can take us to leave this next future without hopes is, THE IVESTIGACION and the DEVELOPMENT, industrial as technician. The government should take care this way that the formation of young venturesome with knowledge of the highest specialties in the technology, either computer science, biology, engineering medicine, etc. had more possibilities to exercise its knowledge and push, here in Spain because in fact lack a lot of initiative so much: scientific, industrial, and managerial in our society. Therefore it is essential that we believe many and very qualified, Engineers, Chemical, Physical, Economists, Doctors, Mathematical, Architects, etc., and also Technicians of Half Grade, of unemployed are not necessary that we make but, we already have enough.  

Very arrived to this reflection point the question it is, this like one makes: Because very simple, teaching to a lot of people, is it already known about the quantity it leaves the quality, but will you tell me where so much talent it will be placed? The answer is simple "where it is". But that yes, they should help the state so much, as the private company. It is not of receipt that in personnel's selection for a position of considered work of minimum profile, the selector is so poor of lights that rejects personal for excessively qualified; this is the biggest stupidity that one can make.    

The Company, be which is that is unable to understand this, it is that it doesn't deserve to be named as company, but like business that is not the same thing. A company makes business but a business doesn't make company. The excuses to justify the rejection of people more qualified for positions of low qualification, it is false in most of the times "that if he has left the position small" "that if it won't tolerate and he left in two days" "that he will get bored", lies caused many times for the employer's own fear that he thinks "equally it removes me the position."    

Look if the applicant accepts the offered wage, the she already knows that is a poor work, she knows too much to be deceived, but he also knows that needs an employment to be formed in something that the university has not taught him, the mature and autonomous life, but the problem doesn't belong to him, it is of the company that is afraid that a qualified worker, put in a problem to the section boss, or to the plant director, or to the commercial one, etc. most of the times are that that he simply makes that the applicant's rejection takes place.   

This is tremendous for the development of our productivity, because he refuses to itself, making a simile with a soccer team, a prepared stool of reservations and with quality to substitute or to be used in any amplification moment, or of other professionals' ceasing, it is unheard that they don't see it, for the god love now that there is so much offer of unemployed, to justify not to catch good professionals fearing that they can leave at the little time for that find another better work, is a foolishness because even in this supposition, the company in twenty-four hours has it substituted. 

And now my answer arrives to the initial position, until he doesn't understand each other or they can be absorbed in our own country, the best that leave, don't care, we must continue creating prepared people, so that little by little the country rises, and don't worry about those that leave. Many (if we fix Spain) they will return, and those that not, they also worked for Spain, we won't have thrown anything to the cube of the garbage. They were they created a good country image, of their country, this will make that other economies, at the moment stronger than ours, think of our country for future developments, locations of companies, investments, then who is right, undoubtedly the postures in against not at all.  

If we make ourselves prey of our own pessimism, (very inherent by the way with the Spanish character) what we will begin to make will be that we don't believe geniuses, so that if there is not position for all, if the good ones have to leave, so that to dedicate efforts and money in high formation, and us car will justify of the bad thing that we go and we will always return to the aim topic that well he goes Germany, the China, USA, etc.   

Let us don't please fall in that I request it to the Spanish society, the world has changed the manufacture monopolistic of big quantities of manpower, they no longer settled here, the brick doesn't make rich again. So it is necessary to prepare the exit toward a different country, to forget that of: "those they invent”. To the centers of superior formation and Spanish Universities and to the government and the managerial world I request them, don't throw earth in the road, don't let our youth to slide hill below, because if they make it the country will follow the youth. 


Hace unos meses se estaba comentando mucho " el que nuestros mejores estudiantes se tuviesen que ir fuera era una pérdida de talento recursos brutal" yo no estoy en absoluto de acuerdo, a mi me parece que es más grave que se tengan que ir  los trabajadores jóvenes, porque esos posiblemente muchos no volverán y nos dejaran un país sin recursos humanos de calidad, es decir nos dejaran un país de viejos y medianías.

Creo que es bueno que nuestros mejores estudiantes se vayan. Lo que no es bueno es que se vayan porque España les eche, porque no sabe ni puede atenderlos, porque su política económica y laboral está completamente equivocada. Verán es innegable que las dificultades financieras de nuestro país van a condicionar por lo menos durante los próximos 10 años el desarrollo de la ciudadanía hacia logros más sociales, de bien estar, de riqueza, en definitiva de todo.

Y es evidente también, que lo único que nos puede  llevar  a salir de este próximo futuro desesperanzador es, LA IVESTIGACION y el DESARROLLO, tanto industrial como técnico. Así el gobierno debería cuidar que la formación de jóvenes emprendedores con conocimientos de las más altas especialidades de la tecnología, ya sea informática, biología, ingeniería medicina, etc. tuvieran más posibilidades de ejercitar sus conocimientos y empuje, aquí en España porque en realidad falta mucha iniciativa tanto: científica, industrial, y empresarial en nuestra sociedad. Por lo tanto es esencial que creemos muchos y muy capacitados, Ingenieros, Químicos, Físicos, Economistas, Médicos, Matemáticos, Arquitectos, etc., y también Técnicos de Grado Medio, de desempleados no hace falta que hagamos mas, ya tenemos suficientes.

 Bien llegados a este punto de reflexión la pregunta es, esto como se hace: Pues muy sencillo, enseñando a mucha gente, ya se sabe de la cantidad sale la calidad, pero me dirán ustedes ¿dónde va a colocarse tanto talento? La respuesta es sencilla “donde sea”. Pero eso sí, deben de ayudar tanto el estado, como la empresa privada. No es  de recibo que en una selección de personal para un puesto de trabajo considerado de perfil mínimo, el seleccionador sea tan pobre de luces, que rechace personal por excesivamente cualificado, esto es la estupidez más grande que se puede hacer.

La Empresa, sea cual sea, que es incapaz de entender esto, es que no merece ser nombrada como empresa, sino como negocio, que no es lo mismo. Una empresa hace negocio pero un negocio no hace empresa. Las excusas para justificar el rechazo de personas cualificadísimas para puestos de baja cualificación, es falsa en la mayoría de las veces, “que si el puesto le queda pequeño”, “que si no aguantará y se marchara en dos días”, “que se aburrirá”, mentiras ocasionadas muchas veces por el propio miedo del empleador que piensa “igual me quita el puesto”.

Miren si el aspirante acepta el salario ofrecido, el ya sabe que es un trabajo pobre, sabe demasiado para sentirse engañado, pero él sabe también, que necesita un empleo para formarse en algo que la universidad no le ha enseñado, la vida adulta y autónoma, pero el problema no es de él, es de la empresa que tiene miedo de que un trabajador cualificado, ponga en un brete al jefe de sección, o al director de planta, o al comercial, etc. la mayoría de las veces es eso simplemente lo que hace que se produzca el rechazo del aspirante. 

Esto es tremendo para el desarrollo de nuestra productividad, porque se niega a sí misma, haciendo un símil con un equipo de futbol, un banquillo de reservas preparados y con calidad para sustituir o ser utilizados en cualquier momento de ampliación, o de cese de otros profesionales, es inaudito que no lo vean, por el amor de dios ahora que hay tanta oferta de desempleados, justificar no coger buenos profesionales por miedo a que al poco tiempo se puedan ir, por que encuentren otro trabajo mejor, es una tontería porque aun en este supuesto, la empresa en veinticuatro horas lo tiene sustituido.

Y ahora llega mi respuesta al planteamiento inicial, hasta que no se entienda o se puedan absorber en nuestro propio país, los mejores que se vayan, no importa, hemos de seguir creando gente preparada, para que poco a poco se levante el país, y no se preocupen por los que se van. Muchos (si arreglamos España) volverán, y los que no, también trabajaran para España, no habremos tirado nada al cubo de la basura. Ellos fuera crearan una buena imagen de país, de su país, esto hará que otras economías, de momento más fuertes que la nuestra, piensen en nuestro país para futuros desarrollos, ubicaciones de empresas, inversiones, entonces quien tiene razón, indudablemente las posturas en contra no en absoluto.

Si nos hacemos presa de nuestro propio pesimismo, (muy inherente por cierto con el carácter español) lo que empezaremos a hacer será que no creemos genios, para que si no hay puesto para todos, si los buenos se tienen que ir, para que destinar esfuerzos y dinero en alta formación, y nos auto justificaremos de lo mal que vamos y volveremos siempre al tópico de mira que bien va Alemania, la China, EEUU, etc.

No caigamos en eso por favor se lo pido a la sociedad española, el mundo ha cambiado las fabricas acaparadoras de grandes cantidades de mano de obra, ya no se instalaran aquí, el tocho no nos va a volver a hacer ricos. Así que hay que preparar la salida hacia un país diferente, olvidar aquello de: “que inventen ellos”. A los centros de formación superior y Universidades españolas y al gobierno y al mundo empresarial les pido, no tiren tierra en el camino, no dejen que nuestra juventud resbale cuesta abajo, porque si lo hacen el país seguirá a la juventud.


The president of the social democrats in the European Parliament, the austrian Hannes Swoboda, notices to Catalonia without coming to story some and without any authority, except for its own reasonable arrogance possibly of a still near Nazism that cannot "create new conflicts and to hope everybody accepts it and he receives it in the European" Union. you don't made a mistake giving democracy classes in its words it is noticed too much that its political thoughts are of absolutist imperialistic type and anything democratic, maybe it happens him the same thing that to the Spanish politicians that continue grasped to the imperialistic style and máxime when its former empire "Austro Hungarian" is more recent that Spanish  

You don't have authority neither voice some to say to the Catalan that are "realistic" and less still to threaten us the expulsion if we become independent without an agreement with the Spanish Government, joining this way with the theses of the Executive of the PP or of the president of the European Commission, the conservative José Manuel Durao Barroso. Another character that alone he lives off their position and that or curious it also comes from a colonialist country,  

You have vetoed recently that the Euro camera elaborates a report on "the consequences of the secession of the territory of a State member for its ownership to the UE", and this demonstrates a typical tendency of the characters unsecure and suitable to those that any possible movement can put them in danger its magnificent status of political life without any responsibility  

I sit down it a lot to make him this wrong treatment and to show my lack of respect to their opinions but it is that it is also you the boss of the socialists' lines in Brussels. And as you he knows the Spanish socialists they are so in the syntony of the staunchest national right in the Catalan question their manifestations they are clearly an echo of the same ones that they carry out here in Spain their represented in Brussels. So with these reasons and their antecedents their recommendations and scolding’s don't strain  

This you so outside of place about the reality of the problem that is limited to repeat as a "parrot" what their Spanish socialist friends have told him that he repeats from Brussels, you denounce this way that the speech of we are "richer, we leave Spain" that, according to you, he makes the independent Catalan it is not the solution to the problems". And it accuses to those in favor of the characteristic State of wanting to "destroy what we have built in the last decades". you won't be in what we have built" because that I know, you are Austrian and it has not built anything in Spain, and not very little in europa, it is more I would dare to say that you contributed and a lot to the europa destruction in the years 40  

It is revolting their threat that the Catalan independence would be to "return the back to Europe", you seem not to know the points in that the synthesis of the secessionist idea of Catalonia is based he knows you that Catalonia doesn't want neither to return the back to Spain and certainly less still to the European union Catalonia simply wants to be separated a sovereign nation but jointly with Spain France Germany and because non Austria  

Their scarce quality and knowledge of the fact that it is allowed to judge and to comment, are in evidence with their posture when he is asked if he believes that really seven million and half European citizens, net taxpayers and that they complete the community legislation, they would lose their rights of one day for another. He refuses to that the Euro camera studies it in depth: the European social democrats, pressed by the PSOE, they have also impeded that the euro deputed Scottish laborista David Martin elaborates a report on the fitting of the Catalonia or of independent Scotland in the UE. 

Already to conclude their aberrant political performance you apparent that: It is "very important to be together and to solve the problems together, in Spain, after many years in that Basque, Catalan, Austrian and everybody has been working jointly for a better Spain. Then that they make in their nation because they don't impel the Austro-Hungarian Empire again (1867/1918) that end up uniting the whole Central European territory maybe, German, Poles, Serbian, Hungarian, Czech, Austrian, Bosnia to name some that composed it in their moment would be very satisfied of solving their problems joining another time, he doesn't find Mr. Swoboda. 


El presidente de los socialdemócratas en el Parlamento Europeo, el austriaco Hannes Swoboda, advierte a Catalunya sin venir a cuento alguno y sin ninguna autoridad, salvo su propia arrogancia procedente posiblemente de un todavía cercano nazismo que no puede "crear nuevos conflictos y esperar que todo el mundo lo acepte y la reciba en la Unión Europea". No se confunda usted dando clases de democracia en sus palabras se nota demasiado que sus pensamientos políticos son de tipo imperialista absolutista y nada democráticos, quizás le ocurre lo mismo que a los políticos españoles que siguen aferrados al estilo imperialista y máxime cuando su ex imperio “austro húngaro” es mas reciente que el español

Usted no tiene autoridad ni voz alguna para decir a los catalanes que sean "realistas" y menos todavía a  amenazarnos con la expulsión si nos independizamos sin un acuerdo con el Gobierno español, alineándose así con las tesis del Ejecutivo del PP o del presidente de la Comisión Europea, el conservador José Manuel Durao Barroso. Otro personaje que solo vive de su cargo y que o curioso también procede de un país colonialista,

Usted ha vetado recientemente que la Euro cámara elabore un informe sobre "las consecuencias de la secesión del territorio de un Estado miembro para su pertenencia a la UE", y esto demuestra una tendencia típica de los personajes unseguros y acomodados a los que cualquier posible movimiento les puede poner en peligro su magnífico estatus de vida política sin ninguna responsabilidad

Lo siento mucho hacerle este mal trato y mostrarle mi falta de respeto a sus opiniones pero es que además es usted  el jefe de filas de los socialistas en Bruselas. Y como usted sabe los socialistas españoles están en la sintonía de la más acérrima derecha nacional en la cuestión catalana así que sus manifestaciones son claramente un eco de las mismas que realizan aquí en España sus representados en Bruselas. Así que con estas razones y sus antecedentes sus recomendaciones y regaños no cuelan

Esta usted tan fuera de lugar sobre la realidad del problema que se limita a repetir como un “loro” lo que sus amigos socialistas españoles le han dicho que repita desde Bruselas, así usted denuncia que el discurso de "somos más ricos, salimos de España" que, según usted, hace el independentismo catalán "no es la solución a los problemas". Y acusa a los partidarios del Estado propio de querer "destruir lo que hemos construido en las últimas décadas". No se contará usted en lo que “hemos construido” porque que yo sepa, usted es austriaco y no ha construido nada en España, y poco muy poco en europa, es más me atrevería a decir que ustedes contribuyeron y mucho a la destrucción de europa en los años 40

Es indignante su amenaza de que la independencia catalana sería "volver la espalda a Europa", usted parece no conocer los puntos en que se fundamenta la síntesis de la idea secesionista de Catalunya sepa usted que Catalunya no quiere ni volver la espalda a España y desde luego menos todavía a la unión europea simplemente Catalunya quiere ser una nación soberana aparte pero conjuntamente con España Francia Alemania y porque no Austria

Su escasa calidad y conocimiento del hecho que se permite juzgar y comentar, queda en evidencia con su postura cuando se le pregunta si cree que realmente siete millones y medio de ciudadanos europeos, contribuyentes netos y que cumplen la legislación comunitaria, perderían sus derechos de un día para otro. Se niega a que la Euro cámara lo estudie en profundidad: los socialdemócratas europeos, presionados por el PSOE, han impedido también que el eurodiputado laborista escocés David Martin elabore un informe sobre el encaje de la Catalunya o de Escocia independiente en la UE.

Ya para finalizar su aberrante actuación política usted manifiesta que: "Es muy importante estar juntos y resolver los problemas juntos, en España, después de muchos años en que vascos, catalanes, asturianos y todo el mundo ha estado trabajando conjuntamente para una España mejor". Entonces que hacen en su nación porque no impulsan de nuevo el Imperio Austrohúngaro (1867/1918) que llego a unir todo el territorio centroeuropeo quizás, alemanes, polacos, serbios, húngaros, checos, austriacos, bosnios por nombrar algunos que lo componían en su momento estarían muy satisfechos de solucionar sus problemas juntándose otra vez, no le parece Sr. Swoboda .

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013


The real situation of the Spanish society is an I authenticate chaos, and the exasperating problem is that nobody wants to see it and nobody wants to explain to it, but if he doesn't look at himself of front this reality and if it is not analyzed with the hardness that the situation requires, like or not, we will never be able to leave this lethargy state and fear that it stuns us, it scares us, and it annuls us completely. I will attempt in this article to define this incredible situation.  

The problem believes that it is of all known, Spain has arrived to a state of absolute economic ruin and he will already enter in the moral and social ruin, because there is not possible exit inside the configuration of the europa of the euro, but let us continue from the beginning. Spain has come out for 38 years of a dictatorship, and in that moment it presents a country in that the society doesn't have political approach and it is accustomed to make and to live according to the indications that it marks a rigid and uniform state, but that in turn it is dependent of all the poor economic structures that has created to its surroundings, the industry and the banking, the society has a poor education, and a relative freedom on the other hand, that yes always up to where the state considered opportune.  

The certain thing is that that state had started an economy and a certain state of the good to be, (in their already quite correct last years) for the youngest that didn't live him we would say that correct and enough, if you didn't leave to compare you with the exterior, the situation was then a country with 36 million inhabitants and with an unemployment that oscillated between the 8 and 10%, the industrial and managerial fabric didn't give for more. 

And this fabric was based on the bureaucratic administration of the state, that is to say the public official, the state companies of administration of supplies of public services, basically monopolies all them, medium industry of national character, and the small industry that it has always been the most numerous and the one that more employment provided, the trade worked because the employment was quite stable and with this drawing to big features arrive at the end of the dictatorship. 

Spain in that time counted very little in the international concert, our isolation was real but it had already been softened very much in the last 10 years, our currency was quotable internationally, and although it meant a tremendous effort, you could travel and to care, and to export, although surprisingly this aspect was minimum because it lacked product and international prestige for it, if we except the agriculture and mainly the tourism.  

But to what we go, the dictatorship dies and we have to reborn and we make it but we make it not well very bad, we don't have time to think, there was pressure internally for all the sides and externally, internally there was fear that if something express was not made there is an involution another time that condemns us other 35 years of ostracism, from the exterior the already flourishing UE in those European Common Bought moments, invited us to go up us to the car of the European peacefulness, oh we were already 37 million consumers that we also wanted some madwomen of consuming. 

This way the things nobody unemployment in the bill that there was not enough democratic culture in the country, so that is formed a clear and defined political line, the same ones that had maintained to the dictatorship, were in the government and in front of them, some politicians that had made never of political, but of exiles or of having pursued, or of characters that had not been able to express their ideas, having frustrated but that there is a reduced number practically of friends and well-known. Among that amalgam of political and with a boss of the state imposed by the dictator (and less bad) you changes Spain, and as me I say; now we realize that it was not made completely well. 

We were already democratic, Europe already admitted us and there that we went to everything to run, nobody realized that they were more than 30 years before us, he gave same, they filled us with grants, they implanted its industries in our country to the shade of our low salaries, and here our apprentices of politicians saw the open sky, that was a “lottery” for them, money to baskets the town growing as the foam, the unemployment in tips of 6%, and the best thing no matter how much they spent, well or bad, the European help and the votes of a society that it played as the children with a new toy the democracy always arrived. 

The state, the politicians, have been plan the future of the country during every year that this hard dream, but they didn't make it, alone they planned their future, so the economy of Spain you is in the same situation that you inherits of the dictatorship, the officials, the companies of services monopolists, and the small industry that this yes that flourished to serve to the great industry that they didn't know how to see that everything she came from europa, here the autochthonous industrial fabric you doesn't alter, it didn't flourish at all, all wine of Germany, France, Italy, etc.  

Here unfortunately alone the hit flourished, the companies publish they were privatized passing the friends or characters you tune the shift politicians, and the politicians and their friends decided to create alone an industry "the Construction" the industry reigns of the hit, without realizing that it is also the industry that but manpower requires and we already have it tied, Spain step of 37 million inhabitants at the 47 that now we are taken a census of, and hear this in the bed in a natural way it has not been gotten. 

We arrive to the current moment, there is crisis in the western world for 8 years and the companies that settled almost all here they have left, those that stay have reduced in next percentages to 40%, and the worst thing you finishes the construction and the public work, and with it the money, the salaries, the work, and what is worse the possibility to create it again for 6,5 million unemployed that we will have this 2013. And this without deepening more in details, the UE cannot fix it neither with rescues, neither with cuttings, neither with all the pressures that want to impose, because simply we don't take place neither to pay the interests, the annual unemployment of the country that they already ascend to near the 120 thousand millions, that insists they are alone the tip of the iceberg, then the officials are, the pensions, the Social security, the politicians, the army, the public and private debt, the banks, things that all they don't produce added value some, better we leave it here. 

The Spanish GDP falls and it will fall while they don't change the necessary conditions to overcome it, that is to say companies that manufacture products, factories and merchantable services with added value, and this it is the problem, where the industrial structure is that if he has Germany, France, and Italy. Here there is not, this possibility doesn't exist, but it doesn't finish the thing here, it is that neither we can meet ourselves as resource to the agricultural exploitation, because it is intervened by the UE and you cannot leave yourself the shares, and go to fish what you want if not what they leave you, and very then that we make which is our future, because I don't see another that living off the charity of the grants an and another time. 

The only thing that could survive, and that the UE doesn't go he is necessary to make, it is to be filled another time of industries, to pass over heavy industry that requires a lot of manpower since here every time is cheaper, and of course to finance us our years debt, but this cannot be because the industry the European production is already adjusted, and we won't remove industry of Germany or France to bring it here and this is simply what is happening, and this is the same to Greece and Portugal  

I believe that it is it is the clearly exposed situation, and it is summarized in the following sentence: "The Spanish economy is totally outside of all possibility of staying for itself", this present and the future of cuttings and rescues, I don't want it, so in the face of this reality the only thing viable it is to leave this economy and this alone it is possible separating the main nucleus that continues unintentionally to see the reality because that would be the same thing that to change the national spirit, of which they feed the political families and traditional oligarchs that send and they direct Spain  

Hard truth, very hard if gentlemen, until for me that I have been writing it has been very hard, I count them that I have been tempted several times of to stop and to forget the I articulate but I have arrived at the end, it could be developing it more detailed, but it is not that, what I want today is to denounce because the things arrive to where they arrive and because they are not solved, we take five years falling and falling and mainly, let us don't expect help some because it is not practically neither technically viable, and I will tell them more the UE cannot correct the situation because Spain is a flagstone that this outside of their possibilities, to finance our reactivation, that will make I don't know it, but if you that you cannot continue this way, for this reason and other things the best thing is to look of beginning again.