viernes, 15 de marzo de 2013


Sáez de Santamaría has advised Catalonia that doesn't think of adventures "of Kosovo" according to her, pity that she always advises us again bad, because positions to choose a small and sovereign country, because she doesn't notice the numbers of Belgium, Denmark and because non Andorra, and it is that its Spanish nationalism doesn't allow it to him. I even use the definition of Spanish nationalism knowing that in Spain this condition refuses, but that every time but it leaves to glitter giving alarming signs of a tremendous social force.  

You my readers, know that I am Catalan and that I proclaim it with pride and simplicity, do I believe that it is the natural thing, because it owes this condition, neither to bother me, neither to bother anybody, is to feel of a nationality bad?, do I believe that not, am I a nationalist, Yes!, am I Not a "Nazi"!. Does the term "Nazi" derive of the first two syllables of the official name of the party: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or "NSDAP", that anything has to do with the "national feeling or of nationality" of each one. 

Because in Spain it is not wanted that there is nationalism, simply because there is more than one and this it is the problem, the idea of an equitable unique Spain in thought, feeling, word and it works, this Spain that maintained the dictatorship to the force doesn't end up being established in the heart and in the feelings of many Spaniards, and like leave now the Spaniards they are: Catalan, Basque, Andalusianses, Valencian, Carry to an extreme us, etc., because well this reality, is not wanted to admit and unfortunately I realize that for much more people of that than me believed. 

Maybe this has been uncovered by blame of the Catalan that we want to try to be alone as the bad of the movie Catalan, because being Spanish doesn't come out us the numbers, because it can be that it is this way, but it is that notices you, when we have announced it and proclaimed, nobody of Spain has come and he has told us, we will see set dawn and let us see that one can make, so that they leave you the numbers without harming of course to the other ones, not this not alone it has not happened, but rather the reaction is you are quiet Nazi coal, in solidarity that you are not anything that neither you exist and if you exist it is thanks to Spain, and much worse, it has been used on the part of the national government, (if the national one) to the own police to falsify reports to calumniate people and to alter elections.  

I don't know because it is necessary to betray, to lie, to insult and to offend, the things are clear neither the Catalan but Catalan want to be Spanish, neither the most Spanish Spaniards want us to be it. Because like you will want to cohabit with some “Nazi of shit” it is this a ridicule, flatly yes, there is much, too much ferocity against an intention, because alone it is that an intention, if this today is already this way that can happen if this intention leaves confirming step to step, I am that I don't want it neither to think. I already know it that for Catalan part there is also without brain, but this is unavoidable and with everything and with that it continues leading us Spain for hundred to one it is a simple question of quantity. 

Sincerely I believe that the situation is the following one. Spain is not able to neither if he/she wants to imagine that can pass that Catalonia becomes independent, and this is a situation that bothers him, because the truth is that in these moments Spain doesn't count for anything in any context international, and alone lack that some shit’s of Catalan nationalists, comes now to play us the eggs, this it is no more, no less the reaction, because if they took it seriously, they would not be insulting us, less pricing us, putting in a corner us, blackmailing us, etc., because he looks that if it is necessary to negotiate in a future, all this will be points against a negotiation, it is logical what I say truth that yes. 

In definitive and like summary, the pure and hard reality, is that the irritation of Spain is not because we outline to look for a real independence that allows us to be once and for all a nation with own state, because in view of so much rage and scorn the Spaniards would give it to us charmed, as long as collapses, and we lost them of view, but it is that it is not this way, it is that the one that is plundered is Spain that cannot become independent of Catalonia, because without the money of those 7.5 million Catalan he-goats, they could not sustain to the 40 remaining million Spaniards, this it is the reality no matter how much they try to ignore us and to insult us. 

Better it would be to put some calm and to wait to the coming events, because you go that is if it will have time to end up outlining a separation of some nationalities that the two meetings can be met to the well of the social underdevelopment seriously as they are not able to be centered the responsible ones government, that yes of Spain. 

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