lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013


Everybody economic and politician coincides, all know and they know the situation and the problems. The perspectives for the world economy in 2013 are very black; they are not at all favorable: recession in Europe, anemic growth in the best in the cases in United States, and an abrupt deceleration in China and in most of the emergent economies. 

The Asian economies are exposed to the readjustments of China. Latin America is exposed to smaller prices of matters cousins (as China and the advanced economies you des accelerations), Europe central and oriental are exposed to the still confusion of the euro and the economic politics of the euro area. And the turbulences in the Middle East are causing serious economic risks (so much there as in other parts) as it continues high the geopolitical risk and, therefore, the prices of the petroleum can that they limit the global growth. 

There is no longer doubt that there is recession in the euro zone. Although it is not possible to predict their depth and duration, neither if it will be general and with the same intensity in all their extension, my opinion is that there will be different recessions, the constant contraction of the credit, the problems of sovereign debt, the lack of competitiveness and the fiscal austerity imply a serious one and in some places very deep economic contraction. 

United States that grows at a snail's pace from 2010 faces considerable risks to the drop due to the crisis of the euro zone. It should also fight with a significant fiscal ballast, for that reason the new saving measures in expenses of the state that have been forced by law for the contention of the brutal deficit with which the USA cohabits, the political stagnation that has begun among democratic and republicans have to the blocked country and they won't have new initiatives to longer term  

Meanwhile, they are more and more obvious the flaws in the pattern of growth of China. The fall of the real estate prices is detonating a reaction in chain that will have a negative effect in the construction companies, the investment and the government's revenues. But with everything I don't believe that Chinese suffers if she will make it the international financial world because is put in all that smells of expansible bubble. 

The situation in Africa and everybody Islamic it is of a such complexity that cannot be more than with the luck, so that they get ready the things and it can leave the economic atony that they suffer these regions gives you immemorial times, the petrodollars don't change the whole complex Islamic, but rather alone world they unbalance it more and more the social and tribal fights and nuns confuse the real objectives of the society and they maintain it anchored in kind of a similar dark age to the western medieval time. 

As he said in the heading all we know what happens, but the reality is that nobody can put order and remedy to all that we know that it happens. Curious paradox but simple very simple of understanding, the knowledge of the situation is thing of the globalization, the problems are caused by the globalization, but however the globalization is not prepared for globalized the solutions, because the solutions are not global, as well as neither they are it the politicians, the beliefs, and the societies. 

Already days ago in my comments I demand the retreat of the theory of the globalization that is destroying the world, but it is a similar case to the contamination all we know that we contaminate and that it is bad for all, but who he wants to do without of her, but this is an error, the globalization he has an effect contrary to which is supposed, the globalization it doesn't balance neither societies, neither economies, neither political, neither resources, but just the opposite. 

The globalization what globalize is the speculation, and it makes worse the social, and economic imbalances in the world, it is necessary to disable the idea of the globalization and to change it for the cooperation, that is to say it is necessary to give to each society the possibility to supplement him in what is necessary him to prosper in its future and in its economy, and not to force him to apply what was them well in its day to some few ones, under some circumstances that are not repeat in other atmospheres and circumstances, this performance practice is very from the USA that they believe always that everybody should be as them, to practice its system of life, to follow the rules of its economy, and until they should speak in English. 

I believe that the USA took in its moment the idea that as them they knew all that passed in the world, they were the suitable ones in unifying and globalized the world to its image and likeness and they rushed to it, the consequences will be brutal if we didn't stop this aberrant politics suddenly, and characteristic of a country and some specialists and political that are single preparations to understand to the USA but that centuries they still lack them to understand what is the world and its disparity minimally. 

The global situation of the world that is indispensable that we have to solve it as soon as possible, we have to solve it even solving each one their own imbalances that have been caused by the application of a false and mistaken theory, for those that benefit them in principle, and that today like to all it is ruining them and making go back or it is not this way. 

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