On the other hand, the early harmonized indicator on the evolution of prices in published Spain this Friday for the National Institute of Statistic he/she waits an advance of the inflation in Spain, until 3,5%, that that, of being confirmed, it would elevate the differential of prices regarding the euro area at tenth seven.
Something doesn't work. Mrs. Trichet and Ordoñez: I believe that they don't have neither he/she devises of for where to throw, the financial economic measures that are derived of their performances, don't go in the good address. Mr. Trichet is not coherent that you continue elevating the price of the money that the Euro you ascends for the clouds, and that the inflation also, is not necessary to be the director of the BCE, to see that the indicators don't manage them you, if you elevate the price of the money, it is understandable that the foreign currency is appreciated, but not that the inflation is shot, so here we have the first contradiction.
With their strictly monetary politics, you no longer dominate the markets, I would say that the markets dominate him you, what you have to make is to devaluate the Euro 40% at least, with this slope it will get two things. First that the alone Europeans can care the strictly necessary thing, with he/she descended the consumption speculator that makes falsify the prices of the matters cousins, at the same time it won't be the Euro so attractive to also use it as speculative currency.
Second, it will reactivate the production since in Europe he/she will have to waste away less but own, manufactured in Europe, and the export will be a rocket because the Yuan is ascending, little by little but it ascends and it counteracted the play of the USA that although they deny it a hundred times, they are lowering the Dollar an and another time to tolerate its production and to brake its debt, you already go, he makes the opposite.
Third, so alone with this measure, it would be balanced by force, the world economy cannot value as much as, (for that he/she would have to be sat down in its armchair), because now it is completely falsified, it cannot be that the highest currency, be that of the region but in crisis of the world, the one of but I stop, the one of but debt, the other inflation that you don't see it Mr. Trichet that are taking him the hair, among the Americans and the Germans that want to live in another world, being in this.
And goes for you Mr. Ordonez to you they don't take him the hair, you seek to take it to us, you should catch the bull for the horns if it is that he/she can clear that you don't see that they are gone the Spanish banks outside of Spain that you don't go that they leave him the ruin in the Boxes of savings, and that in Spain day after day there is less money for the industry, for the reactivation of the country, and I eat consequence there is more unemployment, with it but debts, and the most incomprehensible thing, every day but inflation, somebody this lunatic (because one believes you that they are gone the banks and the big Spanish companies of Spain) because with these politicians they and I know that there is not solution, for this country.
So you will say that we make, because neither Europe works neither Spain will leave this situation because that that yes it is true it is that him one cannot come out without the other thing, unless it breaks the completely bankrupt structure in that you have entered.
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