It is incredible it is a shame that society class is the European it is not
any it doesn't exist it has not existed neither it will exist to seek to
continue maintaining this deceit he/she is never shameful coward and useless,
we don't serve neither to protect us to ourselves or it is that they don't come
it.. The situation of the Ukrainian Russian conflict is leaving it to the
overdraft, it is not yesterday's thing to today that that there is happening we
cannot adduce that he/she comes us however from surprise that we have made from
the UE I tell it to him very clear to HIDE after the USA and to wait to see if
the storm happens.
I swear them that I have other people's shame I don't want to continue
belonging to this UE neither this country Spain that is unable to take the
reins of their own actions when these they require to throw of them the
possible neigh of the horse it scares us incredible that beautiful to throw
insults threats to Russia to make what knows how to make very well, be the pimp
of the neighborhood, (taking europa for the neighborhood) that beautiful to
meet the weekends in Brussels to say that one cannot threaten to an European
nation, I suppose that they would refer to Ukraine that easy it is to promise
help and support and how easy it is mainly all this for Germany that is the
expert in arming all the European messes and he goes to for another more
It has not still passed anything important neither serious but with the
European posture it will happen and soon Russia will enter in Ukraine he will
already make it with or without the red cross and he will make it because europa
is on vacation still or he is thinking who he pays the trucks and the armed
forces and the medical teams and sanitariums that crossing a country clearly
European won't aid some of its counties in warlike conflict, and while this is not
alone Russia he thinks it to him this way but rather he has already said coarse
of foolishness I enter and to see who he is the brave that takes out me,
because he/she knows that the UE won't be this brave.
Is the UE lamentable it puts some economic sanctions to Russia and
apparently wait that Russia is amazed and surprised and don't make he swims the
European society certainly it is absolutely lost and without any hope that does
say it and do I discuss him to who wants to debate with I crumb what they
waited? The first European minister that Russia would request pardon that
Russia would hurry for some sanctions that don't affect to the town that they
are pure economic theater that they don't have any political validity that they
are almost impossible of checking and that I eat he told them the Russian they
won't notice them.
But they already come on the contrary it if Russia knows how to put
sanctions they are not walked with foolishness, they won't punish the European
multimillionaires, to those that they care a radish if they can or not to take
some dollars more or less out of Russia, or if they can sell them technology
with invoices or for the door of behind, Russia goes and it punishes to the
European society to the weakest point to the poorest and at the same time more
numerous class for that reason to be the less powerful one and that ago: to prohibit multimillionaire transfers or to
not confiscate bank bills they don't make this them forbidden that the products
easier of substituting the agricultural ones and the cattlemen are blocked so
who receives the slap the millions of farming poor and cattlemen of the europa
And clear this yes that makes effect you believe that the Russian
multimillionaires will have protested to Putin for the sanctions of the UE and the
USA neither one alone he gives them same however today europa mediates he is
protesting and losing crops and really won and to all this The European Union
so alone will be made position of a part of the cost of the production of
peaches and nectarine that it moves away of the market to avoid an abrupt fall
of the prices, as consequence of the veto imposed by Russia to the imports of
agricultural products of the UE, included Spain.
But it is that this doesn't finish here it is that Germany is stopping
afraid because in two months or he receives gas or he stops everything her
neither you manufacture neither homes neither anything of anything without gas
and with several grades under zero is not anything that you work of that they
have the German experience they know to Russian very well "General
Winter" I already defeat ago them relatively little, this cannot be the
Europeans we are unable to understand the solidarity the equality and the
courage and the pride we are a society that feels very clever that he thinks
that the world maybe owes him something for what has made and for what has
suffered but it is not we are this way as the other ones, we need ourselves
each other, and mainly it is necessary “to
have what it is necessary to have” to maintain some sanctions to somebody
because it is for sure that somebody you will revolve.
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