There is not exit he said in one of my TT this morning and it is this way and we should understand it, otherwise we will die from suffering and of rage, I believe that there are enough reasons to give for completed the stage of the rich Spain and it is necessary put the things in their real place again. They will see I will count them a history so that they understand that I mean, already a long time ago in a called place Spain a closed and suitable society lived to a simple town life that had settled down during the dictatorship of a general.
The place had its full ones its bars, (mainly bars) its cinemas of two movies for session, some mechanics' shops and carpenters, some autonomous workers, painting plumbers, in short a simple economy that gave to eat and to live without luxuries but worthily, they also coexisted in the neighborhood some few fortunate neighbors that the other ones denominated them rich, and many other charity poor. Surprisingly they didn't almost have branches of Banks and alone an or two boxes of savings, to go to the Bank had to move to the center of the cities, and it is that neither they were used a lot, in that time the receipts of the light and other services who he had them, were charged to home and that was this way because people charged her wage cash in money.
Suddenly the general dies and Spain decides to ask to enter in the neighboring Community Europe and this he gives him the placed so that he makes it, and I have here that Spain is changed the face and he begins to live with much more happiness and with a lot but economic level, but he meets with some servitudes and some obligations that before didn't have, it should dress better, it should plant gardens in the streets, it should build with but luxury and to give more services to its town, the cinemas no longer make two movies but they are more expensive, the shops die because they end up settling big companies, all them foreigners that surprisingly was that they were no longer it because we all lived in the same Europe, the bars increase, the restaurants also appear, the hotels, the real estate ones, and the almost so many banks as bars.
At the beginning everything was very beautiful, the gardens, the technology, the credit cards, to get paid and to pay for the bank, wonderful pity that neither the government neither the inhabitants of the place, they realized that in the neighboring towns of europa people won almost twice as much that the Spaniards, and that with they had it with which to pay double taxes, what allowed them to have the green gardens well cares, and she allowed to have more and better conditions of those that we had never lived. Here we begin to deceive ourselves all, of course in the first place those that should direct the change of life that is to say the rulers or political, but also the society that not alone he didn't realize it, but rather we demanded more and more every day, even more than what their rich neighbors enjoyed.
How beautiful it was, the truth is that some wonderful years we have passed enjoying what we didn't have livestock neither consolidated, until I am time to pay and here you finishes everything, of where we take out what they left us to change now that form of life, like we pay everything that if we don't have own wealth, if all that gives us work and he lends us money etc. it belongs to the neighbors, and clearing is, the neighbors when seeing that we could not pay, they move away from us the same as we would make of the ruined indigent.
It should not miss us, we should not become bad blood, what happens is natural we would make the same thing, the bad thing is that we no longer have anything neither to anybody to the one who to appeal, and arrived this point, we should go thinking of to change another time of life and to return to ours level, that that allowed to eat up of sandwich, to go to the cinema to watch two movies for the price of a, and the one that allowed us to have the economy that we were able to generate for our own means.
And this way the story you finishes, if they reread it an and another time they will see that it is simple of understanding and that it is the only true of our Spain, of 1970 to today, it has not changed he swims at all, anything has created more than debts, pride, and deception, and that if unemployment a lot of unemployment, because there was a time that we think ourselves that we were the European miracle, until the European and world crisis came and he opened our eyes saying us: Good all this has to pay it, you will have picked up money and taken advantage of the push that we gave you truth. But we had not made it and now that, now as always that if the PP that if the PSOE, not my friends neither one neither other both at the same time nor more if the has put to govern that punishes but the certain thing is that Spain continues being different and this is very expensive and demoralizing.