lunes, 29 de abril de 2013


The figures of the Spanish politics's appraisable chapters, demonstrate us that Spain goes back without control, if this continues this way, (it sews that I fear) the distance among Spain, Greece and Portugal will disappear, and arrived to this point it is evident that Spain cannot continue as the current nation that is, or rather that it is believed that it is. It is not possible to have 47 million desperate poor complaining against the shift government that the scarce 10.6 millions of Portugal or the 11.3 of Greece. The social conflict that without a doubt will fall suddenly on the Spanish nation it cannot stay in latent state for a lot of police that the government of the PP mobilizes. 

The almost unanimous critics to the Government's last measures and their recent answers being limited to "request patience" has filled in fact that the patience of the society and of all the other political forces although these last ones come it in positive this it is their tremendous blindness they believe that this inefficacy and impossibility of the current government's reaction benefits them dreamer politicians they don't realize that they began and those of now they are finishing it, but the problem is exactly the same one, there is not political, there is not economy, there is not country, there is not Spain.    

The president from Andalusia and of the PSOE, José Antonio Griñán, it has already used the situation untenable in Spain and mainly in their region, to attack the Executive and to reproach him their inaction. And it has taken advantage of that the “Pisuerga river goes by Valladolid” to make an act of the national incompetence of the caliber of "summoning all" the parties and social agents to a dialogue table to leave the crisis. It is ridiculous that they will fix these Spanish parties full with political embezzlers, selfish, parties that have gone some first and other later by the same position, and what they have made is to take to Spain to where we are today and let us don't say of the social agents and already positions that to say of the managerial world that they have contributed efficiently with their swindles and embezzlements. 

It is really necessary to summon all, but to all the Spaniards and to exercise such a pressure that he in fact forces the opposite that the Mr. Griñán requests that is to say that the forces politics and the social agents are declared unable and disappear of the first political line that one believes a technical transition government so that it restructures the Spanish state, its constitution, and its economic system, This is a moment in which it is necessary to be played it. Because we cannot continue with political as Mr. Rajoy that thinks that not making nothing else that to wait will be enough, this is not this way if Rajoy can wait, most of the Spaniards are not able to. 


But it is evident that not alone it is the Mr. Rajoy the one that doesn't know that to make, it is that there are not any other politician neither party in Spain that thinks about the reality, alone they seek to give turns to the same topic, but unintentionally to break the virtual circle of the very established politicians in their status of authority. The Andalusian president explained that the dialogue that claims would have four objectives: a pact for the employment, a clear bet for the modernization of the economy, a pact for the fiscal consolidation and a national strategy against the social exclusion.  

This said is this way as speaking of the sex of the angels, it is necessary to speak of a single objective reactivation of the economy and of the country, because: As you will make a pact on the employment if you don't believe it first. As an economy that you don't exist will modernize that you have destroyed it. That I make a pact you will make on the physicality if alone you worry about to charge taxes to pay you the waste of your class. And without there is not employment, there are not industries, there is not consumption, there is not anything of anything, like you will fight against social exclusion. I repeat you the politicians from Spain, you already are not good to support the disaster that you have caused, it is necessary to park the "politics of parties and inapt" and to look for a government of executives and technical that reorganize the Country up and down, I sit down it a lot but it is as well as I believe that we can save Spain inside the structure of the UE. 

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