miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013


Up to now I have not manifested my opinion in this respect of the surprise of the march of "Pep Guardiola" like trainer of the CF Barcelona, and I didn't make it because he didn't want to spend for a wrong, a pessimist "cule" today and after a course practically finished futbolístico I can explain my theory in this respect and that this it is supported by the events leaving me to the margin of the insults that has deserved of having made it eight months ago. 

Guardiola left because or he didn't want to confront the reality futbolística that reflected the victorious era of the Barcelona since it could not stay for more time with the same insole than it had astonished during so many years, the terrible sentence “that a cycle has ended” it is certain in all the aspects of the life anything it is eternal they already know it all you everything ends or it changes in the best in the cases. 

This is it that such an intelligent man as wise Guardiola and he saw at this time they could happen two things one that the directive of the Barça tells him that there were not possibilities to change the things from the economic aspect, or that he didn't want to make the paper of some men's executioner that they had been won and they had offered to him same the glory but sublime that a soccer team had never achieved. 

It is evident that the insole of the Barça is out physical and mentally there are not substitutes for Xavi, for Iniesta, for Pujol, by no means for Mesi, these men have been the Barça to its side anyone he is a great player but these men cannot support all the careers the efforts the kicks the lesions the necessary concentration to be the best and also to make better to mediocrities contributed from the house to its surroundings, this the wise Guardiola and he didn't want to see its decline because he was not able to or he didn't want to make the cleaning or the unavoidable restructuring in fact is to understand that it owed "Them too much." 

 This situation is not new for those that we have an age that allows us to almost have lived off all repeated one as me. This less victorious but very similar situation already lives her with the Barcelona of Kubala in that team players they stood out absolutely of the heap that playing beside Hungarian seemed unbeatable when he is finished the rope to Kubala you finishes the quality of the whole team, the difference of current stage has been that today has not been a single man who has made a formidable team, but four it has been this way possible that the cycle lasts so many years. 

Now it is necessary to change one already had to make this year but I repeat or because they didn't leave it or because he didn't want to sacrifice the men that took to the glory Guardiola abandonment, and what had to happen has happened now he will be necessary to see who puts the bell to the cat because now it is necessary to make another time a new team they don't doubt it and don't make a mistake they don't have more than enough the good ones they have more than enough those of the heap because the good ones are already stopping to have the force of tolerating all that they toss them.     

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