sábado, 6 de julio de 2013


The European Parliament's president, Martin Schulz, noticed this Friday that Europe is in front of a threat", like it is the turn back prioritizing to the nations, instead of the search of a stronger European union that doesn't suit to undervalue because every day he has more supports inside the States members of the UE", the president of the PE noticed that there are many voters that want to go for the one on the way to finishing with everything" and he requested to the big political forces of the UE, to the "forces of the democracy" that you/they explain the idea of Europe. 


Schulz said that this European Union idea means cooperation in common organs, solve that they strengthen us to all, and balance between the different interests and solidarity of the rich ones with the less rich ones. But this is tremendously false, and the more he repeats it without reason some with facts in that to lean on the incredulity and the lack of feeling europeísta will continue growing more and more it seems like that these political members of the bureaucracy of the UE don't realize that themselves, they are not political of anything, neither of anybody.


I don't want to discuss who has the blame of this situation but I believe that it is very clear the UE has not known or he has not been able to become indispensable for the government characteristic of each member, I explain to myself, each nation of the UE has very undoubtedly he doesn't need for anything to the UE, excepting the BCE to request money, it is more, the countries or nations that compose it, come as the own inefficacy of the European Commission it is in many cases, not already completely ineffective but rather it is overflowed by the pressure of some of their more significant members as for example Germany and Great Britain. 


The president Schütz said that "Right and left have to speak in common, because if we don't make it we will have others that will say 'to eliminate everything", and it showed the fear once again that in the next European elections (May of 2014) he takes place an increment of the postures euro esceptics and europhobes. The bad reputation and the distrust in the UE are a virus that he tries to take the conflict to some against other and this virus Europe" has already attacked, Schulz affirmed who criticized the bosses of State and of Government of the UE that when they go to Brussels they say that they are there to defend the interests of "my country." 


If the bosses of Government of the UE say that they are to defend the interests of 'my country', it is insinuated then that from Brussels it is attacked to the interests of the countries, it is in that way like the flame of the euro esceptics is vivified. For that reason Schulz believes that the next European elections, in those that for the first time the political groups will name its candidate - that will go of list head - to preside over the European Commission, they are a good opportunity to explain the citizens the idea of Europe. But this believes that it doesn't still correspond them to make it alone to the national politicians. This action should make from European Commission it is the one that not has alone that to explain that he makes, more something and more important to MAKE IT. 


But as always I am little friend of the hope in this aspect I Believe that Mr. Schulz not very less is requesting a gift of the sky or of the hell you go that is, at the moment we will leave it in the intention, but I already tell him from here and now that after the next elections to the European camera, the things will continue much worse, because there is no longer time to make something that of expectations to the societies of the different nations that the CE conforms, that this it is good for something more than to make to ascend and to lower the euro and the taxes, in definitive to always favor to the strongest  

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