miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015


The figures of the Spanish politics’ appraisable chapters say from the government that they go well, but the edginess that appears already visibly not much more than two months to celebrate the general elecci9ones and the apparent incredulity of Brussels in front of the budgets and deficit for next years, makes us think that Spain goes back without control, and when I refer to this Spain I not refer to the official one but to the social one it is in that you and I live, if this continues this way, (it sews that I fear) the distance among Spain, Greece and Portugal will disappear, and you played us to live in a social stadium off which we had come out already 30 years ago. 

Arrived to this point it is evident that Spain cannot continue as the current nation that is, or rather that they want to make us believe that it is. The worst in the case is that when we arrive to this point the consequences they will be much worse that those that have seen or read of the miseries of Greece or Portugal with my respects. It is not possible to have 40 million desperate poor and to seek that they conform to, think that Greece and Portugal tolerate because we are speaking of societies of 10.6 million of Portugal and 11.3 of Greece. The social conflict that without a doubt will fall suddenly on the Spanish nation it cannot stay in latent state for a lot of police that the government of the PP mobilizes. 

The almost unanimous critics to the Government's last measures and their recent answers being limited in fact to try to deceive to the society has filled in fact that the patience of the society and of all the other political forces although these last ones come it in positive from face to the elections, this it is their tremendous blindness they believe that this inefficacy and impossibility of the current government's reaction benefits them, dreamer politicians don't realize that what we have begun for those 30 years said before now they are burning it without pity, but the problem in Spain it is irresoluble in itself, there is not political, there is not economy able to really sustain the GDP, there is not country, there is not Spain. 

Before the more and more untenable situation in Spain and mainly in some of their communities the Spanish politics should make an act of contrition of its national incompetence’s and to "summon all" the parties and social agents, to a dialogue table to try to begin to make something, for example a new Constitution, without inherited remains of the dictatorship including the Kingdom.  

Although I wonder immediately what a they will fix these Spanish parties full with political embezzlers, selfish and big-headed some and callow other?, parties that have gone some first and other later by the same position, and is what they have made to take to Spain to where we are today and don't let us say of the social agents, and already positions, what to say of the managerial world that you/they have contributed efficiently with their swindles, bribes and friend’s refuge. 

This takes me to think that maybe it would be necessary to trust the more modern new political parties full with younger people and I believe that it will be I believe this way that the Spaniards won't fall another time in the inertia of voting well-known "bad that good to know" here now we have some new formations that maybe don't give them enough trust for their inexperience and their ways but me I want to believe that they are simply youth's sins that if the case arrives and it should arrive they will know how to correct all these proposals full with impulse but impossible at the moment. 

it is necessary gather to all the political forces again as it was made in the 78 and to redo the Spanish constitution is to establish things so simple as that a politician you cannot perpetuate and I don't say it in a position I tell it referring political wing in general I believe that a politician or politics should not be more than 12 years occupying any position of political character that is to say if the legislatures are of four years an alone politician it could either carry out a public position government's mayor president or councilman, during 12 years accumulated a politician that is chosen deputed for example that is to say and to the four years for several reasons is elected mayor of its city he means that alone he has left other four to carry out another position or legislature if for example it continues being a mayor. 

Another important aspect is that a politician will never be able to take refuge that is to say in the public function the public official it will be it of career for opposition and at the same time a public official won't be able to never be a political position but if he will be able to carry out his employment as official without limit of time except for his decision of ceasing or for some lack reason in his acting. With this they would survive many of the bad habits that have happened us the politics he has to not be a vocation a work and at the same time neither can be a life insurance dresser a professional that leaves some years to the politics he will know that it is for a finite period and later it will return to their previous employment or others that their capacity enters and its acquired experience can opt. 

Another thing is that all the Spaniards can or not to belong to a political party is as if is of the Real Madrid or of the Barça or of the Atletico of Bilbao, but we won't be able to be president or another position for more than 12 years, with this it is not to perpetuate clans neither hidden bad habits because he doesn't give time, the one of behind he will discover them, and neither he will allow to hide in the lattice of official of the state from where you can continue influencing or charging favors this is to me to understand fundamental to change the rotten state of our political norms they are this way those that make to a country prosper because there is no place for characters that take living off the politics of having been for more than 30 years like now it happens.  

At the moment per today there is already maybe enough change another day I cheer up and of more hints on other fields, but it is still time, more than two months. 

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