viernes, 9 de octubre de 2015


"Today the silliest makes clocks" he says the popular wisdom and I believe that they are being right in that the silliest believe it to him now it is that the guided bombings of the Russian that had to defeat to the I exercise of the EI it is that they are making just the opposite. Combatants of the Islamic State have captured several Syrian villages that were in being able to of insurgent rivals near Alepo, he told a pursuit group on Friday, in spite of the Russian air attacks that Moscow says they have had as white to the group Yihadista. 

It is evident that or the truth is not said on the part of Russia and what is certain it is that the Russian attack the Syrian revolutionaries contrary to The Assad or like I say in the holder the on-line war it is not of trusting. Rami Abdulrahman, boss of the Syrian Observatory for the Human rights, said that the forces of the Islamic State had snatched the control of villages including Tel Suseen and Tel Qarah to other rebellious groups to the outskirts of the city. 

The advance, of the Islamic State in the area from ends of August, took to its combatants to two kilometers of an industrial area in being able to of the Government in the north end of Alepo, the biggest city in the north of Syria. Airplanes and Russian ships of war have been bombarding objectives in Syria during 10 days in a campaign that Moscow says it is directed against the combatants of the Islamic State that control big parts of the north and the east of the country, as well as sectors of the neighboring Iraq are clear that the screens of the Russian computers have a Trojan one or they are not of very clear image. 

But many Russian attacks have taken place in western areas of Syria in being able to of other insurgent groups, and the western leaders have accused Russia of intervening mainly to support the president Bashar al-Assad. Abdulrahman said that he believed that 10 percent of the Russian attacks had only reached objectives of the Islamic State. With the support of the air campaign of Russia, Syrian troops and allied militias have thrown an offensive against the rebels in the Plain of Ghab and other parts of the northern county of Hama, where Abdulrahman said that the confrontations continued until high hours of yesterday's night. 

Does what is drawn of this story give chills the first thing that one observes it is that in Syria all fight against all how many rebels it should have? Is something that seems impossible to know it because it is completely absurd that after the expense that Russia to suffering with their bombings of hundreds of tons of bombs and have not non alone rockets braked to the Islamic state but rather this it has won land it is like to begin to cry the question it is to who the Russian have killed? Or it is that perhaps the bombs have gone all to stop to the desert you go that is. 

It is curious that before these last warlike movements played by the Russian it is not spoken of any performance of the Westerners neither the USA, neither Great Britain neither France that had begun to support to the rebellious Syrian pros and against the Islamic State, I don't know if this means that they don't have clear from the computers of war who it is who, and they don't trust of the theoretical observers on the land that they are those that should guide to the planners of the attacks guided by the computer teams or it is that they have decided that it is Russia the one that smashes or that he wears out the rubles that he has left bombarding who knows who, to all this the one that should be passing it to him of fear is Bashar the-Assad to the one that they are cleaning him Syria of undesirable Sunnites and Shiite that they are poor and that they are not necessary him any the one with their petroleum and their wealth he is already well. That first floor are falling all we don't have shame some or what is worse doesn't have value to finish with these lunatics. 

I advise them that if they have the possibility to see the film "Laurence of Arabia" they see it clarified them a lot that characters' types are the Arab.

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