The intervention of the Russian colossus in the last G-8 has caused me a great happiness, I don't want to trust a lot that this situation is a definitive, and not alone address a ripple for strategic convenience, but the manifestation openly made by Dimitri Medvédev, of already uniting to the condemnation ultimatum, to Gadafi, he/she opens me a perspective that I have always had in this respect of the Russian politics, and that it has just confirmed me, maybe after this meeting he/she can take more force my theory in this respect of the paper of Russia like world power.
It is evident that since Russia is a world power of first order, I don't know exactly which its ordinal one is but it won't be beyond the fourth position, but this that is clear for its economic, military importance, and its territorial enormity the bigger than the world, doesn't have it clearly defined, I concern which is its position in the influence blocks as for the characteristics of the world civilizations. Is Russia, Oriental, Western, Asian, Orthodox Christian, Muslim? Where we locate it, I fear myself that we would not know how to define it and they neither have it clear.
As a lot I venture to say that what is not, and it is not Muslim, but I no longer dare to but, but if I dare to say what I believe that it should be or to decant, and I say that Russia, it should be part of the civilization considered as Western, the problem is of difficult solution because it is evident that its enormity enters 17.000.000 Km2 and its population so single 141.800.000 inhabitants imagines 8,3 hab. / Km2 is of everything and very disconnected some of other Russia are truly atypical.
But he/she has to decant of a side or of other, I don't believe that it can be part of a new exclusive culture for her and here my reasoning’s come, Russia cannot decant toward Asia / it Guides, because the culture and the dominant power is and it will be the China that although friends are it but to go against occident that for direct friendship, but Russia knows that China could not survive under the power, Muslim neither is it, neither he would like to be because her force and her great population concentration is: or Orthodox Christian or atheist (residuals of the last communism) also Muslim government's system very theocratic doesn't go with its current opening. So alone he has left to be Western and here he also has their dilemma, for Russia I fear myself that occident, is the one until recently enemy staunch USA, and this doesn't allow him to see the solution: Russia should be the power number one of the European West, the classic the old one with which cohabited from its more remote times of the Russian Empire represented by the Czars and it exists her European culture of which you/they made flourish with its artists and its literature. I sincerely am convinced that if Russia you ends up incorporating to the European western culture the terrestrial civilizations they would be balanced in almost everything: Natural, demographic, human, warlike, economic resources, religious, in short in all that you/they want to compare. The earth would be conformed this way by the balance of the cultures (Oriental Asians), (Muslim Arab Africa) (American Westerners) and (European Westerners) perhaps then until you could cohabit better they don't find it.
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