miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011


According to what counties unemployment of the 20%(en is twice as much), bolted Debt, delocalization of the own National Companies, Banks that don't lift head with ratios of debt of 6%, bolted Inflation, stopped Infrastructures, manifestations and sittings in the squares publish to the style third nudist, Government that doesn't govern, our European neighbors' Distrust, and it is already well I don't want to continue deepening in the Wound 

Because I point out all these you seal that they are of all well known, they will already see it, what I want to denounce today, is that this Spain is the result of many years and Governments, this Spain has come out to it floats now, because the things are already impossible to hide for more time, I have said more than once Spain like they want that it is, it cannot exist, the curious of the case is that neither they believe it to him those that have made it possible, neither they come it those that suffer it, and frankly this if me strange and I don't understand it.   

Spain is not a homogeneous nation neither for history, neither for natural, neither for interest of making this way it, on the part of the successive governments that have governed it for centuries, I would say that from Felipe II. Don't laugh, I don't exaggerate anything you catch and review the literature (I no longer request them the History) and see like our writers draw Spain: The greatness of the Court, and the populism, grace, pillería (Small thefts), and hunger of the rest of the country, the one which of course, he lives off the grace of the Big ones of the Kingdom and of the Noble masters and people's gentlemen and country properties. They will very already see as saving the distances the thing it continues equally. 

To demonstrate this truth, I will use a study that I have found today and that it comes from data of the Foundation of Boxes of Savings (FUNCAS) that says this way: The direct foreign investment concentrates on four regions. In short Madrid and Catalonia both received 79% of the total, although he/she adds the study, Madrid he/she obtained four and a half times more than the second, translated in figures: of 100 received € of foreign investments 65 stay them in the Capital 15 they are invested in Catalonia, and the leftovers, they are left gracefully to the rest of communities, like they come the same thing that with Felipe II. 

A Nation is not governed this way, a Nation is not made this way, this way not you it balances a society, a country aberration is believed this way, where those of counties are every time but of counties, and those of the court are every time but of the court. And we are not speaking of figures of little bit mounts, no, we are speaking of data of the period 1995-2008 and of a total of 250.000 million Eurus, of which 89% comes from UE.  

Good because here they have you the portrait of Spain continues being the same one that the kings implanted there for the XVI century. If this satisfies them because it is worth, I don't have more than to say, but gentlemen from Andalusia, Castile, Extremadura, Galician etc… then they don't complain that they have 35% unemployment, that they live off grants, that they don't have industries and that their youth has to emigrate to Madrid, To and mainly, don't criticize because Catalonia puts delegations abroad, because that makes it, because our government that is also his, neither he would worry about Catalonia. They plunder it, no, because they hear, whiter and in bottle, the milk.

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