Dangerous and terrible circumstance the one, that have reflected the elections in Spain. Now he is discovered that Spain is a country of right. Their citizens have voted to this political tendency with absolute majority, the question is that if we are of right that makes a government of left to the front of the Nation.
It is an absurdity that should be corrected it more quickly possible because the topic has a lot of importance so much that today the cousin of the Spanish debt has gone up at the highest level in her history the market she has it clear Spain you/he/she is untenable, you/he/she cannot be you/he/she is not possible that a government of Lefts governs a country where all the agents and the town is of right.
The budget of the 13 Autonomous Governments and 8,100 local are of approximately 167,000 million Eurus this figure overcomes the one that the own minister of economy of Spain manages. Well all statement is in the face of this reality. Another wonderful reason for the Spaniards that we are worried by the unconsciousness of our fellow citizens as me, is that now the markets are more to dark that before the local elections, in the relating thing the reality of the autonomous debt and of the local administrations.
And this will be prolonged for the times of the times, because he gives the chance that now except: Catalonia, Navarre and Basque country, all are of the same political color, so of uncovering the real figures anything of anything, at least until the central government is also of the same color, and in a feeling of honesty it publishes the orders, so that I doubt it, because the Popular party what has proclaimed is: employment creation, slope of taxes, not more cuttings, etc. that is to say just the opposite of what the UE has recommended Shoemaker to stay in Europe, and they already come, they have razed in the local elections, and they will also make it in the general ones.
The defeated government of the Socialists, it should already present before the summer, so soon they have become effective the takings of position of the chosen yesterday, the advance of the general elections and Europe has to understand it and to demand, it cannot stay the indecision up to the 2012, to this year he would be necessary to already enter with the incognito ones clear and with a clever government put in the orbit of the UE again, or to take us out of her. You go that is .
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