viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011


The European Union is arriving hopelessly to its end, and this end arrived next year when they join several practically next general elections among them. The false United Europe that we have created won't tolerate the Nationalisms that compose it (rather they give-compose it) they have already seen wildly what is happening Iceland good-bye up to now, Belgium, Portugal in functions, Germany worried by his and they have not still begun, France at the moment doesn't say anything but the political pressure will be very strong. Italy is untenable and incredible as it tolerates a wildly as that of Berlusconi, and Spain this it is the first watch making bomb that exploded. 

What is passing in Spain the explosion of wrong to be and it disappoints basically of the town for the economic situation, he will reproduce in each one of the future elections of the mentioned countries, the mismanagement that will take place will be total, and this fact will make that it cannot stay neither the debt neither the politics of union neither Euro neither anything of anything. 

To make matters worse, the most possible thing, is that supposing that you ends up passing the different elections, with the current European constitution, the results of the same ones will give as results, some tendencies so disparate among the nations that compose the European mosaic that will be little less than impossible to maintain a coherent and resolved politics, will have to make a pact and to make a pact because the rights, left, environmentalist, nationalist, those wildly, won't come to an agreement never among them, you cannot continue wildly with an union without an unique approach, the government of a nation you can change every four years, but what one is not able to, is to govern with four governments every year.  

If Europe wants to continue being the European Union, it should with determination and without loss of time to meet and to expose this truth that I have denounced in this article, but openly, without mistrust, and to ask to those: German, French, Belgian, Danish, Italian, Luxembourgers, Greek, Portuguese, Dutch, Spaniards, Irish, Swedish, etc. Want to be you EUROPE, or to continue being yourselves, and if the answer is the second option, let us don't lose more the time, the money and the health, because this situation put an end to all us.  

Let us transform the UE multi to a space national where you of openly the possibility to carry out trilateral or X-lateral bilateral treaties where you can market freely if one wants, but that each one composes them to him with their economic, labor capacity, and eat up their own disasters, without the life and the country property cost the neighbor, they don't find it.

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