lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011


It is very already it has already exploited everything and now that, it was necessary to wait all this, it was necessary to hurry the situation until the end to which you has arrived, blissful political, to what class of fear you respond that you worry about it, alone your official car, your sumptuous meetings accompanied by those but succulent foods and work dinners, useless, false, liars that moral right attended you to sustain the negations but absolute, have more than enough facts that are irrefutable and hopeless that you take out with it, because the citizen to who owe you in theory, dies from anguish when seeing that all his work and the fight for his well-being and that of his family one comes below. 

I repeat that right and that shame, takes you to prefix a lie to the reality, to see if the lie becomes truly and he/she gets ready alone the situation, no, it is not as well as he/she goes a society. The things are to call them for their name, and the circumstances for very painful that are also, it is said, because one wants to believe this way that is not had to say the whole truth for not uniting him the morals and the fight desires to a cancer sick person, lie, luck that the sick person knows and it feels much better than who hide it to him what has, and thanks to this fight and many times it conquers. 

Here in Europe you have not wanted to be alarmed, saying us that we had been affected by the cancer of the swindle of the economy of USA, here they were not some outlying countries some "PIGS" (cerdo in perfect Spanish) that poor, are indebted because they are not effective, they are tricky and they spend more than what you/they can, but it doesn't pass anything, the Community Europe it saved them, he/she lent them resources and anything all to it floats, and a horn, what is indebted until the brows is the whole area EURO that was not able to, because he/she didn't have neither he/she has resources, to put above the table about 250 thousand million EURUS, because their big countries Germany to the head, they are with but traps of those that can already hide. 

"He doesn't rescue" among quotation marks because anything has not been rescued, of Greece, Ireland and Portugal, alone it has been good to leave Germany, and to the BCE, without the umbrella that deviated the attention of the markets toward the periphery of the area euro. With those three countries outside of the market, the German debt resurges mainly with more force than the one that sought to hide in principle, because Berlin, according to the data published by the Eurostat, sum 71.000 million Eurus in losses for guarantees or guarantees granted to the financial sector that you/they could become public debt if they end up being executed, among so much Germany it is the European country that but debt emits to the international markets, so sum and it continues. 

That is to say that the savior, the demanding one, the intelligent German country, it has been playing to financial of the poor PIGS and it has left him frog. In view of the swollen exhibition of the German banking in the countries to rescue, they have been had to mount the lie, something similar to that he/she made Shoemaker in Spain, that is to say to deny the catastrophe that I/we were come above. Because I don't take the solution of assuming the crisis, to the same moment that made it USA, they have given us an incommensurable lesson, they said and they assumed it, we have been innocent and they have swindled us some banks, but they will pay it and we will fix it and oh if they have fixed it. 

They have put in yield their economy, the banks have returned the credits to the FED, this has been covered with the interests, and this 2011 it is the country growing 3% all this in three years, the three years that in Europe, they have been denying an and another time that here had contracted a cancer of thousand you give birth to of balls, and that as a lot, the poor PIGS (cerdo in Spanish) they had the Trichinosis (characteristic and endemic illness some years of the pigs ago,), so we have a developed cancer, for three years, and nobody has put him cure, single hot cloths, so I fear myself that now there is no longer remedy, the Metastasis it is already complete, and the patient's death this next and painful.   

Europe finishes, moribund for its stupidity, for some cowardly positions because it has been cowardice to try to please all, this is not a joke if one wants an UNITED EUROPE, it is necessary to disassemble the EUROPEAN NATIONS, neither France, neither Germany, neither Spain, neither Italy etc... . UNITED EUROPE and you ends up, I believe that we are on time of outlining it and if not, let us don't continue later on, let us toss the sugar lump to the coffee and we take it of a sip, that if he/she will know very bitter.

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