The unemployment will continue growing in Spain that with an economy even in recession no matter how much he/she seeks to refuse, as consequence of the government blindness in assuming the economic, labor, financial reformations that it should have begun when he/she saw that you deflate its real estate motor, previous to the world economic crisis.
"In fact, the long term forecasts in the OECD estimate that the rate of unemployment of Spain will be located in 14,5% in the fourth trimester of 2015 and it will only be located in a similar level to the previous to the crisis in 2026, when the unemployment rate will be located in 8,9%, in front of 8,6 registered% to the closing of 2007, Ep" informs.
I have already referred in several from my writings to this topic and today I write on the reason the fact again that the OECD has the same perspectives that I already announce months ago he/she gives me cause to review the reasons and the difficulties that this country has to pay to recover. It is clear that Spain has never been an industrial power inside the European continent, our economy neither has shown (if we except the century of gold of the imperial Spain) but the day that Europe opened us the door arrive, I suppose that for two reasons A. - we left a transition from a dictatorial régime to an incipient democracy and B. - we were almost in that time 38 million inhabitants with a future potential of consumption, and with a cheap manpower in that present.
Europe us full with investments, he/she brought us multinationals, I take us from a jump to a position unthinkable five years behind, and this country didn't know how to not digest all this our political class haven’t experience, our people you slime to the culture of the easy enrichment, without seating anything that sustains it, and in many cases accompanied by illegalities and traps of all type. Spain grew a loot until those almost 48 million inhabitants that now he/she has, and most was or building millionaires, or workers of the construction, among half the middle class that had sustained the country before the euro, you tight or you dilutes absorbed by the vortex of the abundance. Construction, easy Credits, wages outside of place, ferocious immigration, but anything of Factories, single services: Telefónica, Banks, Manufacturers, Tourism, Hotels, Transport, and consumption a lot of consumption.
Our successive governments, didn't stop in studying where it took us this situation, I suppose that they thought that while can offer results and to obtain votes, everything would go well, and it was this way until the financial world explodes, and Europe accent of to invest and to bring money, and it was picked up about their own nationalities, because each one began to look for if same, all less Spain that refused to give up its new train of life, I don't know if for the blindness of their rulers, or for its spirit of thinking man now that I am me here, I won't enjoy the easy politics, as they have made it the other ones, and I eat San Pedro he made with Jesus, he denied the crisis for three times (in this case 3 years).
You finish the construction, the credits, the money, the millionaires, the companies left to be made THE MONEY outside of their country, those that had come returned to their winter barracks, or to other cheaper paradises, and here that I am us. You marry determined and workers without work neither way some of being given it. Send those of the PSOE or those of the PP, the reality the sad reality, I eat I have already said several times it is that it cannot recover, in our economy, the necessary work positions stop more than 2.500,000 workers that represent those that would be needed to use, to arrive to the unemployment rates of before the crisis, this it is the reality, a reality that scares our politicians and that they don't know how to explain, and they lie an and another time, because they don't know that to say neither that to make.
They don't serve as anything the movements of: Indignant, 15M, unions, employer, neither anything of anything, is to pass the voyage of the desert as I pass Moses with the exodus, I don't know if it is a god punishment, I believe that not, it is simply a heap of political errors and of a society that was not prepared for so much change. So or we wait 15 years like he/she says the OECD and me, or we empty the country with the exodus of about 5 million habitants (not of workers), we choose.
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