The princess this sad that will have the princess? This wanted to know me, because it is not normal what happens this year in Germany, seemingly their economy goes wind in stern, its strength is certain it is clearly. The princess from Europe, sends, she orders, she directs she has in her hands the Euro, but she is not happy that hides inside her more I become intimate corner of her heart.
Will it be in love? and if it is he of the one who, is it corresponded?, do I believe that not, because for their facts you the insecure note, doubts in excess it is not with trust, it is not happy, is lately everything complaints, the days she spends defoliating the daisies, to ask them: they paid, they didn't pay (she refers to Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spain, Italy) because their cousins bankers are very nervous and the certain thing is that they don't know what to make in this respect.
Then she does catch their magic mirror and does she ask him constantly mirror magic mirror you tell me if you really love me, somebody is in more beautiful Europe that me? And the BCE (pardon the mirror) he not responds him my sweet Albion you are, you the most beautiful in the nations, the richest, the most hard-working, the more exporter, all the other nations envy you but, and this doesn't tell it to him, they get angry because you go up them the interests without coming to story and you want them to make the same thing that your.
But to me she doesn't deceive me, it continues sad she doesn't finish deciding that if restructuring that if crash technique that if now a help to continue until July that if the made of the dance of the euro for ugly. That if I close the nuclear ones that if I continue them, she will give me electricity my handsome Frances, because I cannot use coal, would it ruin me the complexion and would it blacken me that the other ones and those green midgets would say. I already know, I will depend on the Russian gas, to be able to continue being the prettiest and rich in the euro group.
But that princess, the Russian gas says you will be eaten, you cannot think of it, you don't remember that an old general of your country made them not many years ago, you cannot think of depending on the gelid Russia, but that she spends, because you get complicated the life so much, or I make a mistake and your still has memories of when of small you played with her, you don't remind the lack of happiness that there was in your area of games, people she tried to escape jumping walls with a lot of danger, until a great prince finally broke the chains and the wall opened up for all your citizens, you cannot return behind.
Europe loves you, you don't doubt it, but you don't believe it to you, until you think that they want to poison you with polluted cucumbers that princess spends, she is that I maybe lower your beautiful face they hide problems of health that you don't want that they are noticed, she won't be that your beauty depends too much of the other ones, and you cannot make yourself to the idea of that, of depending on the other ones, she thinks that you are as a musketeer, all stop one and one for all, I already know that it sounds very French but that you want that she tells you, it is so beautiful, and you can also escape no longer from this Europe that yourself forged.
To take off the hardships, I know what princess spends, you are seeing that some elections that you will lose arrive and you don't like that of losing, but you/he/she is the life, the things happen they don't last eternally, the Democracy, this Godmother that we have all, doesn't leave that alone a player plays the whole time, it would not be good, he remembers your past and the truth, be happy you will continue being the most beautiful, but you cannot impose for always your desires neither to your town, neither to the other ones.
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