Today when leave circulating with my car for Barcelona, he went listening the radio, and in a program of humor in that they make humorous imitations of political and well-known personalities, suddenly the false Fraga Iribarne has intervened, my mind has jumped as a spring and I have realized the not well chronic of the democracy and the politicians in our time.
My God Don Fraga Iribarne still wags the tail, he still has its salary of former politician, deputy, minister, it is a former one of everything, but there it is joking or seriously, it is in the active politics of this country, automatically I have seen the problem that bears the current political system. The politicians when they decide to be it they enter in an evil hairspring that attracts them hopelessly and it doesn't allow them to never leave more they transform their yearnings into revenues and their dedication in work.
This situation breaks up with the basic essence of the democratic system, they are not directly dictators, but almost they end up being it, because one way or another you perpetual in the power, changes situation and position, but there they stay forever never, caught in its vortex of positions prebends, pays recognitions etc. In these circumstances understand that it is useless to request to the rulers and political that change the things that reform basic laws that regulate their functions that reduce expenses, deputies, senators, etc. they don't realize gentlemen readers, in the bottom we are asking them to commit suicide and this is not human being that makes it for the good ones.
I finally have my logical explanation of because the politicians are so useless, it is because they have already gotten everything, they are already there forever and better not to move the things a lot, be not that they fall from the pedestal to the competitive world of the normal society. And us poor person town, us requesting reforms them, improvements. That we speak to them, you reform so that, you improve so that, if they already have them all.
So seen and expert the problem has begun to think of a possible solution and I have found it. The solution is to break up with the definition of "The Political" class it is necessary to convert the politics and to the politician in a fleeting situation, in such a way that cannot continue, once have completed the strict cycle of the popular command granted by the urns and for a function and position I specify. It should not be worth I eat up to now it happens that a politician has been two or deputed three times, twice minister, other so many senator, etc. This privilege situation makes that none of them has neither necessity neither intention of reforming anything.
I propose a new system of to work based on the following premises: To eliminate the condition of Political Class. The political functions will be carried out by people of the society with the enough preparation and interest to carry out them alone in an obligatory period of time, maximum 12 years (three legislatures). Starting from deputy in courts down they are already the general courts or the communal ones, the functions that are required for the government's operation will be carried out by Officials of Career that will never be able to ascend to the political positions. (In councilman's local politics down) except if there is an expressed renouncement of official's employment without possibility of having returned behind.
Alone one will be able to choose for popular voting, the presidents of Governments General, and of Community, Mayors, Deputies and Councilmen, I eat up to now, the difference rested in that won't be been able to present people with more than 12 years of service in this positions, neither people that are completing functions of the administration of the state (public official) if they will be able to converge if they abandon or they have abandoned the public servant, and of course any citizen in that you/they don't converge none of the legislated excluding conditions.
They were carried out popular voting by means of vote to choose deputies, and senators that won't coincide with those of general government's presidents neither of autonomous community. In the case of the: deputies, senators and councilmen. They were voted as up to now government's teams that figured in closed lists of political parties.
Alone they will be able to converge as eligible to president, people that are or have been completing positions of: Deputies, Senators or Councilmen, and citizens that for their fame or special conditions are proposed by the legalized political parties (in the supposition that was an official in asset it will complete the condition of abandoning the public servant without turn possibility).
In the proposal to governments of the nation presidents or autonomous communities, they will be presented with complete government's team, that is to say, President, Vice-president and Secretaries (Consultants in communities), and as much the minister as councilmen will be able to be people without any affiliation, neither experience of political administration, for example, a candidate to President, will be able to include as minister of economy to the director of a Bank X, without so far this person has carried out any position of political conception, the voter she will know ahead of time that minister will negotiate the politics from the future president to which will vote. This is very important because in the case of the concurrence of more an eligible one can be influential for the vote the capacity of the team that accompanies him.
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