Constitution and Government.-
The current constitution that has been commented in some aspects, the revision necessity, naturally it should reflect the change from Spain to a Federal Kingdom, attributing the King the same attributions that at the moment has as President of the State.
I Govern of the Nation.- It will be constituted I eat up to now he will have their President and their Ministers (not more than 10) and one of them will have enclosed Vice-president's position this position will relapse or in the minister of economy and finances, or that of exterior depending on the socioeconomic circumstances of the time. The functions to carry out will be those characteristic of the government of the Nation it promulgated laws, it regulated the national budgets, and the execution regulations in general, inside the whole national territory and in all the environments, economy, sport, industry, work, interior, public order, justice, defense, and of course international politics. For everything it was sustained it in the approval and control of the courts and the national senate that it will have been of the general elections settled down as up to now.
Federal Governments.- The federal governments will be he replies of the national one they will maintain a parity of I number and function with him. It will be of their responsibility, to adapt and to develop the laws of character general emitted by the central government, to enlarge them and to supplement them according to the necessities or particularities of their Federation, each federation will be responsible for the collection and application of public country property, he will also be able to legislate in its federal environment, with laws included tributes and taxes that won't have because to be in use or execution in the other Federations. The same as the general government leaned on and he will undergo the control of his elected Congress in the voting’s to the federal congress, in the federations, there won't be senators neither senate, the federations will be represented in senator's figure in the senate of the Nation.
Elections.- The elections for courts and General government were carried out the same as now as well as those of federal governments their legislative period will be of four years but they were overlapped so that there are elections in the country every two years alternating the general ones with the federal ones coinciding with last o'clock the elections local mayors and councilmen they were carried out. In principle there would not be because to change the system and electoral law is the current of perfect application.
Public officials.- It will continue being indispensable the function of the public officials I publish independently already of my observations manifested in other comments of the politician's total separation with the public officials, in this proposal it would be about dimension the official's necessities attributed to the general government and of the Federal public officials, I include as public officials the policemen firemen etc. This way for example will have a National Police, Federal Police, and Local Police.
Well with these features it is complete my proposal of change for a new Spain assures them that I have not dreamt him but if I have imagined it and thought a lot and I assure them that the serious brutal change not so alone in the reduction of costs of the state if not also in the effectiveness and government's responsibility mainly in the Federations. And, direct consequence in Spain.
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