viernes, 10 de junio de 2011


They have not asked it to him these last days, for sure if, and they have reached the conclusion that they don't know very well because, but if, all twitched are. I understand that the stopped ones are bad; I understand that those that have work are also bad, because they are concerned because if everything continues this way maybe tomorrow he/she doesn't have work. I also understand that the autonomous ones: Tradesmen, Taxi drivers, Painting Plumbers, Actors, etc. is mad because every day they can work less. I understand that the liberal professionals: Lawyers, Doctors, Notaries, Dentists, Agents, etc. is mad because every day they have fewer clients and they pay them worse. For what there is all the life it doesn't please us and this angers us and a lot. 

I understand that the Banks, now be also mad and concerned, because every day they have more debts and less money, and they have also placed them as the only culprits of the whole disastrous situation of the world. I also understand because they are not mad neither concerned: the Politicians, the Financial Groups, the Speculators in Matters Cousins, that Producing of Petroleum. Good because it is clear all these they are the culprits, they are not concerned because these if they know what happens, because they are those that make that it happens.  

This is the world that plays us to live now, although the truth I would say that the authentic culprits of everything are the Politicians of the whole world, for their inability, immobility desires of greatness and an exaggerated selfishness, they have been broth of cultivation of the worst human baseness, it is not chance the shows of Strauss Khan and so many others as him, opposing and filed in crimes of sexual nature, it is not neither from all over the world chance the imputations of bribes graft of so many and so many politicians' funds.  

That it means this, because very bad matter, means that the politics corrupts, mainly because those that practice it, make it too much time, and this comes it already saying in many blogs, the politics as professional career, is the principle of the end, of any will of any reason, and ending hopelessly in the man's degradation, because it changes him the sense of the reality. 

Behind this everything comes the rest: the Financial Groups, the Speculation with the Matters Cousins, those Producing of Petroleum, the Banks, the Agencies of Disqualifications, and he/she didn't get ready I fear, because the politics’ world has become too powerful, and there is not for what seems who gives birth to him, and you feedback likewise, think it a little, it is certain that of the subprime and the excessive debt of USA, the bubble of the construction in Ireland and Spain, the madness of expense of Greece, the lack of resources characteristic of Portugal, the speculation of the OPEC, all this is certain, very now tells me who there are behind each chapter like common denominator, The Politicians and the Politics, I write it and I have written it for active and for passive neither the Politicians being Political can be a lifetime neither the Politics can be without being reformed The Democracy of the centuries a lifetime 18/19/20 it no longer serves us. 

Continue thinking, like it can be that for the first time in the history of the world with more than 60 years without massive destruction for fat wars, (I don't refer to the local wars for very loathsome that are), with a reactivation of half world China India Brazil, let us be throwing back. It cannot be, the Chinese manufacture more and more cheap, the prices in Europe are more and more expensive, The petroleum has a price of fright, the inhabitants of the towns where they take out the petroleum they are more and more poor. The medicine is advancing very much, every time more people die in the countries third world. Every time it is cultivated and more foods take place, every day more people of hunger die in the world, and this that we can see it all, like it is that he/she doesn't get ready that people that should lead to the world, make they don't make anything they are limited to meetings treats and prebends, and you know that I tell you, the one finishes that it turns off the light because I don't plan to see it.

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