martes, 23 de octubre de 2012


Today with the discussions of the budgets, and with Rajoy in the senate as if was not with him, the twitter comments are overwhelming and all very critical ones, I don't want to enter in their explicit contents because my article doesn't go of commenting the opinions the angers and the critics that spill in them. What has gotten me the attention is that the sensation that highlights in all they are that nobody is according with the budgets, with the justifications, with the lies, with the inexact of figures, in a word nobody believes them to him, then as consequence it is necessary to think that nobody believes to the Spanish State government.  

This evidence is not possible it you to deny, nobody complains, he protests and it denounces, what believes that it is well, for very hard that is, I mean with this that is not worth me the possible excuse that; man doesn't like because they are very hard, because they clip us a lot the state of the good to be, not that has already been said, he has already shown even in the street, and he will already repeat with a general strike programmed, what today is denounced, is that the government goes to his and nobody understands it, because you go that they don't already serve as anything those multiple efforts and renouncements that we have had to make. 

And to all this the society already wonders, because my government neither he eats neither he allows to eat, because where it is the bottom for the bank rescue, because one doesn't request the rescue, said otherwise because you doesn't begin to pay attention to those that send, to see if at least although we have to continue pressing the belt, we see that they go getting ready things, but not the government of the nation like I say, neither he makes neither he allows to make that is happening that looks for the government and the PP, it is not logical its performance, they will tell me that it is because there is not opposition that has most absolute all that already knows it but this is not excuse, my government it should look well after me to be, for my rights, for my health, for my family, for my country property, for my age, for my children, have or not political opposition. 

That it is what we are waiting, I cannot understand it that can make this it is the tremendous thing we cannot make anything, we are hostages of those that should give us the freedom of working, of prospering, of having health, of having schools, of feeling the full freedom of living in a free and democratic state, but it is not this way, it is just the opposite, the state is hostage of its bad administration and its economic inefficiency and of its to look at you to the navel legislature after legislature and political after political, and I eat consequence it tortures us and it enslaves us getting tied up with some invisible ropes, saying us that they are problems that ourselves has caused and that now we must pay as penance to the madness that we have made. 

This cannot be, I don't know as they come it each one of you, the question is direct and white is some Spanish that today believes in its nation, because they will see if the one that reads me is of right of the PP he will tell me that the blame doesn't belong to its government that the other ones that have brought us were until here, lie the previous government leaves us he already makes almost one year and very much better of that than we are now, with everything and with we should recognize it that indeed his legislature was a disaster, so the socialists neither can be happy with its PSOE and much less now with the PP, it has also been clear this reality a couple of days ago, so already they will tell me you that we will make, to change the government so that, if some are a disaster the other ones they prepared them the road. 

I know what we think and we want here in Catalonia, and like I believe that my readers also omit it for not being iterative, what I ask what I find difficult to understand is that they think: the Andalusia, the Extremadura, the Valencia ones, the Murcianos, the Castellano Manchegos, the From Madrid ones, those of Castile León, the Galician are not necessary they have told it on Sunday, Basque neither are under the same conditions, the Balearic ones, the Canaries, the Riojanos, the Navarro’s, the Aragon ones, the Cantabria’s, the Asturias, the Ceutís and The Melillenses, in definitive the rest of citizens of this Country. 

Their state is of total conformity, it is its form of thinking that what happens is as natural, it is the of the Spanish nation, we have been born to obey and to serve to the state, or it should be rather the opposite that the state has established it us so that it serves us, its town, its society, its sense of being, they know that it would happen or that it will happen if they follow this way the things, and every time there is less town than he pays taxes that it finances housings that he buys things, etc., because simply the State finished because the state my friends are all.  

Well until here I arrive with my questions thinks it a little they don't look his navel like our politicians that live make very comfortable and without any difficulty they don't look alone back and are they consoled seeing that somebody is always worse they think that if this doesn't stop the next one you can be and if he can make it will he understand the reason of my confusion and of my question it is that our future doesn't belong us? 

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