sábado, 9 de febrero de 2013


"Rajoy celebrates that Spain continues being net receptor of funds of the UE up to 2020" incredible printed holder in today's press in Spain this declaration it confirms the mood of the Spanish politicians unequivocally it is clear that for them the important thing is that of me he "Goes hot and laugh people" said more clearly what difference does it make that the country that the society this every worse time that they are getting lost social rights and economic strength and of intervention, in the positions of intervention of the economic politicians and of administration in europa the important thing for the Spanish government, is to continue eight years but being poor and to receive compensations of the UE. 

This is a declaration of intentions that causes me panic, the government and the UE., they are telling us clearly that we don't have future next 7 years that we will have to continue to the line of the euro area, and to live to expense of the charity of the UE, because we are located to the height of the countries of the europa of the east, those of the former Soviet Union. Spain was foreseen that this European exercise that concludes stops to be a poor considered country and already becomes a European country, the room in importance concretely. But not, in so alone a legislature of the PSOE and a year of the PP, we have collapsed and we pass of being the fourth power of the UE, to the first ruined power and poor of europa but it seems to be that this to our rulers them. 

The situation is critical more than I can him to define in this I articulate, because it is clear that in front of us we are not seven years old but you unite how many decades of misery recognized by the UE that is what scares me to my and Rajoy stops it is celebration reason, they will see you with the new European budgets are clear that in spite of the British and Nordic threats the blood has not arrived at the river but if it is clear that the UE has been divided clearly in two areas and unquestionably differentiated the rich one the one that pays and the poor person the one that gets paid and notice well because in spite of what the politicians say to disguise him this is this way and they have already bud gotten it for next seven years. 

During this time, Spain should not wait anything, it is a time that we can assimilate it to the one that that Spain lived post dictatorship in that although it was considered politically, he had to wait to present some numbers and some results that they allowed it to enter in the UE, because this it is the situation, they have not thrown but they have parked us. The bad thing of this is that to the government he doesn't find this bad neither denigrate they are same the politicians will continue being rich powerful and influential him little that he takes place in the country it is already they enough to maintain the privilege status that satisfies them that among so much and during this these 7 year-old period that I believe it will be more, the country loses the seven million inhabitants that he has more than enough and with he leaves balancing revenues and expenses because perfect in the 2021 we will already see where they place us again the Europeans. 

This is the unquestionable reality this is the Spain that we have won ourselves or that they have always imposed us the same one to the europa line to the corner of the fools of the useless ones of I want it and I am not able to it is already well, we are this way from immemorial times it is that we won't care it is never that to be Spanish means to be less than…. To me this doesn't satisfy me, I don't take place that they have to give me compensations from the UE to be in the UE, I want to be in her with all my rights and obligations and not with the favors and the shame always.    

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