viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013


It cannot be otherwise something it marks us something superior to us he makes us be like we are, I believe that I already wrote it in another occasion but I eat starting point I will use it other time, they will see: Already 40 years ago I worked in a German multinational company and well for the fact of being young and so much of age as of time of service in the company, it felt a certain shame when I met with other German and Swiss executives, mainly I saw their form of being of working of feeling their obligation assumed without any doubt shade what said the company it was the law and the reason was not another that the execution of the plans and projects that were approved were good for all and each one of those that there were and also for the employees of smaller range that also assumed them without mistrust neither distrust some. 

I always had not my doubts because doubts of the plans that we were approving but because he doubted of my personnel in Spain he doubted that takes those changes those necessary novelties for the progress of the company he thought of the typical attitudes for that to change with the very that this goes, this is a shit bad anger, you don't know that you make changing everything, because I don't make it, etc., maybe to some of you this music sounds him family and he will understand me. 

One day after a meeting in Germany where we were to nine under zero degrees when ending we went all to have dinner the cold it was tremendous but alone for me the other ones, took their overcoats and their skin caps and their scarf’s and they were comfortable I also took skin cap and coat but during the small walk among the parking to the restaurant I didn't feel in any comfortable moment, I was Spanish it was clear. 

I don't know if it was for this reason or because the general director of the company had been given bill that in the meetings I should always show more concern than the other ones, before the plans that we agreed and you brings near and he told me, don't worry so much, at the end you will get it as always and everything will go well, the Spaniards are you special but at the end they complete as the first one, I was not able to but and let us be honest explaining to him that he already thought of the reaction that would have to conquer when returns to Spain, and I comment myself: you look leaves you of worrying because you are like they are, they don't have the blame, you are this way because the climate has allowed them to be this way, and this is before question of many years they don't understand that they should take other customs. 

That sincere manifestation leaves me amazed and I ask him, we are this way for the climate I don't understand it, (that haven the climate that to do with my problem, for me the climate that was suffering while we walked, yes that was a problem but the Spanish climate that it was a blessing). So he answer myself then if my friend you are individualistic accommodating and rebellious to everything because its climate allows it to him since they exist in its country a man he doesn't need anybody to live because the climate won't kill him so he can go against the order, the organization, and against all that he doesn't like, alone he has to catch some rags, a sling and a stone and to leave to the mount the climate it will maintain it he will give him food and I cover, this here, continuous looking to its surroundings with all full with ice and cold, it is impossible to make so us from immemorial times or we join in group in society in tribe and we obey the strongest and we help ourselves each other or alone we cannot survive. 

I saw it clear that man was giving me a lesson that never more I have forgotten and that today before so much dirt before so much disorder in the face of so much national shame I have wanted to relate to you, the Spaniards are this way and we are it for our centuries more famous archetypes they are a lunatic dreamer Don Quijote, and a mocking scamp “The Lazarillo of Tormes”, some characters always singular usually opposed to the authority and that also mark, as the climate, so we don't miss ourselves of what happens to us, what should miss us it is that we are unable to come off of these you seal, because of corrupt and thieves, there is everywhere and in all the occident politicians, now then like in Spain no way.  

These days we have arrived I believe me to the point already of I don't return each Spanish he should realize that this cannot continue this way and I will tell them more, he/she gives me the same as they are certain or not all the imputations that they run for the tribunals, police stations and country property inspections at hundred because the reality is certain or it is not that they are intolerable and they are causing us a damage that can be irreparable if once and for all for all this is not solved, I repeat for sure there will be guilty but I also fear myself that they will have many more informers interested in falsifying what they can to take out own profit, that which said it is in passing, it is also a disgusting crime. 

I believe sincerely that the political class should reconsider its situation, and I believe that the constitution should be changed, because the current one, I don't consider these situations, the Spanish constitution, he is making as the climate it allows us to be swindlers, prevaricators, bad political, bad judges, bad policemen, there are not separate and independent powers, the judges name them the politicians, the police this to you order them of the shift politician, and the worst thing, there is not legal road so that supposing that what is passing everything was truth, have a supreme court or an independent and superior figure that he can say coarse we begin again. So or we continue tolerating other three years, or the society won't have more remedy than to leave to the street but not with pamphlets in fact. 

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