martes, 18 de marzo de 2014


We return to the topic without acrimony any, but it is that in some way the Spaniards should understand the things for if same without the damned centralist politics of for half, you look at dear countrymen, don't care them if some or some Catalan politicians presumably have or they have had bills in Switzerland, if others have made use of their influence and position to make business, if they have misappropriated flows public etc., unfortunately this in the cases that are not all in that it can be certain it doesn't disapprove for anything to the Catalan society that is the one that voted at the end if he/she wants or not to be independent of Spain.   

Spain cannot also be attacking the Catalan politics using to political presumably not very clean, because in this end Spain always won, he always has more and worse, it is simply a question of quantity, they are already living him these last days. The reality that makes that the necessity of independence for Catalonia is a final objective, it is not but that two aspects, one the wrong treats so much economic as politician that the government from Spain gives us day in and day also, and the other one, is the I despoil economic unjustified to which we are subjected year after year.   

And it is not that Catalonia doesn't want to be solidary it is that the solidarity becomes shamelessly against us making us lose all possibility of economic and social growth, and from here you reaches the conclusion that this situation is not alone for solidary erroneous positions and equilibrators, it is purely I despoil to drown the initiative and the Catalan expansion, it is for that reason that finally from Catalonia it is said it is already enough, we are not able to this way neither we want to continue.   

The economic effect that this will have when it is taken to I finish it is it that in fact worries the government from Spain, it is not love neither defense of national territory, it is pure and simply necessity of revenues to continue being a nation with certain importance in the European community, and this way to be able to continue governing and "loafing" to coast of some, and that above they are reviled and attacked from all the angles, from the government, the press, and some that other rulers of regions that also come it, but that they treat the problem erroneously.  

The truth at the end gives us the reason, neither Spain by no means the current government of the PP it deserves that we make an effort to try to think that maybe there is a cordial exit for both, and to avoid the segregation of Catalonia of Spain, and neither there are reasons of weight to think about the possibility that Spain can avoid that this happens, between other things because this event ire conducible for Spain already bothered the UE that the enforce quickly so soon it redo’s its government organs after the elections of May and don't doubt that the solution that the UE outlined didn't like Spain it is evident that the UE, forced to that you arrives to a friendly agreement with the purpose of that another economic political case of uncertainty is not already caused in its disastrous South area that now he already begins to give him other people's shame although it cannot undertake any action. 

Curious situation truth, for that reason I have wanted to capture in this blog this reality that he goes maybe but directed to the Spanish society that not to the blind man and tricky political class and of the fourth to be able to, so I believe that serious better than Spain reconsiders it otherwise we don't harm ourselves", but let us put the things in their place or we leave the threats and we see of arriving to future agreements or the problem, don't doubt it jumped the Spanish frontiers, and to the UE he didn't like this at all.  

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