jueves, 25 de diciembre de 2014


Majesty goes to you almost when finishing the of Christmas day I have not been able to make it before because you already know like they are these parties the food the family the visits in short that I will count her majesty, undoubtedly I don't know to what extent her majesty has been surrounded of "the family" I refer not concretely in plural to his family it handcuffs and daughters that if they will have enjoyed the celebrated party in the Christian world. 

But once transmitted my congratulation the reason of this writing is not another that to comment its majesty its speech or congratulation Christmas correspondent to all the Spaniards. The first one that I mean is he that I found old and repeated it is certain that their majesty gave another image through the plasma or the led off the television but nothing else and this majesty doesn't believe neither acceptable neither enough. Some commentator has classified it of nearer and more direct, I repeat the have found as distant and unreal as always. 

 Their majesty intent to be more direct to speak, in their Christmas speech, of the three topics that they are located in the center of the concerns of their citizens (that wrong sounds to these heights this appellative): the corruption, the economic crisis and Catalonia. This time use less rodeos, and their majesty made a call to the reencounter between Catalonia and Spain and it exposed his own feelings to admit, in white it indexes to the process Catalan sovereignty that not Spanish - it hurts "Me and I worry about that emotional fractures, coldness or rejections can take place among families, friends or citizens", to conclude that nobody in today's Spain is opposing of anybody."  

In previous speeches, their majesty had made veiled references to the situation that Catalonia lives but he/she had never spoken so clearly. But they are not the arguments for their used majesty those that really justify their true restlessness or their sincere "pain" for the possibility of losing Catalonia. Their majesty began his reference recognizing that "from Catalonia, it has been contributed to the political stability of all Spain and his economic" progress, and he added: it is "evident that we all need" ourselves.  

Majesty is possible that we all need ourselves but the demonstrations of collaboration and friendship on the part of his state, of which is you the maximum exponent doesn't certify it. His majesty that his government wants so much knows and he needs Catalonia and the Catalan that it is pursuing them with the law, so much imputing anything less at his President and two of his Conselleras for ago a civil act full with democracy but that apparently it offended them morally. Majesty is not only of economy or of interests but also and, mainly, of feelings" and mainly of nobility and benevolence like his majesty should try to the Catalan if it really feels what proclaims.     

Majesty is not the quarrels and the judicial imputations "that he will make of Spain a nation with an unique" force as he said, it is the sum of our differences that we should understand to respect so that they always bring near us and they don't distance us more every day. But in this their state majesty this is not accepted here they cannot have differences neither of any class here in their state Majesty everything should continue being uniform and it should be tied and very tied by the god grace. 

That god that their government adduces more and more to make sure the power and to reduce the plurality of the towns and people from Spain and that they denominate "The Constitution" it is the guarantee of a total democratic disagreement and it cannot already guarantee what his majesty requested, to continue building "a project that it respects the plurality and generate illusion and trust in the future."  

Their same majesty senses it and this way among lines the expressed thing that it is necessary to assume changes to continue advancing in the political coexistence. "All political time has its own challenges", he said, and it summed up them in "regenerating the political life, to recover the trust of the citizens in its institutions, to guarantee the State of well-being and to preserve the unit from the plurality". And like he wants to make all this alone majesty there is a way to be endowed you and the state of some new and more modern government rules and of laws that is to say of a new in agreement Constitution with the current time with this time that has left that unique Spain already very behind, that big and free Spain governed by the generalissimo Franco, with the approval or its excellent father's obligation. 

their majesty the same as their predecessor cannot speak to us as the state boss his majesties they have never been it his speeches they are not his they are written to the service of the rulers that they move the threads of this for that reason "his state" his speeches they are full with falsehoods and of hypocrisy because they are not his speeches they are his paper to the service of a politics it expires corrupted full with criminals' embezzlers, so many and so high that until they end up them to sprinkle his Majesties. They cannot be excluded of the dirt of this country they have enough the same bad habits the same behaviors and although their majesty still appears today clean it cannot hide that this but that sprinkled by the Spanish rottenness. 

To their country majesty, the public corruption demoralizes him to the public opinion the cases of corruption in all the stamens and in all ways possible because not alone they are the merely economic ones but the dirty interferences among powers the white it influences of the government with judges and fiscal that class of security waits that Spanish of on foot he/she sits down in its own country, and the worst thing is that we all know that with the current constitution to its majesty also have him with the hands tied completely like he wants that we believe him it is impossible. Majesty like it will cut the "root corruption and without views."  

Majesty you have to their own family imputed by the same crimes that the big ones are imputed political and men of the governments' of this country trust don't count us that this country is a paladin of the operation of the State of Right, it is not enough that some of "those responsible for the irregular behaviors are responding of them" it is that they could make them during years in total impunity and his majesty that all escaped without paying for their crimes and you knows he remained silent because the constitution of its country prepares this way it he doesn't make us more speeches of state boss until it is really it, do us this favor. 

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