sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2014


Such and like it concludes this 2014 everything he makes think that the political and economic situation of the UE is completely crazy of death. My readers that I like to write on this disaster the fact don't create that lately it reiterates in my comments the terrible situation of the UE and especially I don't like the euro area with its disastrous euro at all but the fact is this way and it is irreversible I met the happy europa that of the European market and that europa it was happy because it reflected an unanswerable reality the diversity of the society European diversity that each one governed it like he could to its way and that alone the trade converged in the truly necessary thing so much interior as external. 

I can assure them that the European feeling was a lot but strong then that today so much this was so the UE he and he thought that it or that it was prepared to give the definitive step to not arrive at the common market but passing to the common europa but you mistakes, or rather the house began with the roof the problem that they didn't see the French and the Germans main instigators of the current disaster it was that the europa of the common market was happy and it prospers because each country worked to its rhythm and according to its own necessities and possibilities and some but and other less ones went improving with that that all contentment’s. 

But this didn't mean that all are same and that all can converge in an equitable economy that what they wanted to make with the creation of the euro for all, was if they will tell me you that you to invent you some fork indexes to be in the euro and here it began the whole creators they forced to the other ones to be equaled them if they wanted to enter in the euro group and this was a disaster that then didn't want to see all absolutely all they made traps they squared the numbers with the help of camouflaging deficits debts etc. they made it all included France and Germany and Greece, Spain and Italy no longer say, the conclusion of all this was some years of false euphoria where the debts and the deficits were deepened while the UE looked toward another side until I arrive the crisis and then if one had to look to the economies of each country of the euro area and what was already knows it all you. 

Now the economic reality the euro area is so heterogeneous and so false that it is impossible to rectify because the only way to make it would be impoverishing to the rich ones so that the peripherals can react and to equal this way the economy in general but this doesn't go it is necessary to be made, because as always I say europa it is a containing one but not a country, so the one in route to me to understand each other finishes the European national crises they have already arrived to the society and this it is not silly and you see clearly that the culprit of this is the politics of wanting to stretch but the arm that the sleeve and this leaves to the overdraft all the lacks of each one of the national economies. 

The European society doesn't still have the certainty of what has to make but it doesn't lack a lot so that this happens Greece in fact Italy and Spain they are already living him the national uncertainty in each country it is already in the street Greece it will advance elections and its politics will give an overturn toward the left Italy it is at the moment in general and totally stagnated strike, Spain is a disaster and with a road already traced for PODEMOS  that he sent us as Greece to the extreme left the left of characteristic of the communist and populist regimens, France this showing off of power but it didn't last him a lot because its fall is more and more quick and deep. 

All this is blame of the euro there is no doubt the only countries that work they are the Europeans that the euro area that every month increases its GDP are outside and of course and the clearest example is Great Britain and this is not my trial this is real figures. To persist in the idea that the euro and their influence area will come out of this it is an alone monumental blunder maintained by the enormous quantity of politicians that they run for the European countries and for the institutions of the UE but the BCE the BCI and Germany that as always he doesn't want to realize its errors and as always the blame is also of the other ones. 

For umpteenth time I repeat it is necessary to return to after before it is too much afternoon it is already necessary to undo the European Union and to return to the Market Common European it is necessary to return the economic and monetary freedom of course to each European country and simply to create a common space where you freely can trade to work to buy and to pay, but each one with the force and the capacity of their economies not with the economy of the strongest because it is certain that this is not within reach of anybody more alone you that, of the strongest. 

The 2015 will be year of elections they will already see it, some because they play and other because no current government will be able to tolerate the social pressures that were uncovered angered by a situation that every day worsens but and in but places. That god us admitted cripple. 

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