lunes, 6 de junio de 2011


The industry has put an end in April to the registered activity turnaround in the first months of 2011. He has entered in negative rates of growth in March for the fall in the production of the calls durable consumption goods. As he has informed the national institute of statistical (INE), the General Index of Industrial Production (IPI) he/she fell 4,1% in April in front of the same period of 2010 after five serial months to the rise. Another industrial sector with negative repercussion in April was that of the intermediate goods that registered a descent inter annual of 3,7%, for the decrease of the production of concrete elements, cement and plaster, and of the production of basic products of iron, steel . 

The question is they were these results that waited. Rulers? I believe that you not, but I will tell them that me yes. It seems lie, there are forms of making the things, well, bad and to regulate but it is that in Spain they become alone very bad, it is that like, it is clear they don't know neither to clip, it is exasperating to have to live in this continuous disaster. When they are forced to make cuttings from the European institutions, they refer to that clip expenses and non productive costs, non production, another time they have applied it and expert bad. 

A logical way to reduce expenses is to reduce its equivalence about the productivity of the country the GDP, not necessarily its quantity, because when you clip alone looking at the quantity, automatically you are reduced the productivity, since you have less resources to apply to increase your GDP, they understand it or it is too high the equation for its privileged minds.  

The expense cuttings have to go directed to the bureaucracy, not to the production and the personnel's consumption that it is what you/they are making you, we will see, reduce Ministries, reduce Departments, reduce official cars, workers of the state reduce (although this seems that the alone unemployment increases it will be a punctual impact, because if he/she doesn't stop the country, or better it is still reactivated, they were placed soon) they reduce I exercise, reduce representation expenses, (embassies, consulates), reduce grants. Privatize once and for all and very fact, The RENFE, The airports or whole AENA give me same, Privatize the administration of the Hospitals of the SS and the national health clinics of primary attention, transform the fixed expenses into variables, like they make the ordinary companies, hear in this country there are big agents and economists that will give them lessons of how to make it  

Fight to reduce the interests of the debt, plant you once and for all, and say if it is necessary that you ends up that will restructure the debt if they persist in the rising hairspring in that you/they have put them, they are you in a competition of discovered poker, playing against Germany France and the BCE and the international financial markets without identifying, those that take the glasses of sun inside the room to dark, and for what I see the contrary players they play of streetlight, because if the stake ends, they eat up the lost ones, they don't have any ace in the sleeve. Force to the banks to fulfill the test of stress of a, time and they will know this way their true state of indebtedness and liquidity, to have if this way we know all to what to abide, and because there is not credit for the companies, and because when they offer credits to the consumption they make it to 11y 12% this is crime, it is usury. 

To put all these measures into operation, it is what they mean those of Europe when they tell him you reduce expenses.  Not what you are making, reduces wages to the brute, and I eat consequence the purchasing power, therefore he decreases the common expense, consequently people get scared, therefore they don't buy anything, so the companies don't sell, for this cause they say goodbye to people, the unemployment increases, you have to pay more subsidies and they collect less IVA and what it happens that without being realized it has increased the expense, fair the opposite of what you sought. 

As colophon, an example so that it is understandable: If a family enters 1.000 Eurus a month and it spends 900 he has some expenses of 90%, if this family passes to get paid for reductions those that are 900 Eurus and it spends 850 that say you that it has reduced or had increased the expenses, because it has increased them because now its expenses are of 94,4% and the family lives worse because purchase less things. If the same family for but activity passes to obtain for revenues 1.100 Eurus and it spends 950 it has ascended or had reduced, then now it has reduced them, its expenses now are of 86,3%, but like it spends more quantitatively, the family lives better.  It is simple not, because that is what you should learn to govern a country with common sense.    

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