jueves, 2 de junio de 2011


Happiness in the poor person's house has lowered the unemployment! Today they say we have 79.701 stopped less it is not very little, when I read these news I worry because they sound me to hollow they sound me fifty-fifty to truths, to continue hiding the tremendous reality of the Spanish labor market. It is not of more saying it certainly, it is news and therefore it is necessary to publish it. But I worry about that next to this news of new frauds appear in the department of employment of Andalusia, the agreement lack among Employer and Unions that didn't reach any agreement to conform consent for some new norms of labor relationships.    

For that reason it doesn't delight me the news because this orphan, is a loose figure that won't get nothing else that to move a line in a statistical graph, but don't leave to her surroundings a general change this figure you/he/she is purely seasonal you/he is not product of this or that measure taken by the government or for the unions or for the best behavior in the Spanish economy, we are not simply arriving at the good time and  is necessary to start more services for the tourism this is the cause of the reduction of the unemployment this month. 

Among so much and as he/she said the Employer Spaniard before he/she has decided that it is necessary to wait to that the PP governs, that is to say it is necessary to wait but of one year, for this way to be able to harden but the new labor rules, with the purpose that if the bosses say, to be able to hire without fear and therefore to lower the unemployment. While the moribund government of the socialists will happen he will have to legislate for ordinance. And do I wonder they will make? And if they make it, what they legislate lasted such an alone year. Spain cannot continue it is this way a topic after other, what some mount the other ones disassembles it and vice versa there is this way never anything definitive in this country. 

I already take some blogs commenting the topic of the unemployment in Spain, and I don't like to return another time to alarm, but I am not able to for less than to insist. What I want to read is that this month in Spain 79.701 Companies have been created, this it is the form of solving the unemployment, because if the only thing that happens is that it is hired without increasing the managerial fabric, when it arrives the Autumn it turns off and good bay, but this to the government and it seems that to the opposition, he brings them without care, the important thing is day by day the holders of the.   

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