domingo, 5 de junio de 2011


This is the great paradox of Spain, after so many centuries, of so many conquests, of so many kings, of so many wars, of two republics, of a dictatorship and of an incipient democracy, it is not anything, he doesn't paint anything, it is not made feel, he doesn't have influence some, neither anything that to teach, it continues so isolated of Europe and of the world concert as always has been he in the modern era. It is worthy of stopping to study this fact that happens to us a historical moment in that didn't put on the sun in the Empire of Spain, arrive and suddenly you clouds and good-bye the greatness of Spain.  

Because we don't deceive ourselves, at the moment we are not anything, in the G-8-10-20… we are invited only, in the Council of Security of the UN we figure jointly with Mexico, that is to say never we have been for example permanent member as France, apart from this in the UN we figure as members of the heap, as they are the Zimbabwe or Costa of Ivory to say something. That it happens to us or that he has spent that we have made bad. 

We have possibly sinned of proud and in solidary, non hays participated in the important European events, mainly neither in the first great European war, neither in the second world war, this is evident it isolated us, because while the nations of Europe and the USA fought to liberate our continent of the absolutism I was Born that he tried to dominate him, we were unintentionally behind the Pyrenees to make anything, independently of the fact that we in our country, already had our installed dictatorial nationalism, the certain thing is that this episode, I believe I, reaffirm our isolation definitively, first lover for our kings and previous politicians, then imposed by the western world to Spain, and now maintained without knowing very well because. 

This situation should change, we should find the solution, something works bad in our country that prevents to expand, to be somebody in the world concert, I have compared a fact that I worry about, and that I don't want to accept like hopeless cause, is the geographical situation, if we contemplate Europe, we see that the Mediterranean South part, is the more separated from the continent, the poorest, the less influential one, and surprisingly also the more loaded with history, Greece, Italia(except the north), Portugal and the Balkans. This is a fact, but it cannot be the cause of the problem because if it is it we would not have solution. 

For me the problem of Spain, is its own internal imbalance, and that he constantly refuses always for the dominant political class, and please that I am not understood bad, Spain is in fact Castile, and the rest is, as me he would say it for not offending sensibilities, subject towns of the Kingdom of first Castile, provincial later and nationalist now, but they have never had rights neither importance for the centralist ruling elite. That is to say Spain begins closing up in if same, its power is in its centralist in its kept interior and inaccessible for those of it was, it is the me, it is the reminiscence of the empire and the Castilian greatness, and this is paid very expensive, if I don't allow to enter neither to those that I want that they are my town, like I will allow to enter or I will come out to give to those of behind the Pyrenees. 

I insist in that don't want that this sounds to recrimination, on the part of a Spanish Catalan toward the imperial Castile, the history, history is, and you cannot change, but it is necessary to make that the history is passed, and don't present by no means future, it is necessary to change Spain like be and quick, it is necessary to begin to create non alone ideas for our country but Europe it stops and for the world, it is necessary to stop to look at you to the navel it is necessary to leave to present plans, proposals, it is necessary to speak English mainly our rulers, we cannot continue showing to our world differences for very important that they are, the world it works as him he chooses I don't eat you want.   

Let us change the country, let us look to the world another time and let us see, at the moment the countries that command the world evolution are basically of two types one: Absolutist and centralized to not being able to but, CHINESE, and the other ones open and democratic with government's Federalists systems, USA, Germany, Brazil, then somewhere around the things should go, let us choose a road and let us prove that such, me that if Chinese would not choose, because they believe that they are this way because them alone they are a world. 

Let us restructure Spain, let us forget the glorious past, let us let that each one is each one, let us make a non centralist government, without the obligation of taking the same coffee so that we seem all equals, they don't salt this way initiatives, because all wait that he gets ready it that of the center, that is to say the government, and it doesn't change this way a country, neither new solutions are given to new problems, and if there are not solutions inside of, of it was they will come and they will impose them to you.

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