They follow
the manipulations of all type that it punishes that alone they are good to lose
the time, according to an I articulate published by “The Economist” it is tried
to take the Catalan secession to the exclusively economic terms it is certain
that these they have a great importance in this matter but I will never get
tired of saying that there are other things as the governability in general the
social justness and the education among other and of course the Catalan
The mentioned
article begins with he goes on pilgrimage her manipulation of a comparison that
nobody here has made: The small Germany, this is the appellative that you has
ended up applying Catalonia in the circles that defend the independence of this
autonomous community with more ardor. They assure who speak this way that if
the region is not already a replica to scale of the country that Angela Merkel governs
(as for growth of the GDP and to unemployment rate, especially) it is because
the rest of Spain ballasts its potential.
The same as
the public sector, neither the private one would have to fear anything of a
divorce, since it is more overturned toward the exterior that toward Spain and
their true muscle trains with the export. Because yes, this is Catalonia it
exports this way more than 72% of the national external export, it is evident
that if he refers the export inside of or to Spain this yes that it could be in
danger but in my opinion this is more a threat that a reality. To substitute
all the products and supplies that the rest of Spain buys to Catalonia, it
would suppose the momentary suspension of activity of industrial factories and
the rise in the price of many other products that should be renegotiated to the
exterior of Spain, so in this better case to be thought it twice.
everything, the article continues, the figures are stubborn and they
demonstrate that there is another reality beyond the fight and the political
interests. He fits to even make objections in what concerns to the most
extended topic that the system of autonomous financing is enraged with
Catalonia and it harms it much more than to any other autonomous community. Of
being this way, it would be a result more than paradoxical, keeping in mind
that the current allotment method was gestated, in 2009, with the objective of
adjusting it to the new Statute of Autonomy that then was forged in Barcelona.
And that it seems that the author has forgotten that the finally approved by
the TC (constitutional tribunal) he
doesn't resemble in anything what refers.
Also, the
crisis has altered everything, and in the last trimesters Catalonia has
contracted an enormous dependence with regard to systems of help, to scale of
the whole State, like it is the Fund of Autonomous Liquidity. Another very tortuous
interpretation because Catalonia and Spain find it favorable this formula sews
that no other "soldiery" autonomies have continued, notice like the FLA works it is a bottom created for
this and that it is constituted with the own taxes of the imposing communities
that alone they are three but that for outstanding figures they are two more
the helps of received European rescues in way of credits of the BCE etc.
Those funds
because, they are as Catalan as Spaniards, but it is that when Catalonia
requests them he has to pay interests to the state, so first help to collect
them you the raisin to the treasure, and then the treasure you those ready to a
half interest of 4.25% if I don't remember bad, with that that the state ago a
good business with benefits that it applied to other autonomies, that is to say
Catalonia has double imposition
Centering us
in the ordinary system of financing of the autonomies the most recent data in
the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that by the way they don't have
validity because it has not still facilitated the data of fiscal scales, in
spite of almost to swear that he would make it this year, they demonstrate that
this paradox has not been given, since to Catalonia they corresponded him
15.700 million agreement with the allotment pattern, while its collection for
taxes was located in 27.000 millions. That is to say here already there are
11,300 millions that are not few.
He articulates
it recognizes that it is certain that a deficit exists, but notably more
reduced that that is characteristic of Madrid, also subjected to the same
method of distribution of common régime. In accordance with the liquidation of
2011, the community that then Esperanza presided over Aguirre collected 66.000
million Eurus, a quantity very far from the 11.400 millions that then returned
on the from Madrid ones. If but here it would lack to apply the deficit of the
broken freeways, of the fasts’ of the bankrupt Olympiads and the extra
contributions for capitality, with all this it is a problem of Madrid and if
they are happy because for something it will be.
Other official
reports also contribute to disassemble the myth that Catalonia is the great one
harmed in the allotment of resources and the most solidarity. It is the so
famous ones as polemic fiscal scales; in fact, their publication is politically
so delicate and it hurts so many sensibilities that have not given to know from
2009 again. It was the last of the 36 occasions in those that something has
been made similar in the last 53 years. They have not been made neither they
will in fact be made because they would leave in evidence that those official
reports to that he refers the article that would make serious to disassemble
the government from Spain.
That that the
then regular of Economy, Pedro Solbes, made public he has the disadvantage that
it was already based on data for the antiquated, characteristic of 2005, but it
had the advantage that the calculations were made abiding to two different
estimate methods to assure a bigger objectivity. In accordance with the first
of them, the call of load-benefit, is attributed Catalonia an equivalent
deficit to 6,5 percent of its GDP; that imbalance overcomes it so much the
Balearic Islands, with 7,5 percent and Madrid with 9,1 percent of the total of
its wealth.
From the
optics of the second method used to calculate the fiscal scales, identified as
of monetary flow, the deficit in damage of the Catalan bills ascends to 8,7
percent of the GDP, but neither it is the most swollen from this point of view,
since Balearic it is placed in head with a notably wider hole: 14,2 percent of
the GDP. Not you frankly that value has these figures that it is not purely to
look for three feet to the cat because neither they are of trusting, neither
they are good to compare 6,5% or 8,7 deficit% that it is awarded to Catalonia it
is such an enormous quantity that it cannot be considered with the one of
Balearic alone in any event with Madrid but I repeat if Madrid is this way
happy it will be for something they don't find it.
Also, say what
they tell the statistics all the resources they are few, be already own or
common, when a region has to make in front of an indebtedness so swollen of its
public sector as it is characteristic of Catalonia. It is more, in the event of
division, the new State would be born with an important financial load under
the arm, since in all divorce it is necessary to be distributed the rights and
the obligations, and the part of the total Spanish debt that it would
correspond Catalonia it can ascend to 180.000 million Eurus, in accordance with
the calculations of the professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
Clemente Pole. That if the divorce is friendly that which is to see, but
supposing that yes, this debt would mean a debt of 92% of the GDP 8 points
below the Spanish today.
I don't want
to enter in the debts of companies public and other structures you publish
because in the event of the independence the concepts of costs and of
attributions it would already be seen like they are. And if what wants to
wonder, if the very dynamic sector managerial Catalan would be able to
compensate the hindrances, derived of its Administration, with those that the
new Catalan State would be born; somehow it should be noticed that the Catalan
wealth supposes 20 percent of the total of Spain I assure them that if and that
it would improve because the new state would be much smaller than to finance in
many cases two administrations.
He would have
fallen of the exports, neither in this case the independence would have neuter
effects, in the measure in that "the secession would put an end to 50
percent of the sales of goods and Catalan services to Spain", according to
esteem the Institute of Economic Studies (IEE), the think dependent tank of the
employer CEOE. That has already explained to it before this is pure
imagination, the managerial truth and of the private business it is another
very different one, if there is business and I assure them that Catalonia would
facilitate them and a lot, the non alone things should not fall but rather it
is possible that they even increase.
The so
conduction and taken expulsion of the UE and/or the euro area is not certain Catalonia
it is not in the UE for what cannot expel her when it is then a new country what
he will be necessary to make it will be to see if it is admitted or not but the
fact that for numbers of GDP and industrialization etc. Catalonia serious born
taxpayer to the UE non crew that there is any problem neither for Spain that
would be noticed of the necessity of to be friends and to collaborate because
in Spain if there is many CCAA receptors of grants of the UE.
In short they
don't give him more turns are not silly neither imbeciles. Yes that know that
we make the problem it is apparently on the part of the government and of the
groups of pressure of Spain that if they come that their benefits would
decrease if they lack 200.000 million Eurus that blow and blow, are not another
explanation. If we have become crazy, if we are silly, if we are not good for
anything, if we are not solidary in excess, if we are anti Spaniards, because
absurd reason wants to convince us so that we stay it is that this falls for
its own weight.
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