There will always be people that will consider that he doesn't leave
neither sufficiently quick neither sufficiently ahead, but what I want to
remember is that the spirit that moves us to those that we believe and we
request the possibility to wonder what we want to be, it continues absolutely
alive and increased if it fits, with the performances of the Catalan society so
much that of the past September 11, as all those that take place in meetings in
cities and towns of our small geography without so much repercussion, and I
believe that it is not necessary to make but you interview in this respect,
Artur Mas, he has insisted in that overflows the feeling of the right to decide
in the citizenship, ongoing later on in search of their full sovereignty like
Catalan people want the independence, is clear. But who or that he is
explaining to us that it means the Independence, almost anything what comes off
of this word, this action is much more than some popular street manifestations,
and much more than some manifestations and political fights. I believe Mr. Mas,
that it is already the hour of explaining that it can be the independent Catalonia,
as much their hardships as their benefits, one is not able to these heights to
leave that the Catalan society and the Spaniard, don't have clear that there is
behind the possible independence of Catalonia and the danger now is in that each
a he imagines it like he can.
Because it is clear that the Spanish political centralism is attacking
us in the most brutal way that could make it, you will see, I understand that
he doesn't love us, but the worst thing is not that, it is that it no longer
accepts that we are like we are and he wants to change us and that no longer
understands it, I can understand that they don't love each other and that for
that reason they treat us bad, they despoil us, but that they don't leave us to
be educated with our values, it is already to make us I really damage, and what
I cannot understand, is that above they still present us before our society the
Spaniard, as some annoying ones and stateless ungrateful.
As the Spanish propaganda it will be more and more brutal against what
would mean a segregation of Catalonia of the Spanish state, I understand that
to the conclusions that it is necessary to arrive it is to make a great
pedagogy, and to the analysis that it would mean the Independence, for Catalan
people and mainly for Spanish people that lives and had formed roots in Catalonia,
but that for what is it doesn't feel the Catalan identity, so with the biggest
simplicity that it is capable, I will outline some very simple aspects to keep
in mind and that they would arise when requesting the independence.
The serious political and bureaucratic mechanics of course complicated,
but have perfectly solution by means of agreements and compensations, but I
don't go for this side although he knows that Spain would get angry a lot,
because its paper would be like in the marriages the enraged lover. And the
obstacles would be many but nothing else that that. At the end the politicians
and the national and international jurists that it doesn't fit us doubt should
intervene, they reached the balance point and necessary agreement to sit down
some legal bases that allow the real fact of the segregation and the creation
of a new state in the UE.
I worry about it more people. The first great problem would be like he
combines the coexistence among families that it leaves they are married in Catalonia
and partly in Spain, this happens in the most primary step and base of the
family, that is to say between husband and woman, between father and mother and
son, for me this it is the most delicate point, but neither I see him as a
matter in salvable, like we have left clear that there is not confrontation,
there would be the whole freedom of opting so for the nationality that is
wanted, the family that he wants to continue being Spanish because anything is
Spanish that they live and they work in another country that would be
It would be necessary to negotiate their goods, their patrimonies and
earnings, by means of rates and taxes that would be paid here or there,
according to the economic and labor concerts between both countries, as they
make it now for example a French that he lives and works in Barcelona. And of
course the one that doesn't want to continue in the new since country will be
free of leaving, to which considers his with all right, but always for own
decision and initiative.
And to the Catalan as it would affect us, in the bottom to very
superfluous but curious things of commenting: we should get used to see the
cinema in original version because they would not bend movies to the alone
Catalan for seven million spectators, maybe we would not see tele5 neither
antenna 3 neither the 6 neither TVE, etc. Probably yes Channel + because it is
here of payment, and that tradition we will never lose it, I refer to the one
of paying for everything.
We would suffer some months a boycott of our products, but this would
not affect for anything, because today there are many products that neither it
is known from where they come, also the same as I pass in their time with the
one it digs, he spends soon and people from Spain are not silly and what interests
them the they buy again and to use, the good thing of this is that to us would
not affect us, because we would have all the Spanish products to our service,
because we don't have them problem and for that of the free market of which we
would be part before or later.
The tourism would grow formidably, first for the novelty and the
gratuitous publicity that the tabloids and foreign means of information would
make us, explaining the fact of the independence of a small country but full with
attractiveness of all class, beaches cities, Romanic, Gaudi, mountains, snow,
etc. This would allow to rush the airport from the Prat to the intercontinental
traffic, because the serious Prat our entirely, since we will have bought the
aliquot part of its value, the same as the ports and all the other
infrastructures to Spain.
Is the change economically difficult I recognize it; would they allow us
to continue in the euro of good to first? Do I believe that if (are there
already countries that have the euro without at the moment to belong to the
euro group) would the parameters of GDP and debt improve since. Would this fact
bear I get the possible exit of Catalonia of the banks national Spaniards? I
believe that not at all, they won't leave a business as which Catalonia would
generate, it would be necessary to create that if the "BCC" the
Central Bank of Catalonia, but good with some directive of the Caixa and of the
Bank Sabadell goes had more than enough.
Finally to say that I don't believe that the big companies installed in
Catalan floor left, rather on the contrary, because evidently the labor and tax
conditions should put on to the height or to improve them of the Europeans, and
they have also closed lately already more than those that are unfortunately and
without independence. I already know that there is a formal team that he is
studying all the complexity of official structures of state for the supposition
that occupies us, but I insist, I am not entering in the guts of the state I
want that that is explained that to people of on foot it affects him and that
finds it to lack
I don't like that from the rest of Spain I are taken to the
slaughterhouse metaphorically speaking, and that the Spanish society believes
it believe strongly because there is not against he replies, I don't like them
to cross out us of ungrateful and of bad people, and from here we don't explain
to them what we will make and like we seek to live us and all those that want
to live and to be welcomed to the Catalan nationality or if he will be possible
to have double nationality who requests it. People when he hears independence,
he is come to the memory the war of independence with France the wars of the
Balkans etc. And it is not that, it is simply between two a friendly divorce
countries that have stopped to be wanted, but that I believe that they could be
friends, very good friends.
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