Spain today
with the government in hands of the PP and the European Union, commanded by the
German, accompanied government some for the whole rest of politicians that I
will denominate “españolistas”, concretely to clarify the meaning employee,
those that are represented in the whole national territory (for example the
PSOE). And the other ones for their you tune Central European states, they have
decided to undertake the road to take alone measures to negotiate the misery,
for the other ones and to maintain this way their neuralgic centers outside of
the changes and the circumstances that could unbalance their power and this
way, instead of taking measures for the reactivation and the equilibrium and
the productivity of the economy in general, they are limited very well to put
in order the misery of the peripherals in favor of the greatness of the
economic and political centralism marked in both spaces.
It is evident
that in the directive structures of the European Community, there are not some
bases social politician, their committees, commissions, and presidencies, as
well as the members of the community advice, are eminently agents dedicated to
the economic, commercial administration and regulatory of activities, and
subsidize, but that they don't have any representation, knowledge, by no means
being able to political some. For it is almost impossible that can exercise
neither so at least to mediate in social matters that happen to their
surroundings he would say that not even in those of their own origin countries.
This situation is shown now ineffective to solve many of the problems of the
EEC. I use those initials that translated they define the true project of what
we try to name as European Union, but it is not this way, we are or we belong
to the European Economic Community (EEC)
This reality
like I say, it takes us in these bad moments to confuse the things and the
roads to continue to solve the economic and social reality of the sought
European Union. As the European commission he doesn't understand he can enter
in other attributions single taking measured proofreaders of economic type, and
that it also orders them and he prepares the only nation that remains stable
and "rich" that is to say their facto capital Germany. And the CE
doesn't think neither in consequences neither in derived social repercussions
of its guidelines the CE is directing in these moments some countries in crash
process, instead of a European Union full with inhabitants that they form human
societies, totally afraid and amazed before the inefficacy of its governments
and of its Union.
Before the
fiasco of the economies of the South of Europe, the community has not stopped
in to study which has been able to be the reason of the why it has passed this
phenomenon so similar and of effects so catastrophic, in its four outlying
countries and that they are also peninsulas the four, that is to say appendixes
a so much taken down of the centrality included physics and geographical
continental. That it affects to 40% of the population of the community and of
their general economy, an effect that has happened practically at the same time
and practically suddenly. It would be worthwhile to lose some time to analyze
the question because it cannot be so much similarity a casual effect.
The situation to the one that first this
central rich nucleus takes them giving them credits of its own money so that
they grew and they bought him its products they didn't know how to sustain it
so that at the same time that they grew you to image and likeness of the German
economy this way what the CE organizes was a belt of countries of cardboard
stone in such a way in fact that today when the economic balances have broken
for the alone world crisis the center it tolerates because it is there where
this really the source of the general wealth to the alone belt credits arrived
but I don't arrive industrial and economic infrastructure.
Now the
community reaction is among astonished and surpassed by the phenomenon, he
doesn't know how to react and he will continue without making it because charge
of so much Europe cannot be taken, no matter how much there is noise of threats
and of possible abandonments and bad expensive, we don't know how to react
because one doesn't want to assume the cause and the blame of the imbalances
created by the own form of directing the economy of the European Union that has
broken down in two, basically since the Euro, a nucleus was born it is in hands
of an economic and financial, located center and based on the central structure
of the richest country in europa Germany.
And other or
other where the guidelines that have left from this economic central nucleus,
were not applicable to economies of another nature, much less productive and
with very limited resources, as they were it and they are, the economies of the
four countries in risk, Italy Spain Greece Portugal, for that reason is
explained that such a similar situation repeats in four nations that its great
point in common, is that they are far from the center of the taking of decision
of the European economic community the (EEC).
of this reality, but with resemblance reason of original base, in Spain, he has
also taken place the disaster of their internal political administration, their
rulers have been some authentic humbugs that have thought but in them that in
their political duty, hiding realities and using the power as lid, or
springboard for other activities not so in agreement with the responsibilities
of a politician, these circumstances neither have been detected up to now from
the European centrality but I believe that they don't care the problem at all
it is much more serious.
Now in Spain,
in the face of the risk of crash of the Union, and continuing like it is
natural the watchwords of the directing centralist dome of the European
commission, the solutions to apply in the country want to resemble each other
and naturally they are erroneous, and totally counteractive again for the
future of the periphery, in our case you don't step but autonomies that try to
fix them another time, following their behavior canoness and social and
economic reality, instead of studying the reality and possibilities of those
affected, and this way the decision taken by Spain and in accordance with the
European Union is not another that to administer the misery in these
peripherals, the fair thing to avoid that they end up suspending payments and
harm with it, to the rich nucleus of both Spain and the European Union.
Any measure of
economic and industrial reactivation, any plan of zonal re equilibrium between
north and south, alone cuttings of expenses, and this doesn't serve from
anything to some countries that no longer produce revenues neither almost
expenses that to clip, because all their sources of wealth so much industrial
as financial they have moved or they have you are located outside of their own
countries, pushed to make it for the economic politics of the European
commission and of the BCE, well toward the countries and central European
markets, or even outside of the own European continent.
The measures
that are thinking about repeat, not alone they won't be the solution of the
problem but rather they increased it, the outlying conflict of europa passed of
being economic, to economic and social at the same time, and later on politics
as it is already the case of Catalonia and Spain the Catalan we don't want to
fall in the outlying misery to which Spain and the UE condemn us and we decide
to be formed in small central nucleus yes, but possible and fitting to come off
from the misery to the one that we go crawled without fail if we don't escape, because
to Madrid it happens him the same thing that doesn't not have the resources the
capacity to balance the whole country to Germany.
And when the
situation is so clear, each one that makes it is to try to save the furniture
like commonly it is said and he worries about moving away the most possible
thing the misery and the disasters of its surroundings being loaded them to the
other ones. The future of the whole European Union is written this way that
heads toward the definitive social economic disaster, since more and more the
Euro will have to not already support the total financing alone of 40% of its
community des industrialized, ruined, but rather France will fall with what
will be already the final point without any recovery possibility, for blame of
the blindness of the own government structures, thought it doesn't stop a
harmonic economic social group, but alone for a purely economic nucleus and of
being able to.
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