Read in The Popular Party has taken off the mask and it has disqualified, in a writing remitted to the Office Anticorruption, the solvency of the Unit of Economic and Fiscal Crimes (UDEF) of Police's National Body, to emit the report in which enumerates the indications of the accounting B of the party. The PP tosses in face to the UDEF that has believed what writes "believe strongly or he says an imputed in prison by the supposed commission of serious crimes, among those that the documental falsehood and the swindle" is, in reference to its ex treasurer Luis Bárcenas. It doesn't seem very characteristic of a report police solvent", it points out.
The article is much longer but it is not in this blog to reproduce a journalistic article, but of evidencing the unreasonableness of the government of this Spain, where the government and its party declare useless to its police, but he makes it now and whenever interests them, but not when they manipulated the Catalan elections creating false crimes of Artur Mas and CIU etc. not when the police makes tendentious reports to accuse members of the little Mossos (catalan police) less than of murderers, he doesn't force them to clarify once and for all that he made Alicia Sánchez Camacho, when it induced the former girlfriend of Pujol son to that counts personal affairs that gives place to manufacture false accusations that have been proven never, neither to recriminate to the informants that Catalonia has little less than the Stassy spying to all Spanish that moves and this way once and another time.
The government from Spain has also been made owner of the justice of the country he has praised and condemned judges, when it has suited him it has formed the high Spanish tribunals with judges of the party or tune and even with members of the popular party, now all this jumps visible with the problem of the imputation or not of the Infanta, with the impossibility of judging Bárcenas to avoid that they leave to it floats confrontations and documents and bills impossible to cover or to square, with cases Gürtel that don't finish never, with dozens of characters that have made abuses in the banking ruining people and the country and that nobody can put them hand and this way once and another time.
If I already know that everywhere they cook beans but for god love in the governments and Spanish politicians cook them to tons, and all this not says it to denounce it to you that more than enough they know it but because I want to arrive to that can understand that the Catalan have not become neither crazy neither no solider with all you, it is that we are already fed up with being governed by Spain, because we don't want to accept but the no solider paper after being the second taxpayer of the treasure, (behind Madrid) we don't want them to force us to teach to our people like want, without having in our bill culture and our language.
We don't want to go more to request credits of our own money, paying for you interest it to the state that stays it and it uses it as he gives him the desire, when with our work and product we could pay our debt that if we recognize it, because if we believe it in their moment, we don't want to have 22% unemployment because we cannot invest in infrastructures neither in industry, and this way with other many things that we don't like them, and for all this and because there is also a Catalan feeling that is the most difficult thing of explaining but that it is here inside many of us, we want to choose to be a new independent nation.
But all this knows that it is not it accuses for the most part of the Spaniards, it is from Spain that is very different although it seems a foolishness, me and many ask me, we don't understand as what offends us in our internal and external jurisdiction to us it is not already accepted by due obedience, but rather it seems that for unavoidable for the Spaniards, that is to say, it is as if the misfortunes, the injustices, the one despoils, the wrong government of centuries and centuries, be an inherent condition to the Spanish being, of which also one should feel proud, frankly we have already gorged and we are not able to but, if you are you please conform alone we ask them to allow us to make our road and if we make a mistake because that we will make him, it will be alone our blame.
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