Today I have read some incredible and absurd chronicles in the press or
some referred national press all to yesterday's day, the Hispanidad, The Pilar,
The day of the Race, etc. etc. already same Spain, doesn't know neither that he
takes place neither so at least if there is something to celebrate the loss of
real values in this country it is already evident and its incredible one
inventive to bother it is already for example the height I have read that TV3
in its section of the time falsifies the same one so that yesterday didn't go
many to the manifestations unionists he goes for god it is to laugh for not
getting worked up, and it is obvious this tells it today because yesterday they
were some thousands so alone they say 30,000 that are always those for three
Well all this has given me cause to configure this I articulate, my
readers know that my feelings are in favor of the Catalan nationalism, and they
also know that I don't have any ill will on those that don't feel as me, for
the cause that is, I don't care at all and I understand that each one is free,
or it should be it, of feeling in their interior their own feelings, never from
my tribune I will attack anybody for the fact of being Spanish, among other
things because it has not depended on him to be born where he has been
Now in these days we are being in a crossroad social politician of
certain graveness, because to hide it, for the push of the separatism that has
sprouted already with a lot of force in Catalonia, and in view of this fact,
the Catalan those that we feel more Catalan than Spanish, we are suffering some
false and injurious inappropriate attacks that I believe we don't deserve, and
to those that I believe very outside of place and inappropriate of a society
that calls oneself democratic and modern as he wants to see the Spanish
The foolishness insults and falsehoods that today has read, they have
impressed me a lot, because up to now he thought that in the bottom the attacks
toward our personal Catalan feeling, came but from the orbit of the Spanish
nationalism that although they deny it exists as alive and real as the Catalan
nationalism, and that in most of the times it is framed in old atmospheres of
extreme right and of the Spanish, headed right or represented somehow, with
more or less intensity, for or from the Popular Party, but today I have seen
that this goes but there, it is the whole Spanish politics the one that doesn't
admit at all that somebody thinks and he/she sits down in way different to the canons
that Spain imposes.
The moment arrives of defining those words pronounced by Pérez Rubalcaba
that "The rest of Spain will never accept that a part decides on something
that affects to everything". This declaration today I am studied it meditated
and pointing where he wanted to make it arrive, it is almost an entire declaration
of absolutism he would say me that irrational, but not alone that, is that he
leaves to the overdraft that Spain won't admit neither a single dialogue intent
to already find a road, or an intermediate solution to the problem definitive
of the political incompatibility between Spain and Catalonia and I want to
remember that this sentence comes from the Spanish left.
In this sentence it is admitted tacitly that for the Spanish political
class Catalonia is not Spain, it is so alone "a part" and that
already of entrance, he is not entitled any to think, to feel for itself, and
less even to "make something that affects to the that is to say
everything" to Spain, and it warns that Spain will "never"
accept that that "part" Catalonia decides another thing that what the
great Spain forces her, but it is that besides the tax character of the
sentence in yes, one can read among lines that this is for pure fear to that
Spain stops to be Spain, if this small part, is not inside the everything
obeying and helping to maintain to the Spanish empire.
It has never been exposed so clear on the part of a Spanish politician
the reality of the Spanish intransigence, and the reason of the abuse to that
it subjects Catalonia and it is because Catalonia, "this part affects to
the everything" and this it is the question Spanish friends, I don't know
exactly that they count them of us, but the reality is that here we have given
ourselves bill that we no longer want to continue being "a Part" and
not already of Spain but of anybody, we want to be a Nation, because we believe
that on one hand we feel this way it, and for the other one that undoubtedly
would be able to live better without the economic and political tyranny, of an
old system that continues living as if an empire of the XVIII century is.
It is evident that Catalonia doesn't have any intention neither he has
never dreamt him of changing Spain, that has to make it the Spaniards that feel
it and they see it and realize that the things go for other courses that not
those that impose us Kings, dictators, and parties politicians anchored in a
laugh democracy, where the freedom consists on to make and to think what they
say and without questioning anything. The Spanish society, seems that he is not
entitled to recriminate that in 35 years, our governments first have deceived
us and swindled with a life that was not sustained, and that alone it has
enriched to all its environment, leaving us as today is with 6 millions of
stopped, cared most, with a level of infamous education, and with a devastating
have very already seen it clearer still, and I say this way it to all my countrymen
that want to read me us "a part", and also small, we want that they
allow us to be another thing, and we want to make it with democratic normality,
without to reject anybody neither to force anything neither nobody, the
question is: because "the other part" never goes us to accept that we
make it, this it is the simple question that from here I throw to this great
part to have if he can answer me that bad we make them, because they won't
leave us, what do we remove them something? Or rather that right is granted to
refuse it, and they don't tell me that the history, because then they are
telling me that it is for the conquest right, and this today neither it is
democratic neither it would be very seen by the rest of the world.
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