miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2014


It is a chance or it is a reflection of the bad social administration of the governments of right but the certain thing is that the biggest misfortunes that Spain has suffered all have been with governments of right to the control of the nation that which indicates that or the right in Spain is gaffe or it is inadequate to govern because he doesn't have social sensibility some and single aim for its desire of fame or its wealth, these unfortunate examples that I will thresh illustrate very to the white that the Spaniards should think very well the one who they vote in the next elections. 

DISASTER OF THE COLZA OIL - In Spain, it was attributed to an irresponsible handling and criminal of this type of oil that he took place in the spring of 1981 the death of 1.100 people and the poisoning of other 60.000, of them, 25.000 were with irreversible sequels. Although by the middle of 1981 it was spoken of 700 fatal victims, the first cases showed at the beginning of May of that year and immediately the Government for then the UCD in hands of Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo he announced that the responsible for the "new epidemic" was a departure of oil of denaturalized colza, distributed in traveling sale as olive oil. 

Numerous alternative hypotheses was created promoting many more possible causing of the terrible damage that that intoxication causes to people's thousands, The investigations multiplied. It was known that said oil is mortal for the bovine livestock, but cases of intoxication had never been known in human and that that this type of oil was the more used in kitchen in the north of Europe.  

Luis Frontela, professor of Legal Medicine of the University of Seville, carried out an experiment where fed to mice with peppers and tomatoes that previously had been treated with (3metil-4-metiltiofenil isopropilamido phosphate). "Between 1% and 20% of the animals this way fed they have died. The rest reproduces the main lesions of the toxic syndrome of the colza oil. On the other hand the mice to those that have been given colza oil the only thing, that they have made are to put on weight" 

In October of 1989 the judicial investigation closed with the publication of the sentence that discharges to the importers and distributors of the oil for not being had proven how toxic concrete it caused the poisonings they already see that in Spain the justice was blind already in those times. 

THE DISASTER OF THE PRESTIGE - The disaster of the Prestige makes reference to the accident of the oil ship of this name and it’s later sinking in 2002, as well as to the black tide that caused and that it affected to 2000 kilometers of Spanish and French coast. The 13/11/2002, the oil tanker had an accident in a storm while it trafficked loaded with 77 000 Tm of fuel oleo for the coast of the death, in the northwest of Spain, and that I propitiate the extraordinary idea of the government of the PP by means of Mariano Rajoy the order that he moved away from the Spanish costs supposing that he would go away this way the danger you Spain.  

After several days of maneuver for their estrangement of the Galician coast finished collapsing to some 250 km. of the same one, The one poured of the load one of the biggest environmental catastrophes in the history of the sailing caused, so much for the quantity of liberated pollutants as for the extension of the affected area, an area understood from the north of Portugal until the lender’s of France The episode had a special incidence in Galicia, where it also caused a political crisis and an important controversy in the public opinion besides MarianoRajoy  celebrated sentence minimizing the problem saying that they escaped from the sunken ship as some small plastilina threads and like they come to the front of the country it was the right in this case the Popular Party.  

The disaster of the Prestige has been considered the third more expensive accident of the history, because the cleaning of the one poured and the one sealed of the ship they had a cost of 12 000 million dollars according to some sources, from behind of the disaster of the explosion of Chernobyl  

AND NOW THE EBOLA - he goes for before that I believe that we won't have to regret a victim I not even wait that the professionalism and the medical personnel's sacrifice and sanitarium of this country avoided it but what won't be able to avoid is the absurd ridicule of another time a more concerned government of rights in its glory that its duty of protecting to the society, because the arrival of the Ebola to Spain has been motivated by the stupid reaction of a government that he needs to be something in the international concert and as every time it is he less no longer knows what to make to get fame.  

In these circumstances the government wanted to make a heroism act and magnificence that another time can be him very expensive. To bring to two sick persons of Ebola, also in the phase of maximum infection possibility, sick that cannot also be treated, it is to play to the Russian roulette. This is one of the worst options that can take before a Nuclear, Bacteriological or Chemical threat, a Spanish military expert doctor it assures in NBQ. "When there is a case, it is not necessary to move it. We have brought ourselves to Spain the Case 0. We already have the Case 1 and it is, at the moment, without control", this veteran doctor assures. 

According to the experts, the hospital Carlos III, it is not the appropriate place to hospitalize to this type of sick, "because doesn't have protection P-4". The place of prepared Madrid for the isolation type that requires a virus like the ébola is the Center of Investigation in Animal sanity, BSL-4, of Valdeolmos, to 40 kilometers of the capital that in fact is a laboratory. This laboratory also collaborates with the Center of The Marañosa, a polygon of military experimentation of the Ministry of Defense, located in the southeast of Madrid.  

The images of the male nurses that treated the infected missionaries show that the suits didn't have autonomous breathing, among other defects. They are almost paper suits; the latex of the gloves doesn't serve. And more if roads and material so dangerous are managing, it tears them in any negligence. According to the normative ones for these cases, the whole personnel that intervened in the transfers had to have been subjected to quarantine". In fact, the appropriate procedure, according to the manual NBQ, is "never to transfer the sick person, but leaving it where it is.  

In this military expert's opinion, the whole personnel that intervened in the transfers, until the policemen that were in the motorcycles, should have passed quarantine. How much more that they were with the sick persons working in the hospital. But it is a politically very complicated decision of taking. There are not arrests to make it, but it is what they say the manuals. The supposition that one studies in them like an unstoppable threat, says that a terrorist is infected concerning ébola. It travels in an airplane to Berlin, London, Paris or Madrid. There he makes normal life, he coughs, he spits, he is related. Then he commits suicide without more. Good, because that is already impossible to stop. Here we have a sick person that was on vacation and we don't know what he will have made these days. There is not more than to add." 

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