lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011


The future government president, he has said in their investiture speech that their first objective is to change the tendency of the unemployment in our country, it is very well it is very praiseworthy but they don't understand it, or maybe they don't want to understand it, evidently the problem is serious, because one has entered in an infernal curl that doesn't have end. Spain is gotten in debt in some sustainable, but uncontrollable limits because no matter how much they try to reactivate the industry, they cannot be created as many work positions as they are required.     

The unemployment in Spain exposes it the economic crisis, but it doesn't produce it, what produces the unemployment in this country is the end of the exaggerated industry of the real estate construction that you development without control and without social, and alone foundation to attract investments and debts of bad quality, and also as on consequence of cheap work that,  and they were also put of work that they didn't specify investment some with what was very easy to bring them, the bad thing it is that now yes they generate a towering cost, and the worst thing that taken place by its employment they don't produce added value some but single debts.     

The exasperating thing is that the whole absolutely demagogic intervention, of the government's future president in their investiture, it has been centered to that everything will be guided to reduce the unemployment in Spain, it is clear that it is what they have told him that he says from Europe, or Spain is located in European levels, or they won't finance from the European community, the Spanish offense that already adds a cost of more than alone 40.000 million annual Eurus the concept of the unemployment.    

Rajoy repeats the song that the Merkel and the Sarkozy have taught him but it is out of tune totally because they don't want to see the reality, and I am for sure they have not exposed it well to Europe, for pure fear to that they toss us for impossible, I believe that Europe thinks that the unemployment in Spain has taken place for the relapse of the economy that has borne I get a stagnation of the production and the services in all europa, and they consider this way that the problem of Spain is natural, and due to this fact fixing the economy, the industries and the services will start and the unemployment was adjusted.   

What our rulers don't count them, is that in Spain more or less is the same industry that there was ten years ago that is yes that he will recover when all Europe is reactivated but that with this industry, Spain already had among a 8 y 10 % unemployment, depending more or less on the cycles productive, what they don't count is that 12 % additional of unemployed is cause of an import of cheap manpower, to make front in ten years to the speculative voracity of the real estate bubble.    

The result of which is very visible for the cities and towns of our country, many automobiles deluxe, many mansions of high standing, many ruined notaries, many architects that don't know what to make, many immigrant unemployed that have passed of entering between 2000 and 2500, Eurus a month to zero Eurus to the year, and many young people’s that changed their studies to work of plumber, bricklayer, or installer of any capable device for the comfort of a housing, to and many housings in sale that they are not sold by two reasons, one because there are not mortgages, and other because in Spain he doesn't live as much people as housings they were made.   

Some specialists speak in the topic that it would be necessary to grow to minimum rhythms 2,5% to create work positions, this says I should be a bad joke, because Spain won't get these bench marks neither joking until at least in 5 years. But it is that they also forget to say that a thing in the growth of the GDP, and another thing is the manpower necessity, that is to say of workers to use, because 5.200,000 unemployed hear they are a nonsense of workers, let us think that a correct ratio for Spain would be that is to say an unemployment of 8% we should have about 1.800,000 stopped so we must absorb 3.400,000 workers, they know that this is more than all the inhabitants of the community of Madrid, are 600 you Manufacture again as the one SEAT manufacturing things, they are 15 new Telefónica they are 15 new Spanish armies. Somebody makes a mistake or the departure figures are bad, this under the current and future conditions is impossible to get. 

The theory is also to create industries of high technology of I+D+I. I don't know as they come it the specialists, they don't possibly mean him, but these companies that are the necessary ones to go up the GDP and the competitiveness exporter and commercial, they are the antithesis of the massive use of manpower, it is necessary to say it, because the country could not support for a lot of time subsidies although they are of 400 Eurus, it is necessary to promote the emigration, it is necessary to lower the demography of the country, Spain doesn't give for 47.700,000 of inhabitants. To use more people, it is necessary work in pick employments and shovel again, it is necessary to reactivate the Mining industry, navy , high ovens manufacturing steel, and this way to go using people, don't be deceived we cannot form 3.400,000 technicians it is absurd, where we will place them. 

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