viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013


Today we are of holiday because we commemorate the day that makes 35años you confirms the great letter "The Spanish" Constitution, document for which you should govern the governability the justice the duties and the rights of the Spanish society, (including to those and the politics) I believe that seen what Spain has gotten after these 35 years, today is a day of commemoration, but celebration being never can, because frankly there is not almost anything that to take place today, don't doubt it extrapolating the general concepts to the current moment, we are worse than 35 years ago when we congratulate ourselves of approving this document that you has become in a flagstone impossible to move. 

To speak today of politics believes that it is unnecessary, we all know where we are located individually, and we also know that we live in an absolute majority that we have won ourselves for two years to pulse, when scared by the economic disaster to that I meet us the PSOE, we made what always makes the Spanish society a turn of 180 grades closing the eyes and without looking to where it takes us this turn. And we overturn everything of the setback without worrying that this produces some tremendous setbacks, because everything or almost everything recomposes again because the inertia of the turn unbalances it, and if also this coincides with which we place to the control to the successors of the ideas and the most rancid theories in the Spain previous to the constitution that today commemorates, because it is that completing the previously written thing, when rotating those damned 180 grades returns to 1978. 

Spain returning to go back from facto to the 70, the form of governing is not with the democracy that was expected from the constitution, we are being dragged by the dictatorship of most absolute perfectly valid, and with the whole legal right of exercising it, but dictatorship after all, and that evidently we have granted it to us ourselves, but this should not annul the critical sense of the Spaniards. And I don't speak alone of a part of Spain of the one that feel integral, and that it is looking for the way to try to escape from the rest, but of this rest that seems to accept a future that he will leave us much more behind of the economic and social situation in that we were in 1978. 

We go to toward less and worse public and social freedoms, we are already under worse labor conditions and of our youths' family emancipation, there is a bigger index of poverty that then, there is but social exclusion that then, there is an evident national break among Spain and Catalonia that it didn't exist then, it is necessary to pick up foods thing that it didn't happen then, and there is anything less than double stopped ones that then, in definitive there is much less future that then, and therefore I should think that there is much less Spain than then. Let us make a then of today a holiday but we don't celebrate it before meditating where we have entered. 

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