miércoles, 13 de agosto de 2014


The Catalan political world is totally afraid it is he Convergence, he is it United, and it is he ERC, the other ones don't count the backs like good Spaniards they have covered.  The lovers of the history may be remembered the celebrated and very Spanish sentence of (neither I remove neither I put king, alone I help my gentleman) marked sentence after a murder that eliminated a succession conflict to the castilla Kingdom. Well today Catalonia is full with figures, political or not that try to murder for the back the decision taken by most of the Catalan (not of the Spaniards that live in Catalonia) of seeing if you can get an independent state. 

All those that act this way surprisingly appeal to this sentence exculpatory, (but not expressed this way so clearly), they are not decisive, it is not their intention, but the circumstances seem to point that better to kill the intent because the thing this wrong, every worse time. Now one realizes that there is too much time of wait among the popular manifestation that he manifested this interest and the one carried out of the act of final rebelliousness, this has given time to that the most unthinkable characters are "helping their gentleman", killing a beautiful and civil process, I eat maybe it has never happened in the world, because up to now, the acts of independence have always been between two by means of the armed fight. 

The wisdom should not already made a mistake with the cowardice and today in the Catalan politics there is cowardice, that clear and there is her in all the politicians, he doesn't survive neither ERC neither its sibylline spokesman of in the Congress, Alfred Bosch that has insisted today in that the consultation sovereignty should take place November 9, just as prevue, the Catalan executive although the Government can make a "nonsense" to veto it, and it has appealed to the cold" "blood so that the process doesn't derail", this is very well but neither him, neither ERC, they are as Catalan Govern in front of the Spanish government, so its boasts are I almost always eat this way an action without risk the also "help to its gentleman."  

November 9 the Catalan should vote to decide that we want to make with our combined future with Spain, a political future that today nobody tastes like certain science which it will be, but that yes it seems that with the time the doubts the fear and the cowardice are being able to with the class that should act with an accustomed to posture immovable and without any fear to what can or it can pass them, but it is not they don't doubt this way more it. 

It united it is internally completely outside of the project, alone he holds back for a cigar of shame and fear to that their true posture removes him the few votes that he has left. Convergence tolerates because he doesn't have more remedy than to try to save its survival like party for the future one and more after the favor that Jordi Puyol has made us to all the Catalan. ERC is an I authenticate left pirate that is attentive to the possible boarding for if it leaves well, to see that it takes out, and there is not but, all the other parties already have more than undoubtedly them alone they "helped its gentleman" but when they have clear that Mister it is. 

Among so much the Catalan of on foot our position is to vote peacefully on the future of Catalonia to know that one can make. And if the Spanish Government is willing to make an atrocity to impede it, this provocation won't deviate us of our central objective, but however, if the Catalan political forces don't face it costs to discovered face what costs the Spanish government, they will have killed Catalonia forever, they have it clear or we continue playing to the game of the hiding place. 

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