sábado, 16 de agosto de 2014


"How many today? ". does The question bounce among the 920 military of the Italian Marina that patrol the Mediterranean, barrier that África of Europe separates, do they sight pateras and barges loaded with immigrants and do they transfer them in its frigates and corvettes to earth. The computation grows to guard's change: from January until last Wednesday had arrived in Italy 100.047 foreigners without papers, most of Eritrea, Syria, Pakistan, Senegal, Libya and Sudan of the south. In the last two days they arrived other 1.495. Two of them died. 

That spent yesterday in the Italian costs but all you know that the same or more step and it passes to newspapers in the costs of Spain or in the barrier of Melilla. The two affected countries clamor to the UE but this he doesn't make them neither I marry, because it is that he is not able to neither he should make anything and I don't want to pass for insensitive saying this it is that we are making a paper that doesn't correspond us and we don't want to find out for questions of false political and social morals what is happening he doesn't get ready picking up fugitives of the sea or hitting them blows in the frontier of Ceuta and Melilla, the problem is solved putting peace and work in the equatorial and sub-Saharan Africa it is only that simple.   

I imagine that many of you will be thinking that that already knows it that it stops this it is not necessary that he writes any article but my answer is clear if they know it because they continue accepting the real fact because they continue supporting and almost forcing the government from Spain and of Italy to that supports a great responsibility and pressure, or it is that you don't realize what this supposes. It is not alone a humanitarian question is that behind there are all some ethical obligations that neither Spain neither Italy can complete if this is not braked you know for example that in the unemployment numbers these people are not counted and they are not deceived or that they don't deceive them there are millions. 

The costs for our pockets of this situation are enormous because it is not to give an euro to an African poor person sat down in the sidewalk of a street requesting charity it is not that it is that mafias are mounted that they extort them that they make them work for anything that that evidently ribbon the Spanish wages of some works to the range of charity, it is that he forces us to give them sanitary services for humanity that he makes more difficult to maintain our sanity included pensions in that they organize them salespersons' of thousands of false articles works with what they steal us to all three times, to the client to many, to the merchants, and to the state, and I no longer want to speak of the prostitution forced many rescued women because he gives me shame and now I tell them we are really making an act of human charity. 

This should finish and it should finish with the turn of the colonization of Africa it is necessary take on the part of europa the government of all these suppliers of terrorists again, suicides, prostitutes to the force, in a word people spoiled by the simple one made of having been born where they have been born. Because all this passes them because their countries are in hands of inhuman beasts that with some hundred of savages with a machete the less ones or with a Kalashnikov the most fortunate are devoted to kill and to toss to their siblings of blood he stops this way to have them not a work or a house but the possibility of to violate and to kill to their pleasure while their gentleman is filled their pockets with the few dollars that he steals an and another time to his town which steals it to us through the official helps settled down for another clear thing it is. 

This is the reality the problem it is that when this situation step in the south of the united states already enough years ago they reached the conclusion that the best solution was to install the companies and works that came to make to the USA and to avoid this way the avalanches of illegal immigrants, they stopped it enough but not completely the mafias changed product and the drug began and the continuous one is about slaves but the thing went to much less. This europa cannot make it because already for if alone officially they have 12 % unemployment the real one it will be being about 20% so alone it would lack that begins to take toward Africa companies and several factories if makes this way it after ten year we would be us those that we would jump to the sea Mediterranean to cross it in south address. It is not this today in day the solution, alone I see a to invade all these territories and colonize them another time, although it seems very exaggerated it is not at all it stops to think it a little I assure them that the millions of dead futures will thank it to us alone it is question of reestablishing what they don't know to make “TO BE GOVERNED AND TO RESPECT” it is still that simple. 

In the siglo19 the capitalism and the industrial revolution settled in Europe and they needed to expand in search of regions that provided those materials and merchandises species and several products. The colonialism that acted without any doubt as development doctrine appeared this way. Africa was a territory which could provide matters cousins for Europe, appearing necessary business in time of the industrial revolution. The bad thing was that there was not unification of social interests but rather the Europeans were limited to direct those countries like production factories well this the sin that should not repeat was but it cannot refuse that the economic and social growth of those countries grew I never eat more he has made it and when they tossed us or we left its road it has been the total collapse. 

It is necessary to return to avoid that they are tossed above and not alone for fear but because I believe that we owe it to him we believe there, with them, railroad nets, highways, mining, let us look for petroleum, gas, etc. etc. doesn't stop our exclusive use as we made in the past but for all we put peace and law although it costs to impose them martially but for god love we stop this and if we don't know how to make it we ask to the Chinese as balls they have made it in its Africa to the south of the cancer tropic  

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