lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015


It will be difficult that I don't enter in a field of mines when writing this article, but it is that I no longer can more than to denounce the imbecile and stupid that are our politicians and representatives from the society Catalan calls to themselves independents, takes this question, as if is playing in the PlayStation a departure of a game call As to get the independence and not to lose some how many feathers in the road. It is ridiculous the attitude of the Catalan independents, I fear myself that Spain can be calm we already take care us of making the imbecile for both. 

Somebody should explain to the politicians of CDC of ERC of ANC of Omnium Cultural and other voluntary and sympathetic partners of one or another organization that they forget that that up to now were making, the political being finished off right of left civic or cultural organization, in the moment that they have lifted the flag of the independence they are all independents and naturally political, because it is this way like they seek to get it making political and with the biggest dose of possible democracy  

But of there to be thrown stones to their roof to see if they sink it he goes a great distance of patriotic common sense and independent. They didn't maybe know that in the years of government of the autonomy of Catalonia, there has been and there is possibly, a lot of hidden shit, is that all the politicians and the social agents have been born today. But this that is not a disaster by no means, it cannot put in danger the main objective that is the independence and he is not able to neither it should, because the ethical political circumstances and of government to those that want to arrive, will be other very different to those that have given ourselves up to now, so in my opinion or we let that the shit rots our behind or if we want it to us to take on the back it also infected us in the independence, that clear. 

If the future that he waits for us to those that we want to be Catalan independent it will be continuing lifting suspicions, continuing denouncing the honesty or the politico’s effectiveness, or the institution last, better to stay as where we are that at least here and now with all our possible shit, we are much cleaner that the politics and the Spanish politicians, so if it is this the game that we want Alive Spain because she covered us our miseries. 

It already happened to us in the last elections when it was accused Artur Mas of having bills in Swiss with thousands of millions of doubtful origin, I believe that it was already spoken of the famous 3%, at the end we made the game we speak and we speak of it and what was a lie orchestrated by a real government, their ministry of the interior, their police and the whole national press, I pass to possibly cost most of a Catalan government that didn't interest Madrid, and that surprisingly neither it interested the Catalan politicians. 

And are we already another time, a lot of list unitary and a lot of transversal, but before another moved of the national government of the same order that the one of we have been in the same starting point for some years… And if they are right?, because wing to see if we take out him profit, to see if we collapse to Artur Mas so that Oriol Junqueras sends, or to see if Omnium lags behind and is not it sprinkled completely for if we lose the independence and the dignity, at least don't lose the partners and the official grants and the same thing the ANC, do they neither want to plant face to the facts, do they continue being of the purest Spanish style, with that that when the river sounds water it takes what shame that disgust of political and of associations, won't you take us to the independence, will you take us to the jail like we neglect ourselves, do I speak clear or do they need more clarity. 

That they were thought that it was to undertake a challenge of independence, they really know it, I believe that not, this and has made more than to begin of here at the 27S the most probable thing is that you order them of registration, the imputations of grafts of funds of political of span, of mayors, of managers tune to the catalane, and even the trial opening to Artur Mas, I see them becoming effective day in and day also and this way up to the 27S, where evidently we will arrive rotten because the days we will have spent examining us to ourselves as much as he has stolen Mas, as much as CDC that made Pujol, how many positions they are applied to its family etc. etc… 

When we have lost the independence and the elections we will realize that everything was false that there was not because to worry between other things because the objective was not that, the objective it was other but we will already have forgotten the… Indepen…. that. Not if to me what it cared was to leave "president" and to me I is already well of canceller, if it is that we were not prepared to be independent, this costs a lot and Spain would not leave us calm and the UE that will say and they would remove us the euro and… turn to begin. 

I don't know if there is or not 3% but that that if you, is that if there is him it is because in the circumstances to those that we go back should have him, because we are not incautious who paid to the parties, to their organizations, how many partners and that quotas had, how many Catalan or Spaniards gave contributions to the parties, if what they looked for was favors and work if he was necessary to pay, it was paid it would lack more, and how many work thanks to this. 

Because they are thought the intimidated politicians now and full with doubts and suspicious some of other that the society wants the independence, because we want it to be able to finish with all this, if it is that there was him, so that more plots don't come out "Palau" so that it is not necessary to camouflage funds to make political, so that there is clarity cleaning in a new clean and democratic nation, when we are independent, time will separate who doesn't deserve trust, or to the one that got lost after the influences of the capital, but today this cannot continue this way, today the politicians must be a pineapple, because the objective is not to insult or to doubt of this or that, it is to make a new nation or they don't understand it. 

I don't request that more than we make deaf hearings now to all the problem it is other, it is not necessary to deny neither to request explanations of anything they will already make it the judges if they are true what we cannot continue making it is to begin to request us explanations of something that first it is necessary to prove and if they prove it we will already take the opportune measures to be able to be being independent.   

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