As it is said in the movies of trials when a lawyer or district attorney puts the paw in a question and then she wants to give you goes behind, the judge always responds "The I sit down you have opened the door there is not well place to the protest" allows me Mr. Fernández Ordoñez that makes of judge and he tells him: you have opened the door in their appearance in the I Circulate of Economy taken place in Barcelona, you have begun to say on labor regulations, accusing them partly of being guilty of the exaggerated unemployment of Spain 21% and the worst thing, it is that he/she has not made mention of the regulation of Banks and financial that requires this country, and that that if it is of their responsibility and you don't condition them labor.
Alone I mention the disastrous behavior of the boxes of savings, threatening and very well by the way, to the possible mandatory award of those but disobedient, well I find well, but let us continue revising the way of our and of their wrongs. You have to regulate the laws and the forms of work of the banking and the finances of Spain, and I have not still seen any regulation, unless that yes that those that he forces him to attack the BCE. The banks and boxes now, they have rushed to the vertiginous one on the way to the deposits of high yield. Luck that Mrs. Salgado has put the scream in the sky, and he tried to break it demanding to the entities that want to make it, more capital with that than it seeks to break them, Mr. Ordoñez, I ask me, is not his thing to authorize and to order the actions of the Banks of this country.
This action begun by the banking is tremendously dangerous, if it is continued by this road, forget the reactivation, of the GDP of the country, and of reducing the unemployment. If I can put enormous quantities from money to 5% without any risk, so that I will invest in: you manufacture, business, bag, investment funds, that is to say, in everything that that produces wealth if but that I can have risk and to win total one or two percentage points more, it is that you have become crazy, or that. As you it does seek to activate the country, fomenting the saving or fomenting the consumption and the investment, because authorized deposits to 5% anything won't reactivate alone the asset of the banks will increase, because you think, so that they want the money the Banks? Or to cover their holes and here he/she does die, or to lend it and if it leaves of a cost of 5% to what price do they have to lend it? A country is not reactivated this way.
So you have opened the door, you neither he/she can neither he/she knows what to make regarding the position that occupies with that which we are prepared because you should also be the governments of the Nation independent total, you should mark the guidelines for the economic reactivation, you should demand that the results of the Stress test of the banks and boxes fact were already and in their table and you he/she should already know who is well and who not and not to wait to that the BCE tells it to him through the institutions of Brussels because when them of they say it will be late as always Spain it arrives late and bad to all parts.
Regulate, legislate procedures, anti financial crisis, make that the money the little one that we have it circulates, restring severely the funds to the directive of the banking, to those that give lost take off them, and if it is necessary levies them the goods obtained by work and grace of their bad professional executorships, be devoted to travel for Europe and the world giving signs that Spain is solvent that its Bank of Spain, guarantees a clarity of the bills of the assets financial etc. AND don't hide and speak in the center of economy of the labor legislation, clearing is that perhaps you don't know how to face with the market.
And now I will explain to him what it passes with the unemployment in Spain so that you know it and take note for the next conference that he/she has to give. You look at the unemployment of 21 current% it cannot be lowered he/she has transformed in systemic chronic until it changes the demographic cycle of this country or that the young Spaniards understand that the world doesn't finish in Spain and leave where there are possibilities to be created a future, and look that I don't say a future better simply. The unemployment in Spain is question of two imbalances one: The expansion of a too quick wealth and based on a single production element that absorbs a lot of manpower, the industry of the Construction and two: The delocalization of the industrial systems of low added value and of high manpower use, toward the emergent countries.
In Spain the first thing was the you hoist that they didn't allow to see the forest to our extraordinary rulers and economists that didn't see but there of their noses and the hands were rubbed growing without stopping in loans, immigrants, construction companies that were alone many companies of name because they didn't have neither insoles neither anything of anything, unite they subcontracted to other and he/she comes happiness, economic and real estate until I exploit the bubble damned bubble and everything you unemployment and he left to the companies they disappeared the tremendous salaries they disappeared the money it disappeared and they were the alone debts the debts and five millions of stopped.
And this quantity of stopped is impossible to reactivate them Mr. Ordoñez and Unions no matter how much they want it is not question of labor regulations neither of reducing discharges to discuss for this reason it is absurd, to discharge cheap or expensive, first it is necessary to have workers to discharge, and they are no longer hard-working that that more there is they are stopped. And neither we will solve it with the increases of the GDP that if the 1,3 that if the 2 or 3 percent this doesn't have to do with the occupation in Spain if in other countries where they have an industrial fabric that in the crisis you makes drowsy but that it is there, here the industry that occupied manpower has disappeared completely and although our GDP ascends it will ascend by means of new companies that they billed a lot but with very little manpower that won't be able to absorb the unemployment ratios that probably oscillated between the 18 and 21% unless a great labor mass it leaves our country.
The new technologies that give a lot of money use a lot of less people that the construction an office in the complex 22 @ that you implants in Barcelona with alone 15 or 20 people invoice more than 10 manufacturers with 150 workers between peons and bricklayers, painting Personal etc. of direct work no longer says the indirect effect, makers of white Line, elevators, that is to say auxiliary companies, alone today new companies that can open up step between the new technologies and this squatter very little manpower work. So now to worry for if he liberates discharge, or for labor reconciliation and all that is as putting the car before the oxen.
It is necessary to have more imagination, we cannot lose time in seeing the you hoist, it is necessary to go directly to the forest, our big companies have already made it, all will have made fortune outside of our frontiers, they come it, I don't tell it the big agents they say it of: Telefónica, Bank Santander, Bank BBVA, Zara, Mango ACS, Repsol, FCC, Roca, and a long etc. Maybe a solution would be that in some way, puts under an obligation to these companies to that in its delegations abroad, they had the obligation of using a certain number of Spanish workers, because it is evident that Spain doesn't give for more.
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