With all that is falling above
the European society, I believe that it is moment of to be planted once and for
all and to demand to our political professionalism at least, we cannot continue
allowing our well to be and economic future, to some inapt ones political that
besides underselling our patrimonies because they don't know how to treat the
macroeconomics and the finances, don't worry about guiding our steps toward a
more good, more free, more fair, more balanced life, easier of living, and
Do I believe that in these
moments the politician has lost his north, and has he gotten lost in a tangle
of numbers and foundations that he ignores completely, possibly hounded by a
reality that he didn't wait or didn't it prevent that is what I happen, the
politics it is a thing and is the economy other and do I understand that many
times him one is opposed to the other thing that means for a politician that
its town its alive society well, this happy one, votes him another time, do
respect him, do admire him, do these questions make them to him the
politicians? Or they simply worry about leaving elects in the urns (I refer to
the democrats) because other not even that.
I fear myself that for the
current European politicians, to those that include the Spaniards, all would
respond us that their ideal is that money doesn't miss the town to spend and to
pay taxes, but none would wonder as getting it, of where to take out the money,
so that its town dedicates it to live well, to not passing penuries, to spend
it and with it to start the state of the good to be. This situation is the one
that has taken the economic descontrol to the European society and almost to
the whole western society, this has happened because the politicians have
interfered in the economy, without knowing their laws and their behaviors, when
they have been had to face to the competitiveness and the productivity of the
emergent economies, they have not known neither to recognize it first neither
to correct it later.
Here the problem, the
politician resides it is not contemplated likewise as servant of the town, the
political today it considers that the town is to serve him in its ends, and its
ends are to leave reelected him or its political party, to make sure this way
its economic status and of system of life, the politician sits down it a lot,
he has strayed of his basic function, the service to the society. Now it is not
easy all this we already see it, the economy mixes with the political one or
vice versa he gives me same, and they get dirty both, none of two is already what should be, and we see this way
that they meet those that should be the specialists in economy to digress
reformations or rescues or economic fire walls, and the following day the
politicians they leave and they disassemble everything.
And this doesn't happen alone
in this address, also on the contrary, the first minister meet, (those
considered political) they plan measures to implant in economy and in the
finances, and the following day the economists disassemble them, because they
are impossible to sustain or to carry out, and this it is the situation, the
most fragrant case it is Greece. The politicians want to save her, the
economists say that I eat, the politicians begin to concoct rescue funds and
other monetary elements, the economists tell them that of where they will take
out the money of this funds, the political, they meet this time in adult again
I number, and instead of giving another solution that they make it is to
increase more the amount of what the economists have said that there is not,
and we take this way more than two years.
And the problem continues,
today I read textually - BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The leaders of the area euro will
make a decision in March on a reinforcement of the available resources to make
in front of the debt crisis and not in the summit of this week, the president
of the European Commission, José Barroso said. In the summit of March 1-2, it
was foreseen that the leaders of the area euro thought about to combine the
resources of the existent bottom of the area euro with those of the permanent
bottom to create a fire walls of about 750.000 million Eurus. The commitment
existed of looking at the readiness of the resources for a fire wall in March
again. So I wait, and I am sure that during March, the states of the area euro
will look at it and they will make a decision", it expressed Muddy in a
conference in Brussels.
We are already another time
and the umpteenth one goes, the political ones or they don't know or the
economists don't want or none of both knows that it is necessary to make, or
what is worse, neither some neither the other ones can make what they wanted to
make to arrive to a solution, that which is what I fear myself. It seems that
they won't take now decisions in this European Council (March 1 and 2), also
because the implementation of the program in Greece is taking its first steps
and neither they have it very clear what will happen.
But in definitive and after
this long exhibition, my mistrust is increased because I continue without
seeing political positions, I continue seeing only economic concern and it is
not that he denies it at all, what I don't like is that the politicians are
imbued exclusively in the pure and hard economy, because then who thinks in the
rest who thinks in how to reconstruct the occupation, the reactivation of the
production, the society today this kidnapped, and tried as a machine of where
to take out money, so that the economies work and it is not this way, it is the
economy the one that should surrender so that people the society on the whole
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