lunes, 27 de febrero de 2012


The economy of Spain this behaving in a disastrous way, and the worst thing is that it is their evolution of very difficult projection. Which will be the development to short of the situation, this it is the question without answer, it is not normal that recently carried out government's total change that supposes a change also of political tendency toward the most conservative form in the classic right and Spanish centrist, the most favorable economic forces to meet more to comfortable with the change, don't react for any side in these moments I don't believe that nobody discusses me that the government is more alone than the one. 

Undoubtedly the blame is his I noticed it is not necessary to run government for he studies it analyzes and it acts but not the government of the PP began the house with the roof and I also tie in the beams the rope to hang, week after week Friday after Friday the government has wanted to make see that he worked a lot and laws and weekly reformations that none has given any result has rushed: the contention of the deficit, was erroneous because the valuation of the quantity doesn't square with the reality, the bank reformation another disaster takes not spoken you already from when and it has concluded the date of the possible performances and there is not anything concrete, neither Bankia neither the saving bank have been neither so at least reason of coalition rumors, the banks to his accumulating debt with the BCE. The bank of Spain neither help a lot that we say neither it proposes anything neither it watches over anything neither it fixes anything. 

De Guindos he goes making Show Rooms for the living rooms where they invite him, explaining their good intentions thing that to my view it is still more harmful than beneficial, because the only thing that makes is to go pressing the rope to the neck of the Spanish economy, giving bill to everybody who wants to hear him of what wants, but he cannot make, because that is what is of their explanations and theories exposed in Davos in the ECOFIN in Mexico and there where are. 

The fattest in the government's miscues although they try to paint it of pink color it is the law of the labor reformation, this such law and like the things are it doesn't serve but that to give revolutionary arguments to the opposition and the unions, which have not lost time in arguing the inefficacies of the law, the government runs too much as a celebrated character he said for his not well Castilian one the government he goes as chickens without head. Before the labor reformation, the government should have marked some lines of reactivation of the productivity in Spain, although that has required sovereign, first more debt it assures some labor reactivation, then sacks labor reformation and then if one has seen positive effects, because the law is good if it can work, but savage and bad if alone it is good to discharge but an but cheap. 

In short the government he is making it very bad, it is well to the white that he is a government of political old and sleepless that they don't understand of global economy, and they act in an exclusively political way, we will throw initiatives like crazy, so that our voters see that we work a lot, and frankly if they continue this way the more they make worse they will make it, I am already trembling because it lacks the law of laws that is to say the national budget with which were judged outside, and with the one that we will live or to survive here inside. 

Less bad than at the moment if there are some numbers that leave to the central government, they are the ten points that par excellence make Leader to the team of Spain, the Real Madrid, that yes they have gotten it in less than two months something it is something. 

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