concern on the Spanish youth's unemployment not alone it is a factor that is
given in this country, in many others of Europe the percentage of young 18/30
years it is above the stocking of unemployment of the europa of the euro,
evidently not in the proportions of Spain, but enough alarming so that their
reading in passing to a dangerous reality that should be corrected by the
governments of the union.
the half index of unemployment in europa is of 10.2% it surprises that the
juvenile index or rather of workers smaller than 30 years bends in many
countries, and arrive until incredible figures in Spain where almost he
quintuples, but let us review some unemployment indexes facilitated today in an
article published in The Vanguard, Greece has 46.6%; Italy 31%; Portugal to
30.8%; Ireland 29%; France 23.8% and as last example United Kingdom 22%, the
first thing that comes off is that the biggest young unemployment coincides
with the economies more weak of the euro area, and it also happens in the very
crazy economy of the United Kingdom.
verification what demonstrates is that what it lacks is industrial or labor
activity for blame of the brutal recession of the national economies, the
recession acts against the budgetary deficits and the sovereign debts from the
states when decaying the consumption and the activity, they fall the sources of
revenues for the public country properties, and with the same intensity, it
attacks to the labor market that doesn't grow and in many cases it falls like
it happens in Spain.
this happens the map of the unemployment he concentrates on two clear ends,
those bigger than 50 years and those smaller than 30 years, this effect doesn't
produce it the labor regulations in vigor, or the adults or smaller salaries,
it is a question of quantity of workers that the labor market absorbs or he
needs says it like want.
the labor market he decreases, the companies and the employers don't need to
incorporate more personal, and in this state the insoles are stabilized in
number, so it happens the following statistical effect, the thick of a work
insole in a labor market in a normal stage, with growths of 2.5/3% GDP, it
embraces workers of between 25 and 60 years, when this growth gets lost and he
even withdraws, the labor insoles have to lose weight, and they lose weight for
the tips there is not another way, the companies stop to hire future (young
workers) and they come off of the expensive experience (bigger workers).
are not secrets, there is not any cause hidden in Spain or other countries that
he makes that they are not hired young, it is simply that we are in recession,
and even the hardest agents of personal, try to center the few forces that they
have left to maintain the central area of their insoles, where they also
concentrate the parents of families on construction, and the stocking of the
wages, it is always thought that a bigger worker maybe can receive their
children's help or of the state, and the youth still has to their parents and
force or value to be looked for other roads.
things are but natural that that the politicians and unions want to make see to
be made be worth themselves, but that they don't deceive us, what it is
necessary to make the to reactivate the economy and to be stopped to get dizzy
the partridge, with demagogic and incoherent measures, the circumstances are to
analyze them with cause knowledge and with common sense, sew that apparently it
misses the new politicians and economists completely that alone they play to
publish and to prepare theories that as always alone they are good to explain
because they are not good for anything.
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