I believe that it should not
be left he stops later thinking of the Independence of Catalonia, because it is
clear that the Spanish political centralism after destroying for decades the
Spanish economy, now wants to fix it to coast of reunifying the revenues to pay
its outrages and to maintain with deficit of the 1.3 and growths of 3% of the
GDP in the capital of Spain, and to leave everything the rest in vassalage
situation and subordination, and the worst thing is not alone that, is that it
will also toss us the blame of everything, until that we are like we are, and
that I don't understand it.
I understand this way that to
the conclusions to those that it is necessary to arrive urgently, is to begin
to analyze that it would mean for Catalan people, the Independence, because if
not, we will never know if one must go for this road, or for the one that Spain
wants. Mr. Mas (president of Catalonia) understands me, so with its permission
and with the biggest simplicity that it is capable; I will outline some aspects
to keep in mind to request the independence.
First he would be necessary to
leave very undoubtedly it is not any "war" of the independence or of
secession, we simply want to recover our personality and our history so old as
the Castilian and but that the Spaniard, and to make it in a completely
bloodless, free way and bureaucratically. Before beginning anything, it should
be studied if the community Europe would allow the constitution of a new
country, in fact already it has begun him to ask Mr. Rajoy, I suppose that its
serious answer that this should be approved and negotiated for and with Spain.
If was we could begin this way the negotiations and the pertinent civil
actions, the first one of course serious a popular consultation by means of
vote that is to say an official Referendum.
Nevertheless before this act,
he would be necessary to explain some things so that people of Catalonia know that
I would mean to be Independent. We go to for it, the first thing that is to say
that the official mechanics is quite simple, he doesn't have more than some
negotiations with regard to the valuations of the goods of the on state to the
service of the Catalan community and as recouping to the Spanish state its
value, because many would stay here, and in a very solemn place and with great
pomp, to sign the Independence is that simple, because there are not
capitulations neither winners neither conquered, it is an agreement like among
a marriage without children that he gets divorced nothing else.
The since mechanics is simple,
but the repercussions have its crumb, let us see Spain and rather the
Spaniards, would get angry a lot, because its paper would be like in the
marriages the enraged lover, so the serious reaction of now truth! And the
obstacles would be many but nothing else that that tantrums.
The first great problem would
be like he combines the coexistence among families that are largely related
between Catalan and Spaniards and that they reside part of them in both sides,
this even happens in the most primary step and base of the family, that is to
say between husband and woman, between father and mother and children. For me
this it is the most delicate point but neither have I seen him as a matter in
salvable, like we have left clear that there is not confrontation, there is the
whole freedom of opting for the nationality that is wanted.
So the family that wants to continue
being Spanish, because anything is Spanish that they live and they work in
another country that would be Catalonia, it will be necessary to negotiate
their taxes that were paid here as they make it now for example a French that
he lives and work in Barcelona. And of course the one that doesn't want to
continue in the new since country is free of leaving to the one that considers
his with all right, but always for own decision.
And to the Catalan as it would
affect us, because the first thing is that we would lose the champion Barça of
everything, because clearing won't play the soccer of Spain, I don't believe
that they left us, so the Barça would become a team of half level, as a team of
Belgium or Denmark, it would be necessary to highlight but in Basketball and
the sports of less presupposed and that you plays in Catalan suspenders. We
should get used to see the cinema in original version because they would not
bend movies to the alone Catalan for seven million spectators, we would not see
tele5 neither antenna maybe 3 neither the 6 neither TVE, etc. Probably if
Channel + because it is here of payment, and that tradition we will never lose
it, I refer to the one of paying for everything.
We would suffer some months a
boycott of our primary products, but this would not affect for anything,
because today there are many products that neither it is known from where they
come, also the same as I pass in their time with the one it digs, he spends
soon and people from Spain are not silly and what interests them the they buy
again and to use, the good thing of this is that to us I would not affect us,
because we would have all the Spanish products to our service for that of the
free European market of which we would be part and the Catalan character is not
excluding it is simply Catalan.
The tourism would grow
formidably, first for the novelty and the gratuitous publicity that the
tabloids and foreign means of information would make us, explaining the fact of
the independence of a small country but full with attractiveness of all class,
beaches cities, Romanic, Gaudi, mountains, snow, etc. This would allow to rush
the airport from the Prat to the intercontinental traffic, because the serious
Prat our entirely, since we will have bought the aliquot part of its value, the
same as the ports and all the other important infrastructures, maybe then if we
would rot he makes the rail Corridor of the Mediterranean once and for
Is the change economically
difficult I recognize it; would they allow us to continue in the euro? Of good
to first, I believe that if since the parameters of GDP and debt improve. Would
this fact bear I get the possible exit of Catalonia of the banks national
Spaniards? I believe that not at all, they won't leave a business as which
Catalonia would generate. It would be necessary to create that if the BCC the
Central Bank of Catalonia, but good with some directive of the Caixa and of the
Bank Sabadell goes had more than enough.
Finally to say that I don't
believe that the big companies installed in Catalan floor left, rather on the
contrary, because evidently the labor and tax conditions should not put on to
the height of those that enjoy the small countries of Europe, of the Spanish
ones and bigger companies that those that are, forgot the new technologies have
also left lately already but we should not worry, because Telefónica and the
other operators will continue here, charmed of the life, there would not be for
our part I repeat once again some. People when he hears independence, he is
come to the memory the war of independence with France the wars of the Balkans
etc. And it is not that, it is simply between two a friendly divorce countries
that have stopped to be wanted, I would say that since they died the Reyes
Mariano's Government Rajoy
among so much we leave it thinking, he wants to agree in the breast of the
European Union an answer common of the countries members in front of the
secessionist movements as the one outlined recently in Scotland, with high
origin between the Basque nationalists and Catalan. As they confirm to sources
of the Government, Spain will begin diplomatic administrations with its
European allies, looking for the complicity of countries like the United
Kingdom and France, to "clarify in what situation they would be the
territories separated" from the States members.
Well as he told him at the
beginning Mr. Mas I believe that we should begin to study from our side the same
thing that is trying to discover Rajoy, because otherwise it happened as
always, the wisdom killed the opportunity.
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