It can no longer hide but,
Spain breaks hopelessly and the society has to take conscience of it, because
it is evident that the government from Spain doesn't think it to fix neither to
explain but just the opposite to continue entangling the things, simply because
it is the own one causing of the breakage, the figures of all that looks at you
are included the quantity of defrauders, I don't know if it is it so much the
defrauded quantity because I eat they never clarify it you go that is, and I
already tell them me that this is unrecoverable of not varying our economic
system, of state and of general honesty. But this time I won't only make stress
in the economy but in the politics in the society of the state and in the
democratic politics of Spain.
Today we continue being
surprised of the political corruption and it is as if suddenly finds out that
this exists, my god that happens to us, this is our bread of every day for
already years in the Spanish politics, always I would say, and they are not
alone the CCAA the broth of cultivation of the corruption, because this is an
invention of ago alone about 35 years, but in what country we live that passes
us, in Franco's time the corruption was very superior, maybe less popular
because among other things it was selective, spoilt and protected of the public
view, in fact he didn't escape from the political structure of the
The CCAA is not the
cultivation broth of corrupt these they were already in Spain, they are that if
a good tool to prevaricate and to corrupt but the cultivation broth of corrupt
and prevaricators, is not others that the political parties, the national
politics and mainly the managerial world that comes from a culture of the
political influences more than of the inventive one and the popular
Spain won't be able to fix
this situation until it recognizes it and it changes it, but not alone in its
economy but in its own state structure, its political system and for it should
reform it up and down its Constitution. And this is in fact what already tries
to avoid the PP the PSOE and their governments for some years, and the worst
thing is that they don't lack supports of other parties, and public and private
organizations because the corruption in Spain, is almost as an acquired right
on the part of the governments, political, and oligarchies.
In Spain a very curious
situation happens with regard to the corruption and it is that we don't know
how to see him the wrong that it causes and I believe that this justifies my
theory in this country they hide benefits to the office one works in black
accountings they are taken you bend he pays without IVA, hours and extra works
are made without declaring, etc. etc. like minimum since I have memory and I
have more than 70 years, and this is made at all the levels from rulers,
political, managers, autonomous, tradesmen, workers, etc. and this cannot be
nothing else that for a fact that has become habit, and that they don't doubt
it is considered a common act the one that today one is speaking so much of it,
it is not for the act in if neither for the intention of changing the things,
but because it is using for a political end we don't deceive ourselves.
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