Be like be the result of the Scottish referendum about
the independence, it is evident that the structural changes that he should make
the UE will hurry. Europe is changing as the flow of power goes away or it
breaks in the old nations that compose it already loosening negative reactions
in some places. I have commented other times that Europe is a continent, don't
unite nation, and I believe that this it is the main reef with which the
founders of the UE didn't count, maybe it was because they were still few,
maybe because they had just been killed to thousands toward some years, they
gave for good that the best thing would be to unite, but they didn't make it,
let us don't deceive ourselves, they simply joined.
A "yes" of the Scotsmen to separate England
after 307 years of union will cause a political earthquake and he will open the
appetite for the self-government in Catalonia and Flanders. If they opt for the
"no", the British Government has promised to give more powers to
Edinburgh, with probable repercussions in Wales and Ireland of the North.
Besides encouraging Catalonia, be like be, the precedent of a plebiscite on the
self-determination will remove some foundations in the continent. It is already
evident that the Spanish Government can have difficulties to tolerate the
public pressure in Catalonia to impede that this prosperous region of almost
7,5 million inhabitants - bigger than some countries of the UE - he doesn't
vote -.
The Guerra Fries that it continued at the end of the
II world war it froze the map of Europe during a generation. But from the fall
of the Wall of Berlin, new states have arisen; other old ones have reappeared -
in a bloody way in the Balkans, peacefully in the Baltic one. In many European
countries, the regions have gone winning to be able to expense of the central
Government, like it happened in Spain in the years 70. The globalization and
the integration of the European Union are partly responsible for untying a
battle among centrifugal and centripetal forces that it is far from being
Countries that fought to each other today during
centuries share currency, an area where you can travel without passport, and
unique market with free movement of citizens, capital, products and services
and a series of norms adopted jointly. To seek that this alone unification is
material is impossible because behind each europa inhabitant there is an
identity that is not for each one the same one, in the same way that it happens
in the UE this phenomenon it also happens in the "nations" that today
forms it.
The nationalists find it difficult, like it showed the
wide support to the parties anti europa in United Kingdom, France, Austria and
Holland in the elections to the European Parliament of this year. A former
imperial power as United Kingdom accustomed to struggle with their own seas
today he has to negotiate the fishing captures in long negotiations in
Brussels. The European countries have become that that the British diplomat and
of the UE Robert Cooper describes as postmodern" "states, sharing
part of its sovereignty and this has not assimilated it none of them.
"The European Union is a very developed system so
that it is admitted by national structures so old and that they feel superior
very above the European unit the nations should give up its past to adapt to a
true UNION, each nation or country mainly the biggest they consider each
directive European an inherence in the national matters. His or of the other
one, let us speak of beers or of sauces", Cooper wrote in its book of 2003
"The Breaking of Nations". That has transformed the national
frontiers into less important and outlined demands of citizens that they want
more democratic control at level sub national but exercised by a control supranational.
The UE has been the catalyst of many of these changes,
but not always the solution. A European Committee of the Regions created in the
years 90 to give to the authorities local and regional voice in Brussels only
supposed to already add another expensive institution to those existent in the
block, without being able to real. "The committee of the regions is a
total failure. If you are not a state, you cannot put your topics in the
calendar of the UE", a former representative said of one of the regions
with more autonomy of Europe.
The big European regions as the German Leander and Catalonia,
maintain offices of the size of embassies in Brussels to promote their
interests, to assure funds of investment of the UE and to lobby as regards
legislation. The movements of independence of Catalonia and Scotland come the
European unit as a form from escaping from the yoke of the national
governments. They want to have their own seat in the table of the UE, clipping
middlemen in London and Madrid.
The economic crisis that began in 2008 has accelerated
the forces of the decentralization and the regionalism in Europe, exacerbating
conflicts of resources among rich and poorer regions. The voters in Scotland
and who want to make it in Catalonia more separatists they have become partly
to protest against the politicians of austerity imposed by the elites political
nations to those that their disconnect of the citizens is criticized of on foot
and the national imbalances that this cause.
This won't get ready until the nations, winners say in
the II world Guerra, don't stop to feel superiors some to other and that alone
a federal European union could solve it, if you doesn't reach this conclusion
soon, the UE has the counted months because the internal pressures as that of
Scotland and that of Catalonia, but the intervention of Russia in its desire of
destabilizing the UE to win protagonist in the European continent, will finish
breaking the fragile political and mainly economic balance of the UE
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